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The Investigator understands and hereby accepts the responsibility to comply with the standards and requirements stipulated in the above documents and to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects involved in research conducted under this Agreement. The Investigator will comply with all other applicable federal, international, state, and local laws, regulations, and policies that may provide additional protection for human subjects participating in research conducted under this agreement. The Investigator will abide by all determinations of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) designated under the above FWA and will accept the final authority and decisions of the IRB, including but not limited to directives to terminate participation in designated research activities. The Investigator will complete any educational training required by the Institution and/or the IRB prior to initiating research covered under this Agreement. The Investigator will report promptly to the IRB any proposed changes in research conducted under this Agreement. The investigator will not initiate changes in the research without prior IRB review/approval, except where necessary to eliminate apparent immediate hazards to subjects. The Investigator will report immediately to the IRB any unanticipated problems involving risks to subjects or others in research covered under this Agreement. The Investigator, when responsible for enrolling subjects, will obtain, document, and maintain records of informed consent for each such subject or each subjects legally authorized representative as required under HHS regulations at 45 CFR part 46 and stipulated by the IRB/IEC. The Investigator acknowledges and agrees to cooperate in the IRBs responsibility for initial and continuing review, record keeping, reporting, and certification for the research referenced above. The Investigator will provide all information requested by the IRB in a timely fashion. The Investigator will not enroll subjects in research under this Agreement prior to its review and approval by the IRB. Emergency medical care may be delivered without IRB review/approval to the extent permitted under applicable federal regulations and state law. This Agreement does not preclude the Investigator from taking part in research not covered by this Agreement. The Investigator acknowledges that he/she is primarily responsible for safeguarding the rights and welfare of each research subject, and that the subjects rights and welfare must take precedence over the goals and requirements of the research. Investigator Signature: ________________________________________________ Date ______________________________ Name: ________________________ ____________________ _________ Degree(s): __________________________ Please Print (Last) (First) (Middle Initial) Address: ____________________________________________________________ Phone #: ___________________________ ____________________ ____________________ _______ (City) (State/Province) (Zip/Country)  ĢƵ Signatory Official Designee: ___________________________________________________ Date: ___________ IRB Chair, ĢƵ, 110 Camp Building,FHJ  $ . 2 p r t ĶwlZwEZ)jhF2h/5>*OJQJU#jhF2hF25>*OJQJUh *5>*OJQJhF2hF25>*OJQJhF2hF2CJOJQJh *5>*CJOJQJhF2h&lOJQJhF2h&lOJQJ\hF2h&l6OJQJ]"hF2h&l6CJOJQJ]aJhF2h&lCJOJQJaJh&l6CJ]aJjh *6CJU]aJHJ0 2  " j 4 ^gdF2 & F &d P gdF2gdF2$a$gdF2     " d h r 3 8 6ڵϑsasRsRsRsRshF2hF2CJ OJQJaJ"hF2h&l6CJ OJQJ]aJhF2h&lCJ OJQJaJhF2hF2CJOJQJaJhF2h&lCJOJQJaJ)jYhF2h/5>*OJQJUhF2hF25>*OJQJhF2h&lOJQJ\hF2h&lOJQJ#jhF2hF25>*OJQJU&jhF2hF25>*UmHnHu67`ayzCD  +0KL[qr ߵ߮vjvjvhfh&l6CJ]hfh&lCJ hfCJhfh/CJhf hF2h/h/hF2h&l5\ hf5\ hF2h&lhF2h&lCJ OJQJaJhF2hF2CJOJQJaJh/CJOJQJaJhF2h&lCJOJQJaJ"hF2hF2hF2CJOJQJaJ)WXpq   qr !  gdf  gdf & F` & F !Ychju(2=ENPɿɿ뿸뿰䡚{{sghPShq(6CJ]hq(CJaJhPShq(5aJ hq(5aJ hAd5aJ h *5aJ hf5aJjhfhf5UaJhfh&l6 hf6CJhfh&l6CJhfh/6CJhfh/CJh/hf hF2h&lhfh&l6CJ]hfhfCJ(PQ$,&,',),*,,,-,/,0,@,A,L,M,N,O,&`$a$gdF2$a$gdq(gdq(  gdf,#,$,%,',(,*,+,-,.,0,9,:,>,?,A,B,H,I,J,K,L,N,O,P,ĵhN0JmHnHu hmK0JjhmK0JUhmKh *6B*CJ]aJphhN6B*CJ]aJph#hF2hmK6B*CJ]aJphhCjhCU hF2h&lU hNCJh hq(CJ hAdCJ Cullowhee, NC 28723 | 828.227.7212     Version: 6/2016 PAGE 1 O,P,gdq(=ZZZZZZZZZ()()()()()()()() 0P&P8$:pF2/ =!"#$%hh DpDd T  C 0AWCU_newlogoR=w]IR3M,LDFw]IR3M,LJFIF`C    #%$""!&+7/&)4)!"0A149;>>>%.DIC;C  ;("(;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;z" }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ?ZZchi}##~&xp -R먪no_[aeIzO>WpNW,\eQ45ւt48 hsǍ}^(P IxFf+]aX訤4PIFhh4PIK@Q@!Э56`F*=Z , <~o"?Bk߱^ 5AΏ,NCa+xV(cTz*^?ˤEۤojo_i_SB&XT9j#JhdgDrQ,71Et& `TE7%{X,?PWSʫsV..`q*Eg8+Kt א4G*lj;{i~ 6`qۥ/dseډaiy9!XdW9gX5ɧhf`Ho[V~)Kyiڨ^ݠߍOB4*O4.i^ D ,G36Ckb aRj?iJ27Uĝ2G=?`x KpYauIo ZNqI1+7;*o~젼\yQOl4 56["c,m1KyDW.z2i>#^j+N{\ul,?GdzRuL|3>/i7QAo[浥kcZwmeg`ȍ{jɺVkR6K{pSЁȊ˙܇E7kHnfT\rGt ilP9?q4X떶-F ϨkLuRtg6u/Q܁Y95OTsH*"i66/0i bMAydcED=xJF {\񵶭mCbB~NG5k +k-5\LNkX>ma ʬ^=L?lkiPsjW+܆QE!W[dYd?Xn63Ix[!85~aEWOu/v1^-庹OݛTUߎ7'Lv8{7@S5'yݳk{ׇZP#1!nr9?P?rvtk1#\y$WjXχ0jKmu9#? -<>܋&>Ǯ񱹰C8yDЍ/WsJU/2g--+ozyC21W?r>;-ֳ299㟥iW*'F4۱=o仱q!<*Q튱;Dj!y@.f>tۺ(FEv ?J̿_F>*I<{pwxՏmZdV|mC˝g8Մ?7PG/hI'@t>.i~%Oj}S}'S*H[:otiMs%u)3DOSMIjĞo_:vGuo z[ѡ>\Ŭ,_kFH{ Y=exڗ5 RK|" ?\Jϵh)$Q rNv(?J%ⰫeQE!EP^MjئeuX gzr_4'|:@-A݇V%Q2>_-υryg?"]]mnǖ׵FAߘ/ueon-IA"ju]_^ E_zJuƝmaoI[v1 ĺׄɌ>~O#A[2; M!n#xKzҚ$˷>Y@?FZ l8#> Uo1ݽ17k3j+siu6ܜ?k_K/n5ɼE"-ߕ[@DKnYqaN>ϳ;&p}o֛u^'\[B-O խ-qYX +*'q.䷵ vК=]  9Lr9xúχu K޿ڡn3STJnoŠ(QESH`J@yK=ɞ 5*PLd'.uեėLcK'sOkax4W?"Mk!Fi5I.LY׸أ8(6NY`> Normal7$8$_HmH sH tH JJ  Heading 1$@&^6CJ]aJHH  Heading 2$$@&a$5CJ\aJ  Heading 3L$$ ;0p P "$`'0*-@&a$5>*CJ\aJ  Heading 4L$$ ;0p P "$`'0*-@&a$56>*CJ\]aJ  Heading 5F$ ;0p P "$`'0*-@&5CJ \aJ   Heading 6K$$ 2`0d k(!$>@&]>a$6CJ]aJ  Heading 7K$ 808d xk(!$>@&]>5>*CJ\aJ  Heading 8P$ 50p@ P  !$>@&]>`CJaJ   Heading 9X $ 50p@ P  !$>@&]>^`CJaJDA`D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List 4 @4 Footer  !RYR  Document Map-D M OJQJ^Jh/h 1AutoList27  07$8$^`0CJ_HaJmH sH tH .)@!.  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