ࡱ> BDA'` bjbj 7*dddddddx$x1     J1L1L1L1L1L1L1$2h5np1dp1dd  1888 d d J18J188j-dd0  Ps, v02J11010V5L5d05d0LhOJ8<p1p1. 1xxxd xxxxxxdddddd BY-LAWS THE WESTERN CAROLINA UNIVERSITY HONORS COLLEGE ADVISORY BOARD ARTICLE I Powers and Duties of the Board Section I. General Powers The general powers and duties of The ĢƵ Honors College Advisory Board (hereinafter "Board") are defined by these By-laws and the Board Mission Statement. The Board will serve as the external advisory group for the Dean of The Honors College--particularly on matters of long range planning-and in turn the Board will work with the Dean to bring educational opportunities from ĢƵ (hereinafter "University") to Highlands, North Carolina. The Board and/or the Dean reserve the right to revise the Mission Statement and the By-Laws. ARTICLE II Membership of the Board Section I. Membership and Term of Office The Board is composed of Members chosen by consent or majority vote of the Members and the Dean. From and after July 1, 2006, the term of office for Members shall be two years, with renewal possible by review and majority consent of the Members and Dean. In the event of a vacancy before a term has expired, the Members and Dean will elect a new Board Member to complete the vacated term. Whenever a member shall fail, for any reason other than ill health or service in the interest of the State or nation, to be present for three successive regular meetings of the board, his or her place as a Member shall be deemed vacant. ARTICLE III Officers of the Board Section I. Election Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary Beginning at the first meeting after July 1, 2006, and every year thereafter, the board shall elect from its membership a Chair, a Vice Chair, and a Secretary. The Dean will not serve in these positions. Section II. Duties The Chair of the Board shall preside at all meetings of the Board. If the Chair is absent from any such meeting, the Vice-Chair shall act in his or her place. The Vice-Chair of the Board shall be responsible for conducting affairs in the absence of the Chair. After July I, 2006, the Secretary of the Board shall record brief minutes of meetings and email the minutes to the Members and Dean. ARTICLE IV Meetings Section I. Frequency The Board shall hold one regular meeting (or more, as determined by the Members and Dean) in June, July, and August. Other meetings throughout the year will be on a more informal basis with such members as are available in the "off season" in Highlands (November through May). Notification The Secretary shall send an email reminder of meetings to Board Members five days prior to a meeting. The Secretary will inform Members, via email, of all regular meetings. Agenda Insofar as practical, the Chair or Dean shall provide the Board Members the agenda and related materials in advance of regular meetings. Records With assistance from the Secretary, the Dean shall file and preserve all minutes, papers, and documents pertaining to the business and proceedings of the Board. ARTICLE V Voting Powers of Board Members Section I. All Members shall have the power to vote on all questions coming before the Board for consideration. No Member, however, shall have the privilege of voting by proxy. Any member so requesting shall have his or her vote recorded in the minutes and on request of any member, the vote for each member shall be recorded. A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of a majority of the Members of the Board, except in the "off season." All actions of the Board or by any of its committees shall be taken by a majority vote, unless a quorum is not available in the "off season." Votes via email are acceptable during the "off season." ARTICLE VI Committees of the Board Section I. General Provisions The Chairman of the Board shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the Board, the chairs and the members of the standing and special committees of the Board. ARTICLE VII Communications to the Board Section I. The only proper channel leading from the University community to the Board, or to a committee of the Board, is through the Dean. ARTICLE VIII Amendment Section I. These By-Laws may be amended at any Board meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present (or via email vote in the "off season"). FGpxy? A r s   ! 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