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Department Head, ĢƵCollege of Business, 2002-2010. 1986-1992 Assistant Professor of Business Law, Cox School of Business, Southern Methodist University. 1982-1985 Assistant Professor of Business Law, School of Business, Louisiana State University. Summers 1984-1987 Visiting Assistant Professor of Business Law, College of Business, University of Hawaii-Manoa. Summer 1980 Intern, Office of U.S. Senator Lloyd Bentsen, Washington, D.C. Summer 1979 Clerk, Law Firm of Brown, Maroney, Rose, Baker & Barber, Austin, Texas. Professional Organizations & Editorial Posts Texas Bar Association (inactive) Academy of Legal Studies in Business Southeastern Academy of Legal Studies in Business (past president) 2010-2016 Senior Editorial Board, Journal of Legal Studies Education (Articles Editor, Senior Articles Editor, Editor in Chief). 1995-98 Senior Editorial Board, Journal of Legal Studies in Business (Articles Editor, Editor in Chief). Grants & Awards* *Recipient, Distinguished Case Writing Award, International Academy for Case Studies (1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2001). Recipient, College of Business Professor of Excellence Award, ĢƵ(1995). Appointed, ĢƵHunter Scholar (1995, 2002). Recipient, Alpha Kappa Psi Excellence in Teaching Award, ĢƵ(1995, 2006). Co-recipient, Chancellors Distinguished Teaching Award, ĢƵ(1996). Finalist, Master Teacher Symposium Award, Academy of Legal Studies in Business (1997). Recipient, Distinguished Conference Paper Award, Pacific Southwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business (2001). *Recipient, College of Business Summer Research Grant, ĢƵ(2000, 2001, 2002). *Recipient, Distinguished Research Award, Allied Academies (2001, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008). Recipient, Best Paper Award, Southeastern Academy of Legal Studies in Business (2002, 2006). Finalist, Holmes-Cardozo Best Paper Award, Academy of Legal Studies in Business (2003, 2007) (national). *Recipient, Best Paper Award, College Teaching and Learning Conference (2004). Recipient, Teaching-Research Faculty Award, Graduate School, ĢƵ(2005). *Recipient, Creative & Innovative Teaching Award, College of Business, ĢƵ(2006). Departmental Recipient, Leading Light Award, ĢƵService Learning (2006). *Recipient, Distinguished Proceedings Award, Academy of Legal Studies in Business (2006, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2013) (national). *Recipient, Meritorious Service to Students Award, ĢƵ(2006). Recipient, Outstanding Achievement in Research Award, ĢƵService-Learning Department (2007). Recipient, Distinguished Paper Award, Western Academy of Legal Studies in Business (2010). Recipient, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Research Award, ĢƵ(2010). Recipient, Best Article Volume 27, Journal of Legal Studies Education, Academy of Legal Studies in Business (2010). Inaugural Recipient, Senior Scholar Award of Excellence, Southeastern Academy of Legal Studies in Business (2011). Recipient, Stan Marsh Best Poster Award, Association of Law Teachers, UK (2013). Recipient, Outstanding International Case Writing Award, Academy of Legal Studies in Business (2013, 2014). *Recipient, Bloomberg Businessweek Teaching Award, ĢƵ(2015, 2016, 2017). Finalist, College of Business Professor of Excellence Award, ĢƵ(2017). Recipient, Hoeber Memorial Award Outstanding Article Volume 35, Journal of Legal Studies Education, Academy of Legal Studies in Business (2018). *Recipient, Outstanding Research Award, The Institute for Business & Financial Research, Costa Rico (2019). *Recipient, Outstanding Reviewer, Journal of Business Law & Ethics Pedagogy, Academy of Legal Studies in Business (2019). Principal Investigator, USDA Agricultural Mediation Programs North Carolina & Virginia (2019-present). University Scholar Award. ĢƵ(2021). Semi-finalist, Professor of Excellence Award, College of Business, (2022). Semi-finalist, Board of Governors Award for Excellence in Teaching (2022). Recipient, John Bonsignore Memorial Award for Exceptional Teaching of Legal Studies, Academy of Legal Studies in Business. (August 2022) (national). Books Debra Burke, Alternative Dispute Resolution, in Readings in Business Law and the Legal Environment of Business (Douglas Whitman, ed., McGraw-Hill 1991). Debra Burke, Alternative Dispute Resolution, in Readings in Business Law and the Legal Environment of Business (Douglas Whitman, ed., 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill 1994). Sheila M. Brown-Walker & Debra D. Burke, Legal Liabilities at Bayshore Science (Prentice-Hall 2001) (with separately published book of case teaching notes). Several chapters in the book were published as cases with accompanying instructor notes in the Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies; those publications are not listed separately. Debra Burke, The Arms Trade, Export Controls, and the Obama Effect, invited chapter in Obama, US Politics, and Transatlantic Relations (P.I.E. Peter Lang, Brussels 2012). John McKinsey & Debra Burke, Understanding the Law (South-western Cengage Learning 7th ed. 2014). Articles in Law Reviews and Peer-Reviewed Legal Journals Debra Dobray, The Role of Masters in Court-Ordered Institutional Reform, 34 Baylor L. Rev. 581-603 (1982). Debra Dobray, Public Receiverships: Policy Considerations, 10 So. U. L. Rev. 9-34 (1983). Debra Dobray, Constitutional and Statutory Rights to Remedial Language Instruction: Variable Degrees of Uncertainty, 15 St. Mary's L. Rev. 253-298 (1984). Debra Dobray, An Explanation of Louisiana Mineral Law and the Doctrine of Liberative Prescription: Policy Considerations for Common Law Jurisdictions?. 6 J. Energy L. & Poly. 6 153-198 (1985). Debra Dobray, Oil Shale, Tar Sands, and the Definition of a Mineral: An Old Problem in a New Context, 22 U. Tulsa L. J. 1-28 (1986) (cited by the West Virginia Supreme Court). Debra Dobray, A Survey of Legal Issues Facing the Foreign Athlete, 4 Entertainment & Sports L. J. 1-18 (1987). Debra Dobray & Tim Kreatschman, Taxation Issues Facing the Foreign Athlete or Entertainer, 9.N. Y. L. Sch. J. Intl & Comp. L. 265-292 (1988). Debra Dobray, & Art Waldrop, Regulating Handgun Advertising Directed at Women, 12 Whittier L. Rev. 113-130 (1991). Debra Burke & Max Bishop, A Survey of the Potential Liability of Accountants Under State Deceptive Trade Practices Acts, 23 Mem. St. U. L. Rev. 805-836 (1993). Debra Burke, Joanne Hopper & B.J. Dunlap, Women and Guns: Legal and Ethical Implications for Marketing Strategy, 23 St. Louis Univ. Pub. L. Rev. 393-412 (1993). Debra D. Burke, The Learned Profession Exemption of the North Carolina Deceptive Trade Practices Act: The Wrong Bright Line?, 15 Campbell L. Rev. 223-262 (1993) (cited by the Kansas Supreme Court). Debra Burke & Francis Dare, Confidentiality of Medical Information: Law and the AIDS Patient, 2 Southeastern J. Legal Stud. Bus.147-158 (1993). Debra Burke, Larry Flynt, Bob Guccione, and James Madison: Whats Wrong With This Picture?, 3 Southeastern J. Legal Stud. Bus. 47-62 (1994). Debra Burke, Reagan McLaurin & James W. Pearce, Bono Publico: Issues and Implications, 26 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 61-97 (1994) (cited by U.S. District Court Nebraska). Debra Burke, Twenty Years After the Federal Election Campaign Act Amendments of 1974: Look Who's Running Now, 99 Dick. L. Rev. 357-391 (1995). Debra D. Burke & Mary Anne Nixon, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and the Death Penalty, 38 How. L.J. 183-199 (1994). Debra Burke, George W. Mechling & James W. Pearce, Mandatory Pro bono! Cui Bono?, 25 Stetson L. Rev. 983-1026 (1996) (cited in Worth Reading column, National Law Journal). Debra D. Burke, Cybersmut and the First Amendment: A Call for a New Obscenity Standard, 9 Harv. J.L. & Tech. 87-145 (1966) (cited by California state appeals court). Debra Burke, Joanne Hopper & B.J. Dunlap, Women, Guns, and the Uniform Commercial Code, 33 Willamette L. Rev. 219-243 (1997). Debra D. Burke, The Criminalization of Virtual Child Pornography: A Constitutional Question, 34 Harv. J. on Legis. 439-472 (1997) (cited by the U.S. Court of Appeals Fourth Circuit). James W. Pearce, Debra Burke & JoAnn Hickey, African Americans in Large Law Firms: The Possible Cost of Exclusion, 42 How. L.J. 59-70 (1998) (1998). Caroline Dockery & Debra Burke, The Reform Act of 1994: Bad News for Investors? 6 J. Northeast Acad. Legal Stud. Bus. 33-47 (1998). Debra Burke, Cruise Lines and Consumers: Troubled Waters, 37 Am. Bus. L.J. 689-716 (2000). Debra Burke & Malcolm Abel, Ameliorating Medication and ADA Protection: Use It and Lose It or Refuse It and Lose It?, 38 Am. Bus. L.J. 785-817 (2001) (cited by the U.S. Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit). Debra Burke & E. Malcolm Abel II, Franchising Fraud: The Continuing Need for Reform, 40 Am. Bus. L.J. 355-384 (2003). Tammy M. Head & Debra Burke Broadbanding: Legal and Policy Implications under the ADEA, 27 Seton Hall Legis. J. 275-304 (2003). Debra D. Burke, Thinking Outside the Box: Child Pornography, Obscenity and the Constitution, 8 Va. J. L. & Tech. 11, 1-64 (2003). Debra Burke & Stephen Owens, The Practice of Salting and the National Labor Relations Act, 10 J. Legal Stud. Bus. 1-17 (2003). Debra D. Burke, Workplace Harassment: A Proposal for a Bright Line Test Consistent with the First Amendment, 21 Hofstra Lab. & Emp. L.J. 591-641 (2004). Debra D. Burke & Anderson P. Page, Regulating the Dietary Supplements Industry: Something Still Needs to Change, 1 Hastings Bus. L.J. 121-150 (2005). Debra Burke, State Sovereignty and the Americans with Disabilities Act, 13 J. Legal Stud. Bus. 1-28 (2007). Debra Burke, At the Intersection of Export Control Law and Employment Discrimination, 45 Am Bus L.J. 565-610 (2008). Debra Burke & Lorrie Willey, Employer Credit Checks and the Potential for Disparate Impact Discrimination under Title VII, 41 Bus. L. Rev. 167-188 (2008). Debra Burke, ADEA Disparate Impact Discrimination: A Pyrrhic Victory?. 9 U. C. Davis Bus. L. Rev. 47-83 (2009). John Hensley & Debra Burke, The Changing Nature of Supervision: Implications for Labor-Management Relations in the 21st Century, 33 Seton Hall Legis. J. 397-431 (2009). Debra Burke & E. Malcom Abel, Restoring Congressional Intent and Protecting Disabled Workers: The Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments of 2008, 15 J. Legal Stud. Bus. 16-34 (2010). Debra Burke, Stephen Miller & Joseph Long, Minimum Wage and Unemployment Rates: A Study of Contiguous Counties, 46 Gonz. L. Rev. 661-686 (2011) (cited in briefs to the U.S. Supreme Court). Debra D. Burke & Angela J. Grube, The NCAA Letter of Intent: A Voidable Agreement for Minors? 81 Miss. L.J. 265-298 (2011). Debra Burke & N. Leroy Kauffman, The Bona Fide Professional Exemption of the Fair Labor Standards Act As Applied to Accountancy, 14 ALSB J. Employ. & Labor L. 1-28 (2013). Mark Adams & Debra D. Burke, Paternalism, Social Exchange and the Law, 39 Law & Psych. Rev. 55-116 (2014-15). Debra D. Burke, Dan Clapper & Diania McRae, Accessible Online Instruction for Students with Disabilities: Federal Imperatives and the Challenge of Compliance, 44 J. L. & Educ. 135-180 (2106). Darrell Parker & Debra Burke, From Hot to Lukewarm: Union Strength and Worker Rights, 44 Western St. Univ. L. Rev. 29-46 (2016). Debra D. Burke, Kenneth J. Sanney & Dan Clapper, Digital Accessibility in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry: Legal and Ethical Considerations, 11 William & Mary Bus. L. Rev. 371-415 (2020). Debra D. Burke, The Expansion of the Federal Agricultural Mediation Program: A Promising Signal, 51 Cumberland L. Rev. 319 (2020-2021). Debra D. Burke, A Clarion Call for Emotional Damages in Loss of Companion Pet Cases, 15 Tenn. J.L. & Poly 250 (2021). Pedagogical Publications Debra Burke & David Steinman, The Application of Case Method Teaching to Graduate Business Law Courses, 11 J. Legal Stud. Educ. 81-102 (1993). Debra Burke & Mary Anne Nixon, Games for Quizzing Recall in Business Law Courses, 15 J. Legal Stud. Educ. 307-319 (1998). Debra Burke, Service-Learning Opportunities for Legal Studies in Business, 21 J. Legal Stud. Educ. 129-163 (2007). Debra D. Burke, Ronald A. Johnson & Deborah J. Kemp, The Twenty-First Century and Legal Studies in Business: Preparing Students to Perform in a Globally Competitive Environment, 27 J. Legal Stud. Educ. 1-34 (2010). Bill McClendon, Debra D. Burke & Lorrie Willey, The Art of Negotiation: What the Twenty-First Century Business Student Should Know, 27 J. Legal Stud. Educ. 277-319 (2010). Lorrie Willey & Debra Burke, A Constructivist Approach to Business Ethics: Developing a Student Code of Professional Conduct, 28 J. Legal Stud. Educ. 1- 38 (2011). Debra D. Burke & Robert Carton, The Pedagogical, Legal, and Ethical Implications of Unpaid Internships, 30 J. Legal Stud. Educ. 99130 (2013). Debra D. Burke & Carroll A. Brown, Transitioning a River Outfitter to the Next Generation, 31 J. Legal Stud. Educ. 107-169 (2014). Debra D. Burke, Scale-Up! Classroom design and use can facilitate learning, 49 The Law Teacher 189-205 (2015) (published in the United Kingdom). Lorrie Willey & Debra D. Burke, Grand Canyon Skywalk: Views of Law and Ethics, 32 J. Legal Stud. Educ. 173-221 (2015). Debra D. Burke & Hollye Moss, JLSE: Quality and Impact, 33 J. Legal Stud. Educ. 175-180 (2016) (Editors Corner). Debra D. Burke & Kenneth J. Sanney, Applying the Fraud Triangle to Higher Education: Ethical Implications, 35 J. Legal Stud. Educ. 5-43 (2018). Debra D. Burke & Joan Parker-Webster, Threshold Concepts and Barriers to Learning in Undergraduate Business Law, 27 Atlantic L. J. 157-197 (2024). Inter-disciplinary Publications (1996). J. S. Hopper, B.J. Dunlap & D. Burke Female Handgun Ownership Purchase Patterns and Attitudes toward Handguns: Preliminary Findings. Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing. 4 (2), 99-110. (1997). P. Little & D. Burke Deceptive Trade Practices Legislation: More Litigation Ahead for Accounting Firms? Research in Accounting Regulation. 11,191-201 (1997). D. Burke Franchises: So Whats Not to Like?. Entrepreneurial Executive. 1 (2) 18-25. (2000). D. Burke Artists Rendition in Ad Can Result in Commercial Misappropriation, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28 (2), 317-318 (Note). (2000). D. Burke & B. Little New Twist in Sexual Harassment Cases: Faragher and Ellerth, Journal of Individual Employment Rights, 9 (2), 95-108 (2001). D. Burke Put Tony the Tiger in Your Tank?, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 29 (2), 203-204 (Note). (2002). D. Burke, J. Stilley & B.J. Dunlap The State of Firearms Regulation and Litigation in America: A Review and Call for Action in the Manufacture and Sale of Firearms. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 5(2), 73-94 (2002-03). D. Burke & B. Little At-Will Employment: Just Let It Go. Journal of Individual Employment Rights, 10 (2), 119-131 (2002). D. Burke Is the Taco Bell Chihuahua Really Psycho?, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 30 (1), 95-96 (Note). (2004). D. Burke Self-Regulation of Faculty in Higher Education. Journal of College Teaching and Learning, 1 (5), 1-10. (2005). S.W. Henson, D. Burke, S.M. Crow & S.J. Hartman, Legal and Regulatory Education and Training Needs in the Healthcare Industry. Jonas Healthcare, Law, Ethics & Regulation. 7(4), 114-119 (2005). D.L. Clapper & D.D. Burke Edu Dilemma: The Web Accessibility Challenge Facing Public and Private Universities. Journal of Strategic E-Commerce. 3(1 & 2), 71-96 (2006). D.D. Burke & J.L. Kinard, Reverse Age Discrimination: A New Twist to an Age-Old Problem. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues. 9(1), 1-16 (2007). D. Burke & L. Wilson, Disparate Impact Discrimination and the ADEA: Coming of Age. Journal of Individual Employment Rights. 12 (2), 99-117 (2007). D. Burke & M. Abel Federal Civil Rights Legislation and State Sovereign Immunity. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues. 10, 43-61 (2007). D. Burke Motivating Faculty to Engage in Service-Learning. The Department Chair, 18 (2), 4. (2009). D. Burke, M.A. Nixon, L.E. Wilson & S. Higgins Export Controls and Their Effect on Business. Entrepreneurial Executive. 14(1), 1-24 (2009). G.A. Bowen, D. Burke, B.L. Little & P.H. Jacques A comparison of service-learning and employee volunteering programs. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal. 13(3), 1-18 (2011). D.D. Burke & D.M. Green The Cost of Arbitration: A Defense to the Enforceability of Arbitration Agreements?. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues. 14(1), 71-89 (2011). D. Burke & J. Ford When a Lie Is the Truth: Pandering Child Pornography. Journal of Legal, Ethical & Regulatory Issues, 14(2), 117-138. (2012). D. Burke Export Control Policy Initiatives under the Obama Administration, Journal of Legal, Ethical & Regulatory Issues, 15(1), 47-66. (2016). D.D. Burke, B.P Meek & J.M. Norwood Exploring the Legality of the Lucrative World of Fantasy Sports. Journal of Legal, Ethical & Regulatory Issues, 19(1), 38-55 (2019). D. Burke Accreditation Standards and the Integration of Part-Time Faculty. Business Education & Accreditation, 11 (1), 123-30. (2022). Grube, A. & M., Burke, D. Workplace Harassment and the Arbitration of Claims, Journal of Business Management & Change, 20(2), 31-42. (2024). Grube, A., Carnes, A. M., Burke, D. A Survey of Issues Facing Intercollegiate Athletic Administrators. Journal of Business Management and Change, 23(3), 17 - 33. SELECT Presentations Burke, D., Shaping Ethics in Academia and Society, "Academic Integrity and the Fraud Triangle: A Useful Framework for Strategies," Academic Ethics Centre Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania. (October 11, 2018 - October 12, 2018). Burke, D., Moss, H., TeLe(In)2 Teaching & Learning Innovation Institute, "Classroom Design," Teaching & Learning Innovation Institute, Leon, Spain. (October 19, 2017 - October 20, 2017). Burke, D., Association of Law Teachers, "Making Online Content Accessible," England, Newcastle. (March 20, 2016 - March 22, 2016) (poster). Burke, D., (Presenter & Author), Phillip Meeks (Author Only), John Norwood (Author Only), Allied Academies, "Exploring the Legality of the Lucrative World of Fantasy Sports," Jamaica, Montego Bay. (January 6, 2016 - January 8, 2016). Burke, D., (Presenter & Author), Clapper, D., (Author Only), McRae, D., (Author Only), Southeastern Academy of Legal Studies in Business, "Federal Imperatives for Accessible Online Instruction for Disabled Students and the Challenge of Compliance," Atlanta, GA. (November 12, 2015 - November 14, 2015). Burke, D., "Annotating Legal Documents: Bridging Concepts & Practice," Association of Law Teachers, UK. (March 2015) (poster). Willey, L. (Author Only), Burke, D. (Presenter & Author), Academy of Legal Studies in Business Annual Meeting, "Grand Canyon Skywalk: Views of Law and Ethics," Academy of Legal Studies in Business, Seattle, WA. (August 2014). Burke, D., UK Law Teachers Assoc., "Scale-Up! Classroom Design and Use Can Facilitate Learning," Leeds, England. (April 2014). Burke, D., Mid-Atlantic Academy of Legal Studies in Business, "Classroom Design and Active Learning," Baltimore, MD. (March 2014). Burke, D. (Presenter & Author), Adams, M. R. (Author Only), Huber Hurst Seminar, "Paternalism, Social Exchange and the Law," University of Florida, Gainesville. (February 2014). Burke, D. (Presenter & Author), Carroll Brown (Author Only), Academy of Legal Studies in Business, "Transitioning A River Outfitter to the Next Generation," Boston, MA. (August 2013). Burke, D., Irish Law Teachers Association Annual Conference, "The Pedagogical, Legal and Ethical Implications of Unpaid Work Placement," Irish Law Teachers Association, Dublin, Ireland. (November 2012). Burke, D. (Presenter & Author), Kauffman, L. (Author Only), Academy of Legal Studies in Business Annual Meeting, "The Bona Fide Professional Exemption of the Fair Labor Standards Act as Applied to Accountancy," Academy of Legal Studies in Business, Kansas City. (August 2012). Burke, D. (Presenter & Author), Ford, J. (Author Only), Willey, L. (Author Only), (Author Only), Association of Law Teachers United Kingdom Annual Conference, "An Implemented Assessment Plan for an Undergraduate Business Law Program," Association of Law Teachers United Kingdom, Oxford, England. (April 2012) (poster). Burke, D., (Presenter & Author), Grube, A. J. (Author Only), Academy of Legal Studies in Business Annual Meeting, "The NCAA Letter of Intent: A Voidable Agreement for Minors?," Academy of Legal Studies in Business, New Orleans, LA. (August 2011). Burke, D., The Roosevelt Center For Transatlantic Studies, "The Obama Effect: Export Controls," The Roosevelt Center for Transatlantic Studies, Middleburg, The Netherlands. (October 2010). Burke, D. (Presenter & Author), Miller, S. (Author Only), Long, J. M. (Author Only), Academy of Legal Studies in Business, "State Minimum Wage Laws in the Pacific Northwest and their Effect on Unemployment Rates," Academy of Legal Studies in Business, Richmond, VA. (August 2010). Burke, D. (Presenter & Author), McClendon, W. (Author Only), Willey, L. (Author Only), Western Academy of Legal Studies in Business, "Negotiation, Ethics and Professionalism," Western Academy of Legal Studies in Business, Monterey, CA. (April 2010). Burke, D. (Presenter & Author), Abel, M. (Author Only), SEALSB Annual Meeting, "The 2008 Amendments to the Americans with Disabilities Act," Southeastern Academy of Legal Studies in Business, Miami, FL. (November 2009). Burke, D. (Presenter & Author), Johnson, R. (Author Only), Kemp, D. (Author Only), Academy of Legal Studies in Business, "Legal Studies in Business: Posturing for Success in the Twenty-First Century Academy and the Global Business Environment," Academy of Legal Studies in Business, Denver, CO. (August 2009). Burke, D., Annual Meeting, "ADEA Disparate Impact Discrimination: A Pyrrhic Victory?," Academy of Legal Studies in Business, Long Beach, CA. (August 2008). Burke, D., North Atlantic Academy of Legal Studies in Business, "Employer Credit Checks and the Potential for Disparate Impact Discrimination under Title VII." (April 2008). Burke, D. (Presenter & Author), Wilson, L. (Presenter & Author), Academic Chairperson's Conference, "Export Controls and Universities: A Primer for Compliance," Orlando. (February 2008). Burke, D., Academy of Legal Studies in Business, "The Intersection of Export Controls and Civil Rights Law," Indianapolis. (August 2007). Burke, D. (Presenter & Author), Abel, M. (Author Only), Allied Academies, Annual Conference, "Foreign Flagged Cruise Ships and the Americans with Disabilities Act," Allied Academies, Jacksonville, FL. (April 2007). Burke, D., Academic Chairpersons Conference, "Motivating Faculty to Engage in Service-Learning Curricular Activities," Orlando, FL. (February 2007). Burke, D., Academy of Legal Studies in Business, "Service-Learning Opportunities for Legal Studies in Business," Academy of Legal Studies in Business, St. Petersburg, FL. (August 2006). Burke, D. (Presenter & Author), Abel, M. (Author Only), Allied Academies, Annual Conference, "Federal Civil Rights Legislation and State Sovereign Immunity," Allied Academies, New Orleans, LA. (April 2006). Burke, D. (Presenter & Author), Abel, M. (Author Only), SEALSB Annual Meeting, "Franchising: The Continuing Need for Regulatory Reform," Southeastern Academy of Legal Studies in Business, Atlanta, GA. (November 2001). Burke, D. (Presenter & Author), Abel, M. (Author Only), PSWALSB Annual Meeting, "Ameliorating Medication and ADA Protection: Use It and Lose It or Refuse It and Lose It," Pacific Southwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business, Palm Springs, CA. (March 2001). SELECT University and Professional Service Chair, College Level Examination Program, Princeton, NJ. (August 2014 -2021). Member of Arbitration Panel for Franchise Dispute, American Arbitration Association, Los Angeles. (April 2006 - April 2009). Committee Member, International Programs and Services Advisory Board. (August 2011 - 16). Chairperson, Task Force on Academic Integrity (2018-2019). Member, Academic Space Committee. (June 2010 - July 2019). Chairperson, College of Business Curriculum Committee. (2011 - 2019). Member, College of Business Strategic Planning Committee. (August 2008 - 2019). Member, Registrar's Advisory Board. (August 2007 - 2019). Member, Associate Deans Council. (June 2010 - 2019). Member, University Curriculum Committee. (2010 - 2018). Member, Faculty Activities Database Task Force. (September 2014 - May 2015). Member, Search Committee for Honors College Associate Dean. (September 2014 - November 2014). Member, Search Committee for Vice-Chancellor of Institutional Research & Planning. (Summer 2014). Member, Search Committee for Associate Provost. (July 2013 - August 2013). Member, University Program Prioritization Task Force. (September 2012 - May 2013). Member, Office of Institutional Planning and Research Program Review Team. (January 2013 - April 2013). Member, Community Engagement and Economic Development Metrics Task Force. (November 2012 - April 2013). Member, Program Review of Writing Commons Team. (April 2012). Member, Grievance Appeals Committee for SPA Employees. (January 2008 - 2010). Member, Coulter Faculty Center Advisory Board. (2005 - 2009). Member, Undergraduate Research Grant Committee. (2004 - 2009). Member, SoTL Distinguished Professor Search Committee. (February 2008 - August 2008). Member, Curriculum Committee Graduate Council. (2005 - May 2008). Member, Search Committee for College of Business Dean. (2006 - 2007). * Designates an award with more than one recipient.   )+>?[pqɷߏo_O="hsdhW5>*@OJQJaJhsdh Bs5@OJQJaJhsdh 45@OJQJaJhsdh= 5@OJQJaJhsdhZU5@OJQJaJhsdhZY5@OJQJaJ.jhsdhW5@OJQJUaJ"hsdhW5@OJQJaJ+jhsdhW5@OJQJUaJhsdhW5@OJQJaJhGhW5@OJQJaJ?[ L r u  $ 0*$a$$ 0`*$^``a$gdt=$ 0`*$^``a$ $ H*$a$gd]X8 $ H*$a$gdZY $ H*$a$   1 D E L r u     7 8 L N j k 񲲢ⓄuiZhsdh,@OJQJaJhiw @OJQJaJhsdho#@OJQJaJhsdhgW@OJQJaJhsdh0D@OJQJaJhsdhP>*@OJQJaJ"hsdhW5>*@OJQJaJhsdh2G@OJQJaJhsdh{g@OJQJaJhsdht=@OJQJaJhsdhW@OJQJaJ"  k  G S   ) $ 0`*$^``a$gdt= $ 0*$a$$ 0*$a$gdt=$ 0`*$^``a$$ 0*$a$gd,$ 0@*$^`@a$gdt=    G R S     ' ( ) W l  ) ӵӗėėėėĈĈyhsdh9@OJQJaJhsdhYmm@OJQJaJhsdhW@OJQJaJhsdhK&@OJQJaJhsdhzf@OJQJaJhsdht=@OJQJaJhsdho#@OJQJaJhsdh,@OJQJaJhsdh@OJQJaJ( ) * W X y c$ 0`*$^``a$gdeST$ 00*$^`0a$gdX$ 0`*$^``a$gdo#$ 0`*$^``a$$ 0`*$^``a$gdt= ) * D V W X y &9Qabcܺ~o`oQQoBBohsdh9@OJQJaJhsdhP@OJQJaJhsdh=@OJQJaJhsdho#@OJQJaJhsdh{@OJQJaJhsdheST@OJQJaJhsdh~v@OJQJaJhsdhX@OJQJaJhsdhX5@OJQJaJ"hsdh~v5>*Oϴ"ݞ5>*Oϴ"۳5>*Oϴ.Ǵڰ<-hsdhW@OJQJaJhsdhYmm@OJQJaJhsdhP5@OJQJaJhsdhZU5@OJQJaJhsdheST5@OJQJaJ"hsdhZU5>*@OJQJaJ&hsdhNW0J5>*@OJQJaJ%h^h 5>*@OJQJ\aJ%h^hW5>*@OJQJ\aJhn`@OJQJaJhsdheST@OJQJaJhsdh=@OJQJaJhsdh,@OJQJaJW^%t,-G"^gdP $ 0*$a$gdP$ 0`*$``a$gdh$ 0`*$``a$gdP$ 0`*$^``a$gdn`./67Wv 4APU^f#$%&Z`tuĵėĦĦĦyj[ĦĈyjĦjhsdh E@OJQJaJhsdhYmm@OJQJaJhsdh@OJQJaJhsdhl@OJQJaJhsdhZU@OJQJaJhsdhP@OJQJaJhsdho@OJQJaJhsdhW@OJQJaJhsdhr@OJQJaJhsdh@OJQJaJhsdhG@OJQJaJ#u#),EPĵėӗwfWHhsdhdCJOJQJaJhsdhF+CJOJQJaJ hsdhF+@CJOJQJaJ hsdhYmm@CJOJQJaJhsdhi@OJQJaJhsdhm@OJQJaJhsdhl@OJQJaJhsdhZU@OJQJaJhsdhW@OJQJaJhsdh@OJQJaJhsdhr@OJQJaJhsdhp @OJQJaJ-.rw!39GHx}?}rĵӦyyj[jLLLLLhsdh@OJQJaJhsdh_@OJQJaJhsdhq(@OJQJaJhsdh}@OJQJaJhsdh@OJQJaJhsdh@OJQJaJhsdhf@OJQJaJhsdhP@OJQJaJhsdh/(i@OJQJaJhsdhYmm@OJQJaJhsdh0D@OJQJaJhsdhrCJOJQJaJ?r0{U<`$ 0*$a$gdMC $ 0*$a$ $ 0*$a$gdNW $ 0*$a$gdX $ 0*$a$gdP&,01<agrxz{U:;<ĵⵦyyjyyy[yL@hd#@OJQJaJh6HhmYC@OJQJaJh6Hh E@OJQJaJh6Hh}},@OJQJaJh6Hhd#@OJQJaJh6Hhl?@OJQJaJh6Hh#=G@OJQJaJh6HheST@OJQJaJh6Hh07r@OJQJaJh6HhMC@OJQJaJh6HhYmm@OJQJaJh6HhP@OJQJaJh6Hh@OJQJaJ<CE_`k ʻsdUFd6hsdh|:@OJQJaJhsdhW@OJQJaJhsdhMC@OJQJaJhsdh@OJQJaJ"hsdh5>*@OJQJaJh_@OJQJaJh_h_@OJQJaJh6Hh_@OJQJaJhZ @OJQJaJh6HhZ @OJQJaJh6Hhsd@OJQJaJh6Hh @OJQJaJh^b@OJQJaJh @OJQJaJ   *,./Omno²tteVFhsdh|:@OJQJaJhsdh @OJQJaJhsdhP$@OJQJaJhsdh@OJQJaJhsdh2G:@OJQJaJhsdhZU:@OJQJaJhsdhZU@OJQJaJhsdhZU6@OJQJaJhsdh2G@OJQJaJhsdh Bs6@OJQJaJhsdh|6@OJQJaJhsdh|@OJQJaJ;<NOYZ-D1$M gde+$ 00*$`0a$gdMC $ 0*$a$$ 0*$a$gdZU$ 0*$^a$gd$ 0*$a$gdMC$ 0p`*$^p``a$gdZU  !#(;<dekࡑqbSbbDhsdh#@OJQJaJhsdhZU@OJQJaJhsdh2G@OJQJaJhsdh2G:@OJQJaJhsdhZU:@OJQJaJhsdh|6@OJQJaJhsdh|:@OJQJaJhsdh|@H*OJQJaJhsdh|@OJQJaJhsdhP$:@OJQJaJhsdhP$@OJQJaJhsdhP$6@OJQJaJ!9n(;ELô┄teUF7Fhsdh@0@OJQJaJhsdh0@OJQJaJhsdh:@OJQJaJhsdh2G@OJQJaJhsdh2G6@OJQJaJhsdh6@OJQJaJhsdh|6@OJQJaJhsdh|:@OJQJaJhsdh@OJQJaJhsdhZU@OJQJaJhsdh Bs6@OJQJaJhsdh|@OJQJaJhsdh Bs@OJQJaJLNOjklóⓄucQc?0hsdhq%e@OJQJaJ"hsdhU5>*@OJQJaJ"hsdhzf5>*@OJQJaJ"hsdhMC5>*@OJQJaJhsdh@OJQJaJhsdh2G@OJQJaJhsdh]@H*OJQJaJhsdh]:@OJQJaJhsdh|6@OJQJaJhsdh|@OJQJaJhsdh|:@OJQJaJhsdh]@OJQJaJhsdh@OJQJaJ59:GIPQYZh+ 0 B J K T U b c !!!!!'!(!!!!!!!!!!!̹̹̥̥̒$h|Phe+:B*OJQJaJph'h|Phe+6B*OJQJ]aJph$hihe+:B*OJQJaJph!hihe+B*OJQJaJph'hihe+6B*OJQJ]aJphhe+B*OJQJaJph5T U !!!!;"<"""@##$$K%N%%% $ 0*$a$gd $ 0*$a$gdMC$ 00*$`0a$gdMC-D1$M gde+-D1$M gde+!!!!!!! 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