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Experience ĢƵ Professor, 2018-present Associate Professor, Department of English, 2011-present Assistant Professor, Department of English, 2007-present Full-Time Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of English, 1999-2007 Full-Time Visiting Instructor, Department of English, 1996-1999 University of Georgia Enhanced Teaching Assistant, Department of English, 1995-1996 Writing Center, 1995 Teaching Assistant, Department of English, 1993-1995 Abraham Baldwin College Full-Time Instructor, Department of English, 1990-1991 Publications Edited Volumes Horace Kephart: Writings. Ed. George Frizzell and Mae Miller Claxton. U of Tennessee P, July 2020. Teaching the Works of Eudora Welty: Twenty-first Century Approaches. Ed. Mae Miller Claxton and Julia Eichelberger. UP of Mississippi, 2018. Conversations with Ron Rash. Ed. Mae Miller Claxton and Rain Newcomb. UP of Mississippi, 2017. Literary Conversations Ser. Reprint December 2019. Conversations with Dorothy Allison. Ed. Mae Miller Claxton. UP of Mississippi, 2012. Literary Conversations Ser. Reprint January 2020. Contributing Editor. The Heath Anthology of American Literature. Ed. Paul Lauter. 6th Edition. Vols. A-E. Houghton Mifflin, 2008-2009. Co-editor. Anthology of American Literature. Ed. George McMichael, et al. 8th Edition. Vols. I and II. Prentice Hall, 2003. Peer Reviewed Articles Bearing Witness: Mountains as Sacred/Exploited Spaces in Appalachian Narratives. Appalachian Journal special issue. Under revision. Crime and Punishment in Appalachia: Interview with Ron Rash. Appalachian Journal 47.3-4 (2020). Upcoming. Indigenizing Welty. Teaching the Works of Eudora Welty: Twenty-first Century Approaches. UP of Mississippi, 2018. 55-61. Ron Rash and Eudora Welty: Walking a Worn Path. Summoning the Dead: Critical Essays on Ron Rash. Ed. Randall Wilhelm and Zackary Vernon. U of South Carolina P, 2018. 111-121. Migrations and Transformations: Human and Nonhuman Nature in Eudora Weltys A Worn Path The Southern Literary Journal 47.2 (2015): 73-88. Eudora Welty and Daniel Woodrell: Writings of the Upland South. Eudora Welty Review 6 (2014): 83-95. Writing The Help: The Oblique and Not-So-Oblique Narratives of Eudora Welty, Ellen Douglas, Norma Watkins, and Kathryn Stockett. Eudora Welty Review 5 (2013): 145-165. "'The Little Store' in the Segregated South: Race and Consumer Culture in Eudora Welty's Writing and Photography." Eudora Welty, Whiteness, and Race. Ed. Harriet Pollack. University of Georgia Press, 2013. 95-113. Inside/Outside the Tent: Native Americans and African Americans on Display in Eudora Weltys Keela, the Outcast Indian Maiden. Mississippi Quarterly 64.4 (2011): 561-575. (publ. 06-21-2012) Reclaiming The Seminoles in Zora Neale Hurstons Their Eyes Were Watching God. Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Journal of Florida Literature 18 (2010): 41-52. Outlaws and Indians: Eudora Weltys Border Characters in Delta Wedding. Eudora Welty's Delta Wedding. Ed. Reine Dugas Bouton. Rodopi P, 2008. 123-134. Dialogue 4. Conversations with Charlotte Capers and Eudora Welty, August 1994. Eudora Welty Newsletter 32.2 (2008): 6-15. Beauty and the Beast: Eudora Weltys Photography and Fiction. South Atlantic Review 72.2 (2007): 70-86. The Word is Passion: Eudora Weltys Schoolteachers. Eudora Welty Newsletter 31.1 (2007): 10-18. Eudora Weltys Livvie and the Visual Arts. Mississippi Quarterly 59 (2005-2006): 77-93. Untamable Texts: The Art of Georgia OKeeffe and Eudora Welty. Mississippi Quarterly 46 (2003): 315-330. Claxton, Mae Miller, and C. Camille Cooper. Teaching Tools: American Literature and the World Wide Web. English Journal 90.2 (2000): 97-104. Patterns of Nature and Confluence in Eudora Weltys The Optimists Daughter. Southern Quarterly 35.1 (1996): 55-61. Online Publications Rev. of Eudora Welty and Surrealism, by Stephen Fuller. South Atlantic Review. 79.3-4 (2015): 193-196. HYPERLINK "http://transatlantica.revues.org/4694"Window Shopping, Granada, 1930s. Transatlantica: American Studies Journal. Feb. 2010. Web. 2 Feb. 2010. Contributing Editor. Instructors Guide for The Heath Anthology of American Literature. Ed. John Alberti. 6th ed. Cengage. 2009. Author of the Companion Web Site for Anthology of American Literature Vols. I and II. 8th edition. Prentice Hall. 2003. Author of the Companion Web Site for McMichael Anthology of American Literature Vol. I. 7th edition. Prentice Hall. 1999. Through the Looking Glass: Eudora Weltys Photography and The Ponder Heart. Lesson Plan for The NCTE American Collection Resources for Teachers. Other Publications Remapping the South: New Perspectives in Appalachian Studies. Book Review. Southern Literary Journal 47.1 (2014): 115-119. Rev. of Decoration Day in the Mountains: Traditions of Cemetery Decoration in the Southern Appalachians, by Alan Jabbour and Karen Singer Jabbour. The Alabama Review 65.1 (2012): 72-73. Rev. of When Day is Done, by Julia Nunnally Duncan. North Carolina Literary Review 19 (2010): 108-109. Rev. of The Warriors Path: Reflections along an Ancient Route, by Casey Clabough. The Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Journal of Florida Literature 16 (2008): 162-169. Frances Mayes. The New Georgia Encyclopedia Companion to Georgia Literature. Eds. Hugh Ruppersburg and John C. Inscoe. U of Georgia P, 2007. 296-297. Gardens. The Companion to Southern Literature: Themes, Genres, Places, People, Movements and Motifs. LSU P, 2002. Rev. of Redeye, by Clyde Edgerton. America 4 Nov. 1995: 35-36. Thomas Leland. Eighteenth-Century British and American Rhetorics and Rhetoricians. Ed. Michael G. Moran. Greenwood P, 1994. Courses Taught Engl 101 Writing and Rhetoric Engl 202 Writing and Critical Inquiry Engl 190 Freshman Seminar in Literature Engl 200 Introduction to the English Major Engl 206 Literature of Place Engl 241 Formalism and American Literature Engl 352 The Journey in Literature Engl 364 Southern Literature Engl 367 Appalachian Literature Engl 450 Major American and British Writers: Women Write About the South 1838-present Engl 459 Southern Literature Engl 464 Native American Literature Engl 498 Senior Seminar in English Engl 564 Native American Literature Engl 659 Southern Literature Engl 660 Early American Literature through Romanticism Engl 693 Special Topics in EnglishSouthern Literature Engl 693 Special Topics in English19th c. America Academic Presentations Mountains as Sacred Spaces in Appalachian Literature. Mediating Mountains International Conference, University of Innsbruck, Austria, November 22-24, 2019. Kephart as Fiction Writer. Appalachian Studies Association Conference. UNCA, Asheville, NC, March 14-17, 2019. Literary Friendships: Katherine Anne Porter and Eudora Welty. The Continuous Thread of Revelation Eudora Welty Reconsidered. An International Welty Conference. College of Charleston, Charleston, SC, February 21-23, 2019. Indigenizing Welty. Society for the Study of Southern Literature, University of Texas, Austin, TX, February 15-18, 2018. The Indigenous University. Society for the Study of Southern Literature, University of Texas, Austin, TX, Austin, TX, February 15-18, 2018. Ron Rash and Eudora Welty: Walking a Worn Path. Society for the Study of Southern Literature, Boston University, Boston, MA, March 10-12, 2016. The Continuous Thread of Revelation: Eudora Weltys Photography in the Stuart Wright Collection, Keynote Address Joyner Library Exhibit, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, April 20, 2015. Horace Kephart, Women, and Outdoor Adventure in the 1920s. Appalachian Studies Association, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN, March 27-29, 2015. Dredging the South: Exploring the Everglades. Society for the Study of Southern Literature, George Mason University, Arlington, VA, March 27-29, 2014. Eudora Welty: Appalachian Writer? Eudora Welty in the 21st Century: International Conference of the Eudora Welty Society, Texas A&M, College Station, TX, April 4-7, 2013. Beyond Our Southern Highlanders: Horace Kephart Writes about the Cherokees. Southern Appalachian Culture Series, Gardner-Webb University, Boiling Springs, NC, October 12-13, 2012. "Writing Race: The Oblique and Not-so-Oblique Narratives of Ellen Douglas, Eudora Welty, and Kathryn Stockett." Society for the Study of Southern Literature, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, March 29-30, 2012. Buying and Selling on a Global Scale: New Orleans in Eudora Weltys The Robber Bridegroom. Society for the Study of Southern Literature, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, April 8-11, 2010. Photography and Consumer Culture. South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, November 6-8, 2009. Women and their Gardens: Barbara Kingsolvers Prodigal Summer and Eudora Weltys A Curtain of Green. Eudora Welty Centennial Conference, Millsaps College, Jackson, MS, April 16-19, 2009. Race and the Land: The Seminoles and South Florida in Zora Neale Hurstons Their Eyes Were Watching God. South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Louisville, KY, November 7-9, 2008. A Family Farm in the Everglades. Marjorie Kinnan Rawlins Society Conference, ĢƵ, Asheville, NC, April 24-26, 2008. Migrations and Transformations in Eudora Weltys Writings: A Worn Path. Society for the Study of Southern Literature, William and Mary College, Williamsburg, VA, April 17-20, 2008. Welty and Sense of Place. Scholarly Panel at Delta Blues Symposium, Jonesboro, AR, March 29-30, 2008. Exiles and Homecomings: Southern Women Re-Writing the Trails of Tears. Southern Women Writers Conference, Berry College, Rome, GA, September 27-29, 2007. Confluences: Barbara Kingsolvers Human and Nonhuman Communities in Prodigal Summer. Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment, Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC, June 12-16, 2007. Eudora Weltys Liberal Imagination: Native Americans and Race in Delta Wedding. Society for the Study of Southern Literature, Birmingham, AL, March 30-April 1, 2006. Outcasts: Mis-representations of Native Americans and African Americans in Eudora Weltys Fiction. American Literature Association, Boston, MA, May 2005. Birth and Death in Eudora Weltys Fiction. Society for the Study of Southern Literature, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, March 2004. Revelation and Transgression: The Fair in Eudora Weltys Photography and Fiction. South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, November 2003. Eudora Welty: Appalachian Writer. Southern Women Writers Conference, Berry College, Rome, GA, October 2003. The word is passion: Eudora Weltys Schoolteachers. Philological Association of the Carolinas. Myrtle Beach, SC, March 2003. Adding the Picture to the Text: Incorporating Technology into the Literature Classroom, National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA, November 2002. Race, Class, and Photography in Eudora Weltys Kin. Society for the Study of Southern Literature, University of Louisiana, Lafayette, LA, March 2002. Transforming the Text: Eudora Welty Online. South Central Modern Language Association, Tulsa, OK, November 2001. Eudora Welty, Georgia OKeeffe, and the Female Modernist. American Literature Association, Boston, MA, May 2001. The Real Outsiders: The Back Door World of Eudora Weltys Fiction and Photography. South Central Modern Language Association, Memphis, TN, October 1999. Eudora Welty and the Mask of Beauty. Writing on Masks: Womens Lives in the South, Wesleyan College, Macon, GA, October 1999. Rewiring for the Millennium: Integrating Composition and Technology. Workshop at Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), Atlanta, GA, March 1999. Illuminated Manuscripts and the Photograph: Intertextuality in Eudora Weltys Livvie. American Literature Association, San Diego, CA, May 1998. The Natchez Trace in Eudora Weltys Photography and Fiction. Crossing the Lines: A Conference on Contemporary Southern Womens Literature, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, October 1997. Parting the Veil: The Fiction of Eudora Welty and Ross Macdonald, American Literature Association, Baltimore, MD, May 1997. Beyond Mississippi: Eudora Weltys Photography and Fiction in New York and New Orleans, Eudora Welty Conference, Millsaps College, Jackson, MS, April 1997. Patterns of Nature and Confluence in Eudora Weltys The Optimists Daughter, Graduate Student Conference on Languages and Literature, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, February 1996. Teaching the Mississippi Delta: Eudora Weltys Delta Wedding and W.A. Percys Lanterns on the Levee, American Literature Association, Baltimore, MD, May 1995. Jonathan Swift and the Fight Against Babel, College English Association, Charlotte, NC, April 1993. Academic Service Departmental BA Literature Program Director 2016-present English Department Graduate Studies Steering Committee 2008-present Sigma Tau Delta co-advisor 2011-2020 Peer Assessment Teaching Evaluation chair, 2018-2019 Assessment Team 2017 Enrollment Management Committee 2016-2017 CRC Committee 2011-2014, 2015-2017 Thesis Committee for MA student Miranda Miller. Spring 2017. Thesis Director for MA student Holly Cian The Exploitation of Women and Nature in Appalachia: An Analysis of Labor Rights and Environmental Issues as Presented by Three Appalachian Women Writers. Spring 2016. Thesis Committee for MA student Peter Smith. Spring 2016. Thesis Director for MA student Josh Cole The End of the Wor(l)d as We Know It?: Language in Postapocalyptic Novels by Cormac McCarthy and Margaret Atwood. Summer 2011. QEP Co-coordinator 2009-2010 Annual Faculty Evaluation Committee 2007-2009 College Arts and Sciences CRC Committee 2013-2016 Chair, Sequoyah Distinguished Professor Search Committee 2015 Arts and Sciences Teaching Award Committee 2007-2010 Arts and Sciences Technology Committee 2003-2005 Institutional Service Graduate Council 2019-present Faculty Senate 2016-2019 Collegial Review Council of the Faculty Senate 2015-2019; Chair 2017-2018 Rooted in the Mountains Advisory Board member 2013-present Committee to Select Commencement Speaker 2016-2019 Faculty Senate Planning Team 2017-2018 CONEC 2013-2016 Mountain Heritage Center Advisory Board member 2011 Lectures, Concerts, and Exhibitions Committee 2009-2011 Chancellors Distinguished Teaching Award Committee 2007-2010; Chair 2008-2009 Sequoyah Distinguished Professor in Cherokee Studies Search Committee 2007-2008 Introduction of Ron Rash at Freshman Convocation August 2007 Editorial Subcommittee, 2003-2004 Division I Athletics Certification Self-Study Instrument ĢƵ Service to Discipline Eudora Welty Society Advisory Committee 2017-present Executive Council, Society for the Study of Southern Literature, 2017-2019 The Continuous Thread of Revelation Eudora Welty Reconsidered An International Welty Conference, College of Charleston, Program Committee, 2019 Appalachian Studies Association Program Committee for Conference 2019 Nominating Committee, South Atlantic Modern Language Association, 2016-2017 Eudora Welty Society, President, 2010-2012 Eudora Welty Society, Vice President, 2008-2010, including planning for the Welty Centennial Conference in Jackson, MS April 16-19, 2009 Eudora Welty Society, Secretary, 2001-2004 Service to Community Panel on Wilma Dykemans memoir Family of Earth. Jackson County Public Library, NC, November 6, 2016 Panel on Appalachian Literature: Perspectives of Place and Time. Rooted in the Mountains Symposium, Cullowhee, NC, September 23, 2016 Panel on Teaching Native American Studies Across Disciplines. Rooted in the Mountains Symposium, Cullowhee, NC, October 4, 2012 The Journey Story of Horace Kephart. Co-presented with George Frizzell. Teachers Institute Seminar, NC Humanities Council, Cullowhee, NC, October 12, 2012 Community Liaison for TCLP Chinese teacher at Cullowhee Valley School, 2011-2012 Literary Panel Discussion The Eco View: Willa Cather Among Other Writers at Mountain Heritage Center, HFR, sponsored by Together We Read and The Big Read (National Endowment for the Arts) February 25, 2008 Presentation for the Big Read project on Racial climate in Harper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird to Jackson County Library April 2007 Presentation for book club at Cashiers Library on To Kill a Mockingbird February 2007 Volunteer at Odyssey of the Mind February 2007 Volunteer at Cullowhee Valley School 2006-2007 Brought a Cherokee storyteller, Lloyd Arneach, to speak to the kindergarten classes at Cullowhee Valley School Honors and Awards Nominated for Chancellors Distinguished Teaching Award 2019-2020 Semifinalist Board of Governors Award for Excellence in Teaching 2020 Finalist for Excellence in Teaching Liberal Studies Award 2019 Finalist for Faculty Advocate Award 2018-2019 Nominated for Advocate Award 2017-2018 Nominated for Student Nominated Faculty of the Year Award 2017 (Last Lecture Award) Nominated for Advocate Award 2016-2017 Nominated for Curtis W. Wood Award for Excellence in Mentoring Graduate Students 2016 Nominated for Board of Governors Award for Excellence in Teaching 2015-2016 Finalist for Excellence in Teaching Liberal Studies Award 2015 Nominated for Excellence in Teaching Liberal Studies Award 2014 Hunter Scholar Award 2012 Finalist for Excellence in Teaching Liberal Studies Award 2012 Chancellors Engaged Teaching Award 2008 Nominated for Arts and Sciences Teaching Award 2007 Nominated for Arts and Sciences Teaching Award 2006 Nominated for Arts and Sciences Teaching Award 2005 Finalist for Arts and Sciences Teaching Award 2004 Phi Beta Kappa 1988 Workshops and Leadership Green Zone Training 2017 Safe Zone Training 2015 ĢƵLeadership Academy 2014-2015 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Workshop 2015 ĢƵCommunity Scholarship Incubator Retreat 2015 References Prof. Hugh M. Ruppersburg, Emeritus University Professor, University of Georgia.  HYPERLINK "mailto:hruppers@franklin.uga.edu" hruppers@franklin.uga.edu Prof. Fred Hobson, Lineberger Distinguished Professor in the Humanities Emeritus, Department of English, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  HYPERLINK "mailto:fhobson@email.unc.edu" fhobson@email.unc.edu Prof. Brent Kinser, Department of English, ĢƵ.  HYPERLINK "mailto:bkinser@email.wcu.edu" bkinser@email.wcu.edu Prof. Brian Gastle, Professor, ĢƵ. (828) 227-7264.  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