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If a PDF document is used for approval purposes, email an excel version in addition to the PDF. Email BRs to: 'Sheilah Moyle- salary related revisions Ann Green -- operating revisions <-- Move circle to correct cell Rule Code 111010-EHRA Regular Salaries#111011-EHRA Regular Salaries-Lapsed'111020-EHRA Regular Salaries-Lab School115010-EHRA Academic Salary*115410-EHRA Time Limited Teaching Salaries)116010-EHRA Time Limited Salary and Wages121010-SHRA Regular Salary!121011-SHRA Regular Salary-Lapsed123010-SHRA LEO Salary/Wages131010-Non-Student Reg Wage135050-Student Regular Wage141010-EHRA Overtime Paymts141020-Overtime Pay-1.5x"141025-Overtime Pay--Straight Time141030-Non-Student Ot Pay 141040-Hazard Pay for COVID191420BP-Premium Pay Pool145010-Dual Employment Wages146010-Longevity Pay151010-Social Security 151011-Social Security-Lapsed152020-State Retirement 153080-Law Officer Retmnt 154070-Optional Retirement156030-Medical Insurance "157500-Employee Assistance Program!157600-Flex Spending Acct Savings162580-St Disability Pmts 1630BP-Worker Compensation Pool166010-Taxble Emp Exp Reimb'166410-Non Taxable Emp Cell Phone Reimb$2100BP-Purchased Cont. Services Pool2200BP-Utilities Pool2300BP-Purchased Services Pool3000BP-Supplies Pool)4000BP-Property, Plant and Equipment Pool 4600BP-Library Books Budget Pool'5000BP-Other Expenses & Adj Budget PoolEmail BRs to: ACCOUNT*ACCOUNT *See below!(Common Budget Pools for Budget RevisionsLabor Expenditures157250-Unemployment Comp These budget pools are most frequently used in preparing budget revisions. Budget pool accounts not on this list may be needed on rare occasion. Contact the Budget Office for assistance.p*Use Accounts at the Budget Pool level. For a list of the most common Budget Pools see Budget Pool Accounts tab.135055-Student Work Study 1 285015-PawPrint Printing/Copying rv 8.31.21jB C_CCC/DsDFW:G~1HuI\.JrKaL+ ccB ZO $Sb{c  dMbP?_*+%&?'333333?(?)?MHP ENVY 5000 seriesC odXXLetterGIS4DINU"%# SMTJp{75962809-585A-4647-8236-EBF5E64D9374}InputBin1RESDLLUniresDLLColorModeOffDeviceLanguagePCLmSJobPageOrderReversePageOutputQualityNormalCollateONDocumentNUp1DuplexNONEPaperSizeLETTEROrientationPORTRAITResolutionDPI600x600MediaType0.1004.4770V4DM"dXX ףp= ? ףp= ?&4 U} q|} Q} Q} Q} qR}  Q} R}  Q} Q} Q}  Q} Q}  Q} U Q}  Q} Q$8h T T X w@ w@ w@ w@  w@  w@w@w@w@w@w@ \\\w\w\i@\ ^\^     R Q.     * S | U#  U$  x  D( D |Uf f_  V VX  W X Y    + T~ |?<&D-  D DB  Q- ~ |@ < &D -  D  D B  Q, ~ |@ <  &D -  D  D B  ~ |@ < &D -  D  D B  ~ |@    0 &L-  L LB   ~ |@      }~~ |@   ~ @~ | @  ~  @~ |"@  ~ "@~ |$@  ~ $@~ |&@  ~ &@Z ['# %i Q ~ (@Z [#  % ~ ?   ~ @|  Q ~ @Q|  Q ~ @ ~ @\|z]gg  ~ @Q|  {hh    {  \QQ\| &gg   QQQ^| %hh    {  \QQ\ ^  ^\\^  \\\ ^ \\D l4,Lv:vcqqqqq}eHRHFVhXd< !"# !Qa !^^ "\\ #^^ t( 0 ^! 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Without the approval of one of these individuals, the budget office will not approve this request.rnju  Contact Number`If the budget office has questions about this revision, who can be contacted and at what number. oonV Requested By&This is the person filing out the formhire Please circle for permanentA permanent budget revision moves money permanently. This means when the new fiscal year begins in July, the money moved in this revision will still be where you moved it.u ! Please circle for temporaryA temporary revision will move the money where you request it moved for this fiscal year only. That means when the new fiscal year begins in July, the money you move here will revert back to where it was before this revision.lo.   Budget Office Use OnlyPlease leave this blank. The budget office will complete this cell. This rule code will be visible on FGITRND in the "Type" field. gi i Budget Period Budget Period;Please use chart in column N-O to determine correct period.@This should be a number between 1 and 12 depending on the month.. g U Full Time EquivelantBudget Office Use OnlyThis is only used when a position is being moved from one fund to another. Unless the budget office has specifically requested you move a position, you will not use this cell.MYou only move positions with this field. Please enter number in 0.00 format. {Gz? Reference NumberyThe Budget Office will assign this number. It will be inputted into Banner and you can search for this number if needed.aspe| Description:Too many characters!/This cell can only hold 35 caracters in Banner.xThere are only 35 characters allowed in Banner for this field. 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