ࡱ> SUR9 bjbj ;Phh PP8.,Z444hhh,......$_ RhhhhhR444ghF44,h,4P0>d}0   <hhhhhhhRRhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhPX : WESTERN CAROLINA UNIVERSITY GUIDE TO GENERAL INTERVIEW QUESTIONS  ACCEPTABLE PROHIBITED Arrest Records None. Number and kinds of arrest. Availability for Work on Weekends, Evenings If asked of all applicants and it is a business necessity for the person to be available to work weekends and/or evenings. Any questions about religious observance. Birthplace & Residence None.  Birthplace of the applicant or applicants parents; birth certificate, naturalization, or baptismal certificate prior to hiring. Child Care None. Inquiry into childcare arrangements of only female applicants. Citizenship Whether the applicant is prevented from lawfully becoming employed in this country because of visa or immigration status. Whether the applicant or spouse or parents are U.S. Citizens. Conviction Records Inquiry into convictions if job-related. Any inquiry about conviction, unrelated to job requirements. Creed or Religion None, except where religion is a bona fide occupational qualification. Applicants religious affiliation, church, parish, or religious holidays observed. Credit Records None. Inquiries about charge accounts, bank accounts, etc. Family Status Whether the applicant has responsibilities or commitments which prevent him/her from meeting work schedules if asked of all applicants regardless of sex. Marital status, number and age of children, spouses job.  Height & Weight None, unless job-related. Any inquiry unrelated to job requirements. Languages Languages applicant speaks or writes fluently if job-related. Applicants mother tongue, the language used by the applicant at home, or how the applicant acquired the ability to read, write, or speak a foreign language. Marital Status None. Whether the applicant is married, single, divorced, separated, engaged, or widowed. Military Service Military experience or training. Type of condition of discharge. Name Whether the applicant has worked under a different name. The original name of an applicant whose name has been legally changed or the national origin of an applicants name. National Origin None, except whether the applicant is legally eligible to work in the U.S. Applicants lineage, ancestry, national origin, descent, parentage, or nationality of the applicant, or applicants parent or spouse. Organizations Applicants membership in professional organizations if job-related. All clubs, social fraternities, societies, lodges, or organizations to which the applicant belongs. Photographs None except after hiring. Photograph with application or after interview but before hiring. Pregnancy None. Any inquiry into pregnancy, medical history of pregnancy, or family plans. Race or Color None. Applicants race or color of applicants skin. References Name of character/ employment references. Name of applicants pastor or religious leader. Relatives/friends Names of applicants relatives already employed by your organization or a competitor, but you may not give preference if women and minorities are underrepresented in your workforce. Names of friends working for the company or relatives other than those working for the company. Sex None, except where sex is a bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ). Any inquiry except where BFOQ.     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