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ND 683 Community Nutrition Practicum Evaluation ĢƵ Dietetic Internship Facility ___________________________________________ Preceptor ________________________________________ Student/Intern ___________________________________________ Please evaluate the student/intern on the following areas of performance Please circle the number corresponding to your rating for each bolded category. The bullet points provide insight into the activities/characteristics associated with each Add comments in each area for particularly strong or weak performance Mid-PointFinal Intern justifies programs, products, services and care in community nutrition using appropriate evidence or data CRDN 1.3   Intern develops, delivers, and evaluates nutrition products, programs, presentations, and/or services that promote health and wellness for target audiences CRDN 3.8 and 3.11  Intern develops culturally and age appropriate educational materials for individuals/target groups CRDN 3.9 Intern advocates for legislative or regulatory issues or policies impacting nutrition and the dietetics profession CRDN 2.13 Intern actively contributes in professional and community organizations CRDN 2.9  Intern uses effective education and counseling skills to facilitate behavior change CRDN 3.10, 5.5 Adequately prepares for counseling/educational sessions by obtaining handouts, visuals, etc. Uses appropriate verbal and nonverbal communication skills Correctly explains therapeutic diet Utilizes motivational interviewing skills Resolves conflict  Intern delivers respectful, science-based answers to patient/client questions CRDN 3.12  Intern refers patients to other professionals and services when needs are beyond scope of practice CRDN 2.6 Intern works collaboratively with NDTRs and/or support personnel in other disciplines. CRDN 2.5Intern prepares professional development plans, and clearly articulates ones' skills, strengths, knowledge and experiences relevant to career goals CRDN 5.2, 5.3  Professionalism Evaluation Intern: _________________________________________ Site: ____________________________________________ Please use the following scale to rate the interns performance: S Satisfactory U Unsatisfactory NA Not applicable Satisfactory = demonstrates behavior characteristic of an entry-level professional Unsatisfactory = does not demonstrate behavior characteristic of an entry-level professional Mid-PointFinalIntern was adequately prepared for the rotation site Intern possessed and applied knowledge of the subject matter when completing tasks Intern demonstrated professional attributes (CRDN 1.5, 2.10, 5.4) by:(overall)(overall)Taking initiative in completing tasksBeing open and accepting of feedbackAdapting to a changing environmentDemonstrating time management skills & follow-through with complex tasksDemonstrating good judgement and critical thinking skillsAdvocates for opportunities in the professional settings (such as asking for additional responsibility)Intern maintained good interpersonal relationships and demonstrated cultural humility with all colleagues, staff, clients, patients and public (CRDN 2.11)Intern demonstrated teamwork and contributed meaningfully to group and/or multidisciplinary settings (CRDN 2.3, 2.4)Intern demonstrated professional oral and written communication skills (CRDN 2.2, 3.7) Intern practiced in compliance with all applicable federal and state regulations, and in accordance with the Code of Ethics and Scope of Nutrition and Dietetics Practice for the nutrition profession (CRDN 2.1) Mid-Point Evaluation Please provide additional comments, regarding the intern: Strengths: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Areas needing improvement: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________________________ Date: ________________________ (Student) Signature: ___________________________________________________________ Date: ________________________ (Preceptor) Final Evaluation Please provide additional comments, regarding the intern: Strengths: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Areas needing improvement: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________________________ Date: ________________________ (Student) Signature: ___________________________________________________________ Date: ________________________ (Preceptor)     End-of-rotation acend competency evaluation Community Nutrition  ĢƵDietetic Internpracticum performance evaluation guidelines  yz{} W X Y [        P 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