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Miwa Matreyek

Miwa Matreyek


Miwa Matreyek: Infinitely Yours

Miwa Matreyek This World Made Itself

This World Made Itself, Miwa Matreyek, photo by Gayle Lar

February 7 - May 5
March 16 Events | 
Reception: 5PM | Performance: 6PM

Animator, director, designer, and performance artist Miwa Matreyek creates live, staged performances where she interacts with her animations as a shadow silhouette. Her work is situated at the intersection of the cinematic and theatrical, fantastical and tangible, illusionistic and physical.

"I am interested in making scientific ideas visible and visceral through the performing body. How would it feel to die, decay, and become part of the earth again? How would it feel to be an out of control weather system? To consume and be consumed? I want to take the audience on a journey to feel the universe." - Miwa Matreyek

Matreyek will perform two pieces on Thursday, March 16: "This World Made Itself" and "Myth and Infrastructure." 

Please note that there is a specific itinerary for the evening's events.  Please be mindful for scheduling/travel plans:
5 - 6pmAppetizer reception in Star Atrium - open to the public
6 - 7pmLive performance by Miwa Matreyek in the Studio Theater.  Free & open to the public. Performance starts promptly at 6pm.  No late admittance.

Miwa Matreyek


Enjoy a sneak peak of her performance below!