Mary Abbott, American (1921- ) Mohgany Road, 1956 Oil, mixed media on paper, 22 x 30 inches; Gift of the Artist
Martha Armstrong, American (1940-) Lime House with Orange, 1985 Oil, 25 x 29 inches Gift of the Artist
Rosemarie Beck, American (1923-2003) Orpheus in the Underworld, 1974-1975 Oil on canvas, 50 x 60 inches Gift of the Rosemary Beck Foundation
Rosemarie Beck, American (1923-2003) Hippoclytus being Mourned, 2000 Gouache on paper, 8 x 10 inches Women's Studies Collection Gift of the Rosemary Beck Foundation
Quita Brodhead, American (1901-2002) Conshokohen, 1935 Oil on linen, 30 x 25 inches Women's Studies Collection Gift of the Artist

Lewis Buck, American "It's Turtles all the way down - ", 1987-90 Acrylic on canvas, 40 x 48 inches Gift of the artist
Lewis Buck, American Here Horizons Penetrate Even the Saddest Flowers, 1975-82 Acrylic, collage on canvas, 36 x 60 inches Gift of the artist
Lewis Buck, American Veronica (aka Sudarium), 1980 Acrylic, collage on canvas, 72 x 50 inches Gift of the Artist
Jane Culp, American (1941-) Narrow Earth Bridge, 1993 Watercolor and pencil on paper, 22 x 30 inches Gift of the Artist

Lois Dodd, American (1927-) Apple Trees, 1994 Oil on panel, 11 x 14 inches Gift of the Artist
Lois Dodd, American (1927-) Morning Light, 2000 Oil on panel, 12 x 15 inches Gift of the Artist
 Louis Finkelstein, American Marsh, Columbia, New Jersey, 1988 Oil, 54 x 54 inches Gift of the Artist
Louis Finkelstein, American (1923-2003) Abstraction, 1954 Oil on canvas, 48 x 31 ½ inches Gift of the Artist
Barbara Fisher, American Meander, 2003 Oil on canvas, 11 ½ x 11 ½ inches Museum Purchase
Adu Gindy, American - born Estonia Barnyard I, 2005 Acrylic on wood, 24 x 20 inches Museum Purchase
Robert Godfrey, American Rekindling Fire, 1996 Oil on linen canvas, 40 x 36 inches Purchase made possible through contributions from Collector's Consortium
Mary Charles Griffin, American Glacial, 2001 Oil on canvas, 48 x 36 inches Museum Purchase
John Heliker, American (1909-2000) Visit II, 1989 Oil on canvas Gift of the Heliker-LaHotan Foundation, New York
Robert LaHotan, American Impression Landscape, c. 1985 Oil on canvas Gift of the Heliker-LaHotan Foundation, New York
Dean Lettenstrom, American Chair of Vincent, 1992 Oil on canvas, 40 x 28 inches Museum Purchase
Greg McPherson, American Push Back, 2005 Enamel on masonite, 28 x 24 inches Museum Purchase
Janie McWhirter, American (1943-1998) Untitled Floral, c. 1985 Oil and chalk on canvas, 47 x 60 inches Gift of Ms. Sue Baucom
Edith Neff, American (1943-1995) The Lure of the Abyss, 1988 Oil on canvas, 56 x 81 inches Gift of the Artist

Kenneth Noland, American (1924-2010) Reef, 1969 Acrylic on canvas, 44 x 164 ¼ inches Gift of the Artist
Mary Parker, American (1906-2004) Untitled, undated Oil on linen, 40 x 42 inches Gift of the Artist
Jane Piper, American (1916-1991) Untitled, c. 1979 Oil pastel, 23 x 29 inches Women's Studies Collection Gift of Ms. Jane Batzell
Bill Scott, American (1956-) Floral #9, 1996 Acrylic, 40 x 32 inches Gift of the Artist
Shari Urquhart, American She said "The Toys are Father to the War," 1992 Watercolor, 29 x 36 inches Women's Studies Collection Gift of the Artist