Goal 3.1: Foster an inclusive University community.
Foster an inclusive University community
- 3.1.1: Administer a campus climate survey every three years and develop a university plan
to address the results.
Goal 3.2: Recruit, Retain, and Develop
Broaden our commitment to diversity and inclusion by recruiting, retaining, and developing
a diverse community of faculty, staff, and students.
- 3.2.1: Build a more diverse and inclusive student, faculty and staff community to provide
an environment in which all can be successful academically and professionally.
- 3.2.2: Establish an accountability model in which all units create goals and expectations
around university policy on equity, non-discrimination, compliance, and equal employment
opportunities that reflect our commitment to diversity and inclusion.
Goal 3.3: Scholarship and Teaching
Support innovative and inclusive scholarship and teaching.
- 3.3.1: Ensure that diversity, equity, and inclusion, in all their forms, are foundational
aspects of educational offerings.
- 3.3.2: Provide ongoing, appropriate professional development on innovative and inclusive
practices for faculty and staff.