Banner is a comprehensive, Oracle based computer information system that contains
the necessary components of the university's administrative services. Banner operates
in five areas: Finance, Student Services, Alumni and Development, Human Resources
and Financial Aid.
Banner Finance access will be granted upon receipt of a properly prepared and approved Banner Finance Account Request Form. Training appropriate to the role for which access is being requested must be completed
before access will be granted. Banner Finance users’ access will be re-certified at
least annually to assure it is job appropriate.
Banner Finance Access Procedures:
Complete the Banner Finance training materials found off the .
Submit the Banner Finance Account Request Form to the Systems and Procedures unit
of the Controller's Office
Systems and Procedures will confirm/assess requestor training needs based upon role
being requested and inform requestor of any additional training requirements
Systems and Procedures will coordinate and/or route requestor to appropriate training
Systems and Procedures will submit access request to IT for processing upon confirmation
and/or attestation from requestor that all training requirements have been satisfied.
Training efforts and materials are focused towards those users who can update Banner
Finance and in areas where interpretation of Finance data is deemed more critical. NO
USER with update privileges to Banner Finance will be granted access prior to completion
of appropriate training. Requests for query only access must include attestation from
the requestor that campus-specific, self-directed training materials provided by the
Controller's Office will be competed prior to accessing Banner Finance (see Request Form for attestation).
Campus specific training is available on the . You must be logged into your campus computer or accessing campus resources though
Multi-Factor Authentication in order to view this content which is behind the university
firewall. For detailed instructions, please contact the IT help line at 227-7487.
Query Access
New employees will be given access instructions to Banner Finance self-help training
materials as part of new employee intake through the ĢƵHuman Resources Department.
New employees or employees new to Banner Finance will be required to certify that
self-help training materials will be utilized prior to attempting to access Banner
Self-help training materials will be made available online to ĢƵemployees, secured
within the ĢƵintranet.
Self-help materials for beginner, intermediate and advanced users will be made available
on the .
Individual or group "in-person" training session will be offered to supplement the
online materials as requested or deemed necessary based upon user interaction.
Update Access
Formal training sessions and training materials will be developed as appropriate and
as necessary for all users who will be granted updated access to Banner Finance.
A training program specific to the user will be developed utilizing SunGard provided
materials to the fullest extent possible, with local materials developed and provided
as needed.
All training will occur in a test environment until the user can demonstrate competency
in Banner skills appropriate for production (PROD) level access.
The Systems and Procedures unit of the Controller's Office will, upon confirmation
that formal training has been completed, submit a formal Banner Finance security class
request to IT granting access appropriate to training and desired role(s) within Banner
The Banner financial system is based on the fund accounting concept where financial
transactions are accounted for and reported in separate, self-balancing accounting
units called FUNDS. Specifically, each fund has its own asset, liability, revenue
and expense accounts. Separate accounting units (fund types) ensure that the funds
received are accounted for in a manner that will demonstrate compliance with legal
requirements, the purposes for which the funds were established, and the authority
provided by the State of North Carolina.
For accounting purposes, University funds are separated as follows:
State funds are funds subject to the Executive Budget Act. They are generally "appropriated
by the General Assembly of North Carolina" and/or "collected by or for the State,
or any agency thereof, pursuant to the authority granted in any of its laws" (Chapter
143, Article 1, General Statutes of North Carolina).
State funds in Banner are all begin with a “1” and are numbered 101xxx-199999.
While contract and grant funds and trust funds are maintained separately by the University,
both are institutional trust funds as described in General Statutes 116.36.1 and 116.36.5
as follows:
moneys, or the proceeds of other forms of property, received by an institution as
gifts, devises, or bequests that are neither presumed nor designated to be gifts,
devises, or bequests to the endowment fund of the institution;
moneys received by an institution pursuant to grants from, or contracts with, the
United States Government or any agency or instrumentality thereof;
overhead receipts collected from contract and grant funds are classified as institutional
trust funds, effective July 1, 1998;
moneys received by an institution pursuant to grants from, or contracts with, any
State agencies, any political subdivision of the State, any other states or nations
or political subdivisions thereof, or any private entities whereby the institution
undertakes, subject to terms and conditions specified by the entity providing the
moneys, to conduct research, training or public service programs, or to provide financial
aid to students;
moneys collected by an institution to support extracurricular activities of students
of the institution;
moneys received from or for the operation by an institution of activities established
for the benefit of scholarship funds or student activity programs;
moneys received from or for the operation by an institution of any of its self-supporting
auxiliary enterprises, including institutional student auxiliary enterprise funds
for the operation of housing, food, health, and laundry services.
moneys received by an institution in respect to fees and other payments for services
rendered by medical, dental or other health care professionals under an organized
practice plan approved by the institution or under a contractual agreement between
the institution and a hospital or other health care provider.
moneys received from the disposition effected pursuant to Chapter 146, Article 7,
of any interest in real property owned by or under the supervision and control of
an institution if the interest in real property had first been acquired by gift, devise,
or bequest or through expenditure of moneys defined in Section II.A. as "trust funds",
except the net proceeds from disposition of an interest in real property first acquired
by the institution through expenditure of moneys received as a grant from a State
agency (Chapter 529 of the 1981 Session Laws);
moneys received from operation and maintenance of institutional forest and forest
farmlands, provided that such moneys shall be used, when used, by the institution
for support of forest-related research, teaching, and public service programs.
Special funds are described in State legislation General Statute 116.36.2 as follows:
moneys received from or for the operation by an institution of its program of intercollegiate
moneys held by an institution as fiscal agent for individual students, faculty, staff
members, university-related foundations and organizations.
Endowment funds result from donations where the principal is to remain intact and
is to be invested to produce income which may be expended or reinvested. Endowments
are defined under General Statute 116.36. The solicitation of these funds is usually
coordinated through the Office of University Advancement. Title to endowment assets
is vested by statute in the Board of Trustees of the Endowment Fund of Western Carolina
State funds are funds subject to the Executive Budget Act. They are generally "appropriated
by the General Assembly of North Carolina" and/or "collected by or for the State,
or any agency thereof, pursuant to the authority granted in any of its laws" (Chapter
143, Article 1, General Statutes of North Carolina.)