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Laboratory Equipment

Sending Equipment to Surplus

Laboratory equipment and potentially contaminated furniture used in a laboratory must be cleaned and decontaminated prior to disposal.  The Safety and Risk Management Office has a procedure in place to ensure that equipment is safe to handle before being picked up by Facilities Management personnel.

To begin the clearance procedure, please complete the Equipment Clearance Before Surplus Form and return to the Safety and Risk Management Office or submit online using the "Equipment Clearance Before Surplus Submit Online" link on this page.  When the information is received, a Safety Officer will verify that the equipment has been decontaminated and will affix the signed Clearance Form to indicate that it is safe to surplus the equipment.

Repair or Maintenance of Equipment

It is important that potentially contaminated lab equipment or furniture be decontaminated before repair or maintenance is performed.  The Safety and Risk Managment Office has a procedure in place to ensure that equipment is safe to handle before being worked on by Facilitites Management Personnel.  Please complete the Equipment Clearance Before Service Form and return to the Safety and Risk Management Office.  When the information is received, a Safety Officer will verify that the equipment has been decontaminated and will affix the signed Clearance Form to indicate that it is safe to handle the equipment.

Fume Hood Maintenance

When maintenance personnel must work inside a chemical fume hood, the user must remove all containers and equipment and thoroughly wash the interior surfaces with warm soapy water.