All employees (faculty, staff, and paid students) are required to complete general safety training courses covering fire safety and emergency preparedness, hazard communication, and any other courses applicable to their job duties. Each employee working with hazardous materials and/or equipment is required to submit the Hazard Assessment Training Determination Form to the Safety & Risk Management Office when they begin employment and at any time in the future if new hazards are introduced. The employee's supervisor is required to review the duties and sign the form before it is submitted.
After a review of the Hazard Assessment, the employee will be enrolled in applicable safety training courses. The courses are administered through Canvas modules or an online management system, HSI Learning. Please review the Online Safety Training Information for more details about the HSI Learning Management System. Follow this step-by-step guide for instructions on how to log in to HSI, how to access information about your safety training, and for common troubleshooting questions.
Unpaid personnel (students or volunteers) are not enrolled in the safety training program administered by Safety and Risk Management; however, they must receive training relative to their duties directly from the supervisor. This training should be documented and available upon request during an audit.
Hands-on Training
Online courses provide an excellent overview for safety but cannot replace hands-on training provided directly by the supervisor. All personnel handling hazardous materials and/or equipment must be trained in safe work practices specific to the potential hazards. Hands-on training provided directly by the supervisor, or other assigned individual, must be documented using a training checklist or standard operating procedure (SOP). Training records should be available upon request during a safety inspection.