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Eye & Face Protection

Eye and face protection is needed to control the following types of hazards:

  • Dust, dirt, metal, or chips from grinding, sawing, hammering, chipping, and from power tools.
  • Chemical splashes from corrosive substances, hot liquids, solvents, and other hazardous chemicals.
  • Flying objects such as tree limbs, chains, tools, and ropes.
  • Radiant energy from welding, lasers, and other harmful rays.

Supervisors should evaluate their work area and complete the PPE Hazard Assessment Form to document when eye protection is required.

University policy on eye and face protection for employees is derived from the Occupational Safety and Health Act of North Carolina (OSHANC). OSHANC states that:

  • Protective eye and face equipment shall be required where there is a reasonable probability of injury that can be prevented by such equipment.
  • In such cases, employers shall make conveniently available a type of protector suitable for the work to be performed, and employees shall use such protectors.
  • No unprotected person shall knowingly be subjected to a hazardous environmental condition.
  • Suitable eye protectors shall be provided where machines or operations present the hazards of flying objects, glare, liquids, injurious radiation, or a combination of these hazards.

University policy on eye and face protection for students is derived from legislation enacted by the North Carolina General Assembly entitled "Policy for Eye and Face Protection," and passed in 1969. This Act requires that eye protective devices be worn by students in shops, laboratories, or other areas where work involves:

  • Hot solids, liquids, or, molten metals; or
  • Milling, sawing, turning, shaping, cutting, or stamping of any solid materials; or
  • Heat treatment, tempering, or kiln firing of any metal or other materials; or
  • Gas or electric arc welding; or
  • Repair or servicing of any vehicle; or
  • Caustic or explosive chemicals or materials.

Eye protective devices are to be worn at all times while participating in any of the above programs.

This act also provides that visitors to such shops and laboratories be furnished with and be required to wear eye safety devices while such programs are in progress.

The North Carolina legislation and OSHA NC specify that eye and face protective devices, which include spectacles, goggles, and face shields, shall comply with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z87.1 1979 and later revisions thereof.  All eye and face protective devices currently on State Contract meet ANSI standards.

Types of Eye & Face Protection

The type of device required will depend on the nature of the hazard and the frequency with which it is encountered. There are three basic types of eye protection which will meet the majority of University maintenance, shop, and laboratory requirements.  These are: safety glasses (or spectacles), dust goggles, and chemical goggles.  Each of these meets the basic eye protection standards for frontal exposure to flying particles.

Safety glasses with side shields are required in places where flying particles are likely to enter at an angle.  Safety glasses with permanently attached side shields will provide this protection.  Clip-on side shields do not meet ANSI standards.  Non-side shield glasses are not acceptable eye protection for impact hazards.

Safety glasses are generally more comfortable than goggles and are therefore recommended for employees who require eye protection frequently or for long duration (more than 2 hours).

Goggles fit the face and form a protective seal around the eyes which prevents objects from entering under or around the goggles.

Dust or chemical goggles are the least expensive approved eye protection devices available, fit most head size and facial shapes, and may be worn over ordinary glasses.  They are recommended for visitors, employees, and students who require eye protection periodically for short duration (less than two hours per day).

Chemical splash goggles are required to provide protection against corrosive or hot liquids or fine particles capable of penetrating the ventilation holes in dust goggles.

Eye Examinations and Prescription Frames

Scheduling and payment for eye examinations to obtain prescriptions and professional fittings for safety glasses are the responsibility of the employee.  Frames and lenses for prescription and non prescription safety glasses will be paid for by the university department.   Only those items listed on the current statewide contract will be paid for by the University.  Contact the Safety & Risk Management Office for the current selection on contract and details to complete the reimbursement process (828-227-7443). 

Photogray lenses will not generally be approved unless a medical need is certified by an eye professional.  Photogray lenses will only be provided for employees needing eye protection whose job assignments are largely outside.

Shaded eye/face protection is required for work involving radiant energy sources, such as with the following:

  • Welding and brazing operations
  • Lasers
  • Ultraviolet radiation
  • Ionizing particulate radiation

Welding shields constructed from vulcanized fiber or fiberglass and fitted with a filtered lens protect eyes from burns caused by infrared, ultraviolet, or intense radiant light.  They also protect both the eyes and face from flying sparks, metal spatter, and slag chips produced during welding, brazing, soldering, and cutting operations.

Laser Safety Goggles provide protection from laser radiation.

Contact Safety & Risk Management for guidance in selecting the proper protective device for these activities.

Headgear providing a transparent sheet of plastic to cover the face and protect against nuisance dusts and potential splashes of hazardous liquid.  Face shields are intended to protect the entire face or portions of it and only provide protection from impact hazards when used in combination with safety eyewear.  Face Shields do not meet eye protection standards and are only for face protection.  Appropriate eye protection devices must be worn under the face shield.

Providing Protection

The University is committed to a policy of providing eye and face protective devices without cost to employees.  Each department is responsible for the funding of its employee eye and face protection program.  Departments may loan eye protective devices to students or may require students to purchase devices at the University Book Store.  Visitors should be furnished with temporary eye protection without cost.

Return of Protective Devices

Non-prescription eye protective devices issued to employees, students, and visitors remain the property of the University and are to be returned when the use of the devices is no longer necessary.  For students this will normally be at the end of each semester and for employees it will be on termination of employment or change in duties where eye protection is no longer required.

Replacement of Damaged Devices

Glasses damaged during normal wear and use may be replaced without charge to the employee or student at the discretion of the department head or designated administrative officer.

Replacing Lost Devices

Replacement of lost or stolen devices will be the responsibility of the employee or student to whom they were issued.

Cleaning Material

Eye protective devices are personal items and should be issued for the exclusive use of each individual.  Materials for cleaning eye and face protective devices are to be made available to employees and students by each department.

Disinfection Before Re-issuance

Eye protective devices must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before being issued to another person.

Eye Wash Facilities:  Every laboratory or work place using caustic and/or corrosive chemicals shall be equipped with emergency eye wash facilities.

First Aid for Chemical Burns:  When the eye has received chemical irritation, the preferred first aid is to flood the eye with water immediately for at least 15 minutes and seek medical treatment as soon as possible.  Neutralizers or other medication should be used only on the advice, or under the direction, of a physician.

Contact Lenses: It is not recommended to wear contact lenses when working with hazardous chemicals.  They are difficult to remove should chemicals get into the eyes and tend to prevent contaminant removal by the natural eye fluids.  Furthermore, chemical vapors can be absorbed and become trapped beneath the lens causing the potential for corneal damage.