Printmaking involves various processes in which ink is transfered from one surface to another. The hazards are generally those presented by exposure to organic solvents and acids used in the transfer process.
The primary hazard in printmaking and silkscreen printing is exposure to organic solvents
during plate preparation and plate clean up. Repeated or prolonged exposure of the
skin to organic solvent dries out the skin by defatting the tissue. Prolonged inhalation
of solvent vapors in sufficient quantities can cause dizziness, nausea, loss of coordination
and even unconsciousness. Accidental ingestion, either from poor hygiene or unlabeled
containers can cause long-term toxic effects and can be fatal if significant quantities
are ingested. There is also a fire risk with using solvents as they are flammable
and are easily ignited!
Screen Washing Hazards
Screen washing presents a hazard of irritation to the lungs and skin and a severe
hazard to the eyes. Bleach and some soaps used in the process are corrosive depending
on the concentration used.
Etching Hazards
Acids used in etching are severely corrosive to the body and are reactive with many
other chemicals. Nitric acid etching releases toxic nitrogen dioxide, which has poor
odor warning properties. Mixing hydrochloric acid with potassium chlorate to make
Dutch mordant produces toxic chlorine gas! Potassium chlorate is very reactive with
organic compounds. Resin and asphaltum dusts are combustible.
Safety guidelines to minimize exposure to hazardous chemicals:
Light exposure unit emits strong UV light that is harmful to your eyes. Do not look directly into the light. Always wear gloves and goggles with mixing photographic chemicals.
All mechanical equipment is to be equipped with guards that prevent access to electrical connections or moving parts, such as belts and pulleys of a vacuum pump. Each worker should inspect equipment before using it to ensure that the guards are in place and functioning. Careful design of guards is vital. An ineffective guard can be worse than none at all, because it may give a false sense of security. Emergency shutoff devices may be needed in addition to electrical and mechanical guarding. Please reference the Machine Guarding Program for more information.