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Withdrawal/Drop Refund Policy

By registering for classes, students agree to pay all applicable tuition and required fees. Students are required to pay all tuition and fees for any registered course unless enrollment is officially cancelled during the 100% refund period.

Students who drop courses during the drop/add period or withdraw from the University during the first 50% of the enrollment period may be eligible for a full or partial reduction of tuition and fee charges.

Courses may be dropped during the first week of a semester or first two days of a summer session. The number of hours a student is officially enrolled in at the end of the drop/add period is the number of hours upon which billed tuition and fees are based.  If a student simply reduces their course load by course withdrawal(s) after the drop/add period ends, no reduction of charges will be credited to the student's account.

Reduction of tuition and fee charges for official university withdrawals from WCU are based on the schedule below. No reduction of charges is made for official university withdrawals after 50% of the enrollment period has passed.

Percent Reduction Timeframe
100% during the drop/add period
90% beween drop/add and 10% of enrollment period
50% between 10% and 25% of enrollment period
25% between 25% and 50% of enrollment period
0% after 50% of enrollment period


Withdrawal dates and related reduction of charges rates for the current semester 

Students are responsible for payment of housing and meal plan services that are provided.  Housing and meal plan charges for students who withdraw from the the university mid-semester will be pro-rated based on the student's move out or withdrawal date.

Exceptions to these policies may be made if the student withdraws from the university for reasons of hardship. These reasons are defined as: (1) death of the student, (2) death in the student's immediate family, (3) a medical condition that compels withdrawal upon recommendation of the director of Student Health Services, or (4) a mental health condition that compels withdrawal upon recommendation of the director of Counseling and Psychological Services. Students may file a university withdrawal refund appeal with the Office of Student Retention, 2nd Floor Killian Annex or by emailing retention@wcu.edu.

Students who receive Title IV financial aid are subject to separate federal refund regulations governing such aid. Changes in the number of hours a student is enrolled in may effect eligibility for aid and may result in a student having to repay some or all of the aid back to the university. Students who have specific questions should contact the Financial Aid Office for additional information.