A CSA is defined as "an official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to, student housing, student discipline, and campus judicial proceedings." Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ has identified our officials who meet these criteria and has informed them of their responsibilities. This can be found outlined in Campus Policy 116 VIII.
The University CSAs must immediately verbally report via telephone at (828) 227-8911 information about potential crimes, including Clery Crimes, to the University Police Department in accordance with this Policy for investigation, if possible, and potential inclusion in the Annual Security Report. CSAs who are unsure whether an incident is a Clery Crime should report it. Notice to the University Police Department should be made orally where circumstances demand, but shall be followed with written notice. All documentation of a crime report shall be preserved pursuant to federal, state and local law as well as University policy.
The Chancellor, members of the Chancellor's Executive Council, and Deans shall identify persons within their areas who are designated as CSAs under this Policy. The names of all identified persons shall be provided to the Clery Coordinator no later than August 1 of each year. Employees who are hired after August 1 and are designated as CSAs under this policy must be immediately identified to the Clery Coordinator and must receive CSA training within thirty (30) calendar days from the employee's start date.
CSA's are defined by their University function; not by job title. If someone has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, he or she is a CSA. While an individual's ordinary responsibilities and functions at the University would not classify them as a CSA, the individual may take on a responsibility which would then qualify them as a CSA, for example, if an employee or volunteer organizes or helps lead a student trip or outing. Individuals who have responsibility for campus security, other than University Police or the Director of Emergency Management, are also CSAs, such as security personnel at athletic events.
Individuals in the following offices/positions are CSA's:
• University Police;
• Student Crisis Response Team members;
• Residential Living staff, including Resident Assistants, Resident Directors, and
administrative staff;
• Health Services staff;
• Emergency services staff;
• Director of Counseling and Psychological Services;
• Advisors to Recognized Student Organizations;
• Intercultural Affairs staff;
• Other Student Affairs Professional staff designated by the Vice Chancellor for Student
• Athletic Director and Assistant Athletic Directors;
• Athletic coaches and assistant coaches;
• Athletic trainers;
• Building coordinators;
• Director of Highlands Biological Station;
• Director of Cherokee Center;
• Director of Programs at Biltmore;
• Advisors to club sports;
• Student Support Services staff;
• Academic Success Centers staff;
• Deans, Associate/Assistant Deans and their administrative staff;
• Director of Equal Opportunity and Diversity Programs;
• Disability Services staff;
• Advising Center staff; and
• Office of Undergraduate Studies staff.