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Bystander Intervention

Bystander intervention is all about the prevention and de-escalation of potentially violent incidents. It is the willingness to take action and help someone in the time of need.

Why is bystander intervention important?

Because it is something that WHEE ALL can do!!

  • We all witness language and behavior that can be defined as hurtful, harmful, or potentially illegal.
  • It makes everyone a part of a successful intervention strategy and approach to prevention.
  • Bystanders can elicit social influence and exert positive peer pressure.

Types of Approaches


  • “Cut it out”
  • “Hey, leave them alone.”


  • “Aren’t you in my accounting class?”
  • “Who wants to go to Cookout?”


  • Ask a friend to distract one person while you distract the other
  • Ask someone to sit with them and talk


  • Ask the person to use the restroom with you or to get some food/drink
  • Ask if they are ok
  • “How can I help you get out of this situation?”
  • Text/Snap during the situation


Intracultural Affairs (ICA) hosts a bystander intervention program called Step UP! The goals of Step UP! are to raise awareness of helping behaviors, increase motivation to help, develop skills and confidence when responding to problems or concerns, and ensure the well-being of oneself and others.

For more information about ICA’s Step UP! program, visit their homepage