Take a self-defense course. Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵoffers RAD (Rape Aggression Defense and can be found
in the Police Services section of the Police homepage.)
Lock your door when you leave, even if you plan to be gone for just a minute.
Do not lend your keys to service/maintenance people you do not know well.
Always ask service/maintenance people to identify themselves before allowing them
to enter your room/apartment/home.
Get to know your neighbors so you can help each other.
Do not keep large sums of money, jewelry, or valuable items in plain view in your
Try to avoid entering elevators occupied by strangers. If you are waiting for an elevator
with a stranger, stand away from the door to avoid being pushed inside.
Please report any broken or malfunctioning locks to the facilities department.
Familiarize yourself with Run. Hide. Fight.
Familiarize yourself with the layout of the campus. Survey the campus while classes
are in session and after dark to see that academic buildings, walkways, facilities,
and parking lots are adequately secured and well-lighted.
Plan the safest route to your destination; choose well-lighted, busy pathways and
At night, stick to well-lighted areas whenever possible and avoid alleyways or "short
cuts" through isolated areas.
Travel in groups and avoid going out alone at night.
Utilize the CatTran at night.
Know where the emergency call boxes are located on campus and know how to use them.
Walk near the curb and avoid shrubbery or other places of potential concealment.
Tell a friend or roommate where you are going and what time you expect to return.
Utilize the Safewalk feature on the LifeSafe app
Stay alert to your surroundings and the people around you.
Keep your keys separate from your purse or backpack.
Don't overload yourself with bags or packages and avoid wearing shoes that restrict
your movements.
Walk with a confident stride; keep your head up and look around.
If a motorist stops and asks for directions, keep your distance from the car.
Plan your route in advance and walk/jog/run in familiar areas.
Go with a known companion if possible.
Carry identification.
Don't wear jewelry or carry cash.
Avoid secluded or dimly lighted areas.
Avoid going after dark.
Always face the traffic.
If you're being followed, cross the street or change directions; keep looking back
and get a good description of the person.
Wear bright colors to improve your visibility.
Change your route and schedule.
Avoid bushes where a person could hide.
Take a key with you; do not leave your house or room unlocked
Make sure you can still hear what is going on around you.
Use a bike light when riding a bicycle at night.
Wear a helmet at all times when riding a bicycle.
Obey all traffic laws; you must stop at intersections; pedestrians have the right
of way.
Pay attention to your surroundings; warn pedestrians when you are passing them.
Take extra care when passing parking lot exits or driving through parking lots.
Give proper hand signals when turning or stopping.
Secure your bicycle with a heavy duty U-lock or chain. When possible, lock at least
your front wheel and frame to a bike rack or other stationary object.
Do not park your bicycle in a doorway, on stairs, or blocking any handicapped access.
Use a bike rack.
Engrave or permanently mark your bicycle with an identifying number and record that
number with University Police.
Always lock your door; even when you're sleeping or just going down the hall.
Do not allow strangers to enter your room or your residence hall. Do not open your
door unless you can identify the person seeking entry.
Do not let unknown individuals "tailgate"
Do not prop any exterior doors open to allow unescorted visitors into the residence
hall (pizza delivery, friends, etc.).
Report lost or stolen residence hall keys immediately to your residence hall staff.
Report any malfunctioning locks, doors or windows to your residence life staff.
Do not leave your keys lying around in your room when you are not in the room.
Tell a roommate or friend if you are planning to be away overnight or for a few days.
Report any suspicious persons or activities (including solicitors) in or near your
residence hall to your residence hall staff and University Police.
Secure your valuables and engrave expensive items with identifying information.
Do not leave your identification, keys, wallets, checkbooks, or other valuables in
open view.
Get to know your RA, residence life staff and neighbors.
Park in well lighted areas, where your vehicle is visible; avoid parking next to vans
or trucks.
Keep all items out of sight, especially valuables.
Service your vehicle regularly to avoid breakdowns.
Keep your vehicle locked at all times.
Have your key ready when you approach your car. Before getting in, check inside and
around your car to make sure no one is hiding.
Never let fuel level get below ¼ tank.
Drive on well-traveled streets and keep your car in gear while it is stopped.
Allow at least one car length space between your car and the car in front of you so
that you can escape should someone try to get into your car.
Always be aware of your surroundings and check your rear-view mirror often.
Keep doors locked and windows shut.
If you do not know the location of your destination, ask someone for specific directions
before you leave.
If you get lost, do not pull over until you find a well-lit public area, and then
call the police.
If you suspect you are being followed, drive to a well-lit public area and call the
Always carry an emergency kit in your vehicle with first aid supplies, flares, flashlight,
jumper cables, blanket, etc.
Never pick up someone you don’t know.
Beware of people who yell, honk, and point at your car as if something is wrong; if
your car breaks down, stay inside and lock the doors. If anyone approaches to help,
crack the window and ask them to call the Police.
Beware of people who motion and ask you to stop and lend assistance; if you want to
assist someone whose car has broken down, go to the nearest phone or use your cell
phone and call the Police.
Beware of people who may bump your vehicle from behind; if you think you were bumped
intentionally, signal the other person to follow you to the nearest police station.
If a person with a weapon confronts you and wants your vehicle, give it up. No car
is worth being injured or losing your life over.
Hang up as soon as you realize the nature of the call. Do not try to find out who
the caller is, even if you think it is a friend playing a joke.
If the calls occur frequently, keep a log of exactly when the call was received and
what both parties said. Describe the type of voice and note any background noises.
Consider changing your phone number and voicemail message.
If the calls continue, contact the University Police.
If a deal sounds too good to be true; it probably is.
Be wary of any get rich quick scheme that wants you to invest money in advance.
Never give out your credit card information over the phone unless you made the call.
Do not buy on the spur of the moment; take time to research the company or product.
If you are approached by a possible con artist or unauthorized solicitor, report the
incident immediately to Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵPD.
Monitor your credit report. Each year, obtain and thoroughly review your credit report
from the three major credit bureaus; Equifax (800-685-1111), Experian (883-397-3742)
and TransUnion (800-680-4213) or to look for suspicious activity. If you spot something, alert your card company or
the creditor immediately.
Try to avoid isolated bus pickup locations when few people are around.
Stay in your vehicle until the CatTran arrives.
If possible, sit near the driver and notify him or her of any problems.
A crowded van is a prime target for pick pockets; carry your bags close and carry
your wallet in your coat of front pant pocket.
If someone is bothering or harassing you, move to another seat location and/or tell
the person in a loud voice to "STAY AWAY."
Remain on the van if you are uncomfortable with getting off.
Be clear and responsible in your communications with others.
Be forceful, firm and assertive.
If you go out with other friends, don't get separated; watch out for each other.
Consume alcohol responsibly
"No" means "NO."
Never go to someone's room, apartment of house that you just met.
Never leave your drink unattended.
Never accept a drink from anyone but the server at the bar.
Attend parties with friends and look out for one another. Utilize Bystander Intervention.
If you think your drink has been tampered with, let someone know and go directly to
the hospital.
Consume alcohol responsibly
Never drink and drive; always have a Designated Driver
Report suspicious activity
Direction of Travel
Suspect Information:
Adult/Juvenile/Approximate Age
Hair Color
Eye Color
Mustache, beard, sideburns or other facial hair
Tattoos, scars or other identifying marks
Gait, limp or amputations
Shirt type/color
Pants type/color
Automobile Information:
Body style (2-door, 4-door, convertible, truck, etc.)
License plate number
Distinguishing features (spoiler, racing stripes, tinting, damage, etc.)