H.F.R. Room 510 June 2, 2006
The Board of Trustees of ĢƵ met in regular session on June 2, 2006 in the Multipurpose Room of the University Center. The meeting was called to order at 9:37 a.m.
The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Warren, Mrs. MacNeill, Mr. Worley,
Mr. Burgin, Mrs. Wyche, Mrs. Burda, Mr. Carlisle, Mr. Metcalf, and Mr. Grasty.
The following members of the Board were absent: Mr. Kiser, Mrs. Hyde, and Mr. Phillips.
Others present included: Chancellor Bardo; Vice Chancellors Carter, Caruso, Metcalf and Wooten; Mrs. Lynch, Chief of Staff; Mr. Cantler, Assistant Director of Athletics; Mr. Kucharski, Legal Counsel; Mr. Studenc, Associate Director of Public Information; Mrs. Newman, Associate Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance; Ms. Beja, University Controller; Mr. Proffit, University Advisory Council Chair; Mr. Riouff, Staff Forum Chair; Dr. Beam, Faculty Senate Chair; Dr. Dunlap, Department Head and Professor of The Kimmel School; Mr. Cooper, Alumni Association President; Mrs. Ashe, Administrative Assistant; and Ms. Welch, Assistant Secretary to the Board of Trustees.
Mr. Burgin moved that the minutes of the March 24, 2006 regular meeting and the minutes
of the April 28, 2006 telephone meeting of the Executive Committee be approved as
mailed. Mrs. MacNeill seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.
Mr. Worley moved that the Board go into closed session to prevent the premature disclosure
of an honorary degree, scholarship, prize or similar award and to consider the qualifications,
competence, performance, condition of appointment of a public officer or employee
or prospective public officer or employee. Mr. Burgin seconded the motion, and it
was approved unanimously. Dr. Bardo asked that Dr. Carter and Mr. Metcalf stay for
the closed session.
Mr. Burgin moved that the Board return to open session. Mr. Metcalf seconded the
motion, and it was approved unanimously.
Mr. Worley explained that the ĢƵ Strategic Plan was the one
action item the committee wanted to bring to the Board. Mr. Worley asked Dr. Carter
to expound on the Strategic Plan.
Dr. Carter explained that a campus-wide committee has worked on the revision of the ĢƵ Strategic Plan. He further explained that the Strategic Plan is an important document for SACS accreditation. Dr. Carter stated that accrediting bodies are asking that the strategic plan be related to budget. Dr. Bardo mentioned that Erskine Bowles has agreed to sit with him and get a system buy-in of the plan. He further mentioned that if he gets a metrics for success prepared, then he will bring it back to the Board at the next meeting. Mr. Warren stated that this Strategic Plan has taken a lot of work and will affect hiring practices at this University. Mr. Worley reported that the committee is very pleased with the plan. Lengthy discussion regarding our Carnegie classification and how it relates to our mission statement followed. The Board felt that taking the word “comprehensive” out of our mission statement would be a bold move that should be made. Mr. Worley moved for the approval of the ĢƵ Strategic Plan dated May, 10, 2006 as amended to read “ĢƵ creates engaged learning opportunities that incorporate teaching, research and service…” under the Mission Statement. Also, under University Description, such plan is further amended to read “ĢƵ is a premier regional university...” Mr. Grasty seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. (STRATEGIC PLAN ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS)
Mr. Worley asked Dr. Carter to speak about the College Redesign. Dr. Carter gave some background on the process that has been used up to this point. Dr. Carter stated that this process has been discussed for several years, beginning with Arts and Sciences. He further stated that the discussion has moved to other colleges as well. Dr. Carter has had campus input and is at the point of making recommendations about reorganization. Dr. Carter explained the redesign organizational chart. Discussion followed. Dr. Carter handed out a summary of the cost analysis for this redesign. If approved in September, none of the changes would be implemented until July 1, 2007.
Mrs. Burda made a motion to establish a scholarship for ĢƵemployees and their dependents,
by utilizing sales from the proceeds of Prudential Life Insurance stock. Mr. Worley
seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.
Mrs. Burda made a motion to amend the ĢƵBoard of Trustees By-Laws to rename the Administration and Finance Committee to the Administration, Finance and Audit Committee, as required by the Board of Governors. Mr. Burgin seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.
As part of the SACS review process, it has been determined that no specific Trustee committee has oversight responsibility for potential conflicts of interest by board members, the chief executive officer or the chief financial officer. Presently, the Vice Chancellor of Administration and Finance is charged by the Board of Governors with monitoring business activities of the University to assure that no conflicts of interest take place with businesses in which a trustee may have interest; consequently, it appears the most appropriate committee to have responsibility for this oversight would be Administration, Finance & Audit committee.
Mrs. Burda made a motion to amend the by-laws by adding item d under Section II, A,
4 (Page 10 of by-laws) to read, The Administration, Finance, and Audit Committee shall
determine whether a potential conflict of interest by the board members, chief executive
officer, or chief financial officer is a permissible or impermissible activity and
make recommended findings as to whether the conflict of interest policy has been violated.
Mr. Metcalf seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved.
Mrs. Burda mentioned the Internal Auditor report, the NCAA audit report, and the development
of a plan for risk assessment as informational items.
Mrs. Burda asked Mr. Wooten to speak about capital projects. Mr. Wooten stated that the bond projects are winding down. He further stated that the Stillwell faculty should be reoccupying the building this summer. He also stated that Phase I will be complete this summer. Mr. Wooten mentioned that the student recreation center will hopefully be moving along soon.
Mrs. Burda reported that there was a clean audit on the ĢƵAnnual Financial report. Mr. Wooten added that the committee usually presents the report in December; however some things needed to be modified. Mr. Wooten introduced Ms. Linda Beja to give a quick overview of the financial report. Mr. Wooten suggested that pages 5-18 be reviewed. Mr. Wooten stated that the Board will get a copy of the audit opinion letter.
Mrs. Wyche moved to re-elect to the ĢƵ Foundation Board of
Directors the following persons for a three-year term beginning July 1, 2006: Frank
Brown III, Robert M. Failing, Linda Jones Hudson Gilbert, Rob Sales, Joe Crocker,
and Dick Jones. Mr. Metcalf seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.
Mrs. Wyche reported that gifts received by the Foundation through May 31 totaled $2.9 million, up 44 percent over the same period last year. Gifts and state matches to the University Endowment totaled $1.5 million, bringing total gifts and matches to the Foundation and Endowment to $4,459,605 -- 117 percent more than the $2,056,813 receipted at the same time last year.
Mrs. Wyche further reported that the UNC General Administration has approved Western’s plans for two more $500,000 Distinguished Endowed Professorships, and two gifts totaling $360,000 recently were received for endowed scholarships.
Mrs. Wyche mentioned that contributions to the campaign for Western continue to exceed the pace anticipated in pre-campaign planning. She further mentioned that the campaign timeline calls for completion of solicitation among Trustees, Foundation board members, and senior administrators by the beginning of the fall term, followed by a campaign among retired and active faculty and staff during the fall term.
Mrs. MacNeill asked Mr. Grasty to give the SGA report. Mr. Grasty reported that the
SGA Presidents visited Raleigh. He further reported that the SGA saved $20-30,000
and operated in the black this year. Mr. Grasty stated that the SGA is creating a
scholarship fund. He also stated that SGA’s top priority for the upcoming year is
civic engagement.
Mrs. MacNeill reported that the Spring 2006 semester average athletic team GPA was 2.924 for over 300 student-athletes. She further reported the following student-athlete athletic honors:
All-SoCon (77)
Baseball 3
Women’s Basketball 1
Men’s Cross Country 1
Football 10
Men’s Golf 1
Men’s Indoor Track 19
Women’s Indoor Track 9
Men’s Outdoor Track 14
Women’s Outdoor Track 9
Softball 6
Women’s Golf 2
Soccer 2
SoCon Honors
Lauren Powell - Women’s Basketball SoCon Freshman of the Year
Matt Cook – Men’s Golf SoCon Player of the Year
Zeb Johnson – Men’s Indoor Track SoCon Most Outstanding Track Performer
Adam Puett – Men’s Outdoor Track SoCon Most Outstanding Performer
Mendy McKenzie – Softball SoCon Pitcher of the Year
Jenny Jackson – Softball SoCon Freshman of the Year
Trish Hanson – SoCon Women’s Tennis Sportsmanship Award
Megan Smith – Softball SoCon Coach of the Year
Steve Lott – Women’s Golf SoCon Coach of the Year
Danny Williamson – Men’s Indoor and Outdoor Track & Field Coach of the Year
Southeast District Men’s Outdoor Coach of the Year
National/Regional Honors
Trey McDaniel and Blake Murphy – National Players of the Week by Collegiate Baseball/”Louisville
Slugger” and College Baseball Foundation
Trey McDaniel – National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association National Hitter of
the Week
Jonathan Greene – Named one of Collegiate Baseball/”Louisville Slugger” National Players
of the Week
Mendy McKenzie and Ashley Adams - 2006 Southeastern All-Region team by the National
Fastpitch Coaches Association
Emily Pierce - Second Team All-Academic District III by ESPN the Magazine, Region
3 finalist for a NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship; Southern Conference's David Knight
Graduate Scholarship
Danny Williamson – NCAA Division I Southeast Regional Men’s Indoor Track and Field Coach of the Year
Mrs. MacNeill stated that the second annual Service Learning Symposium will be held this year. She further stated that electronic access to residence halls is moving forward. Mrs. MacNeill mentioned that the “Safe Ride” program will allow students to be shuttled to town on Thursday and Friday nights from 9:00 p.m.- 1:00 a.m. She further mentioned that Dr. Bill Haggard has accepted a new position at UNC-Asheville as Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. Mrs. MacNeill reported that Western has found a new health center director.
Mr. Warren marked the passing of Teena Little and commented that she was a teacher
who took her dedication outside the classroom. He further stated that the September
2005 minutes read that Teena said that she was delighted to be here and she hoped
that she could contribute. Mr. Warren paid further tribute to Ms. Little: “Teena
certainly did that. It is going to be a hard position to fill and we will always
remember her and whoever fills those shoes will have a very high standard to live
up to. Teena would have been proud of the issues this Board has tackled over the
last year. It is extraordinary in terms of its scope. We have affirmed a strong
position for SPA employees and their salaries. We have reclassified a resolution
for non-resident students and scholarships. We have had a robust discussion on tuition
and fees and improvement of those tuition and fees. We have established a new student
health insurance program. We have approved a ten million dollar Kimmel gift and the
establishment of a new Kimmel school. We have welcomed a new University of North
Carolina President. We have approved a Millennial Initiative Concept Plan. We have
changed our Strategic Plan and we are looking at a college re-design. All of that
happens because of the work that went before us.”
Mr. Warren mentioned Erskine Bowles’ speech at his inauguration in which he talked about the crisis in education that we face. The Chinese word for crisis is spelled by two different symbols. One is for opportunity and the other is for risk. Mr. Warren commented that it is good that we are a part of this crisis because Western Carolina University is willing to accept the risk when we see the opportunities which explains a lot behind the list he just went through.
Mr. Warren mentioned that the Board could have their materials e-mailed to them if they so desire. He further mentioned that he will be contacting them about this matter.
Mr. Warren asked that the Board return the Chancellor’s evaluation to him so that he can send his report to President Bowles.
Mr. Warren stated that the new 2007 meeting dates have been set and asked the Board members to please put them on their calendars.
Mr. Warren mentioned that Dr. Richard Beam is the new chair of the faculty. He also mentioned that the Board will miss Newt Smith. Mr. Warren further mentioned that this is Terry Riouff’s last meeting and that it has been wonderful to work with him.
Dr. Bardo stated that Teena Little’s family mentioned how much she loved this university.
He further stated that by the Board’s acceptance of her, she fell in love with Western.
Dr. Bardo said that “we have lost a good friend.”
Dr. Bardo thanked everyone for approving the Millennial Initiative by phone.
Dr. Bardo mentioned that we did pretty well on the Senate side and are currently dealing with the House. He further mentioned that he and Clifton Metcalf will be chatting privately with folks in the House next week. Dr. Bardo encouraged everyone to talk to legislators and push for all of Western’s agenda.
Dr. Bardo explained that Lowe’s will be open by July 4. He further explained that
Sylva now has liquor by the drink and this will affect businesses in Sylva. Dr. Bardo
stated that we will see some significant shifts in how students perceive the quality
of life.
Dr. Bardo reported that enrollment should be between 8,085-9,000 this fall. He further
reported that we will be seeking a new director of admissions.
Dr. Proffit stated that the four constituencies come together in this group (students,
staff, faculty and administration). He reported that some of the things the UAC has
dealt with this year include SACS, Strategic Plan, college redesign, tuition waivers
for employees, safety and traffic issues, Banner, FERPA, Suite 25, The State Health
Plan, and technology issues. Dr. Proffit thanked the Board for their leadership.
Mr. Cooper reported that the Association had its first annual golf outing in Asheville
to raise money for summer scholarships and it was very successful. He further reported
that the revised alumni magazine is a great communication piece. Mr. Cooper stated
that the association is continuing to raise money for scholarships. He further stated
that local chapter activities are going well. Mr. Cooper mentioned that the Association
will have an alumni table at the auction. He further mentioned that the University
gave the Alumni award to Dr. Frances Owl-Smith. Mr. Cooper said that he is excited
to see a renewed interest and vigor from Western alumni.
Dr. Beam stated that the senate has had a productive year. He further stated that
some of the major accomplishments include intellectual property issues, student assessment
instruments, strategic planning cycle, SACS, QEP, updating TPR issues in the faculty
handbook. Dr. Beam mentioned that the faculty needs to have a discussion with the
Chancellor and Provost regarding definitions of certain terms.
Mr. Riouff stated that rotating off the staff forum is bittersweet. He further stated
that he hates to leave now when so much has yet to be accomplished. Mr. Riouff said
that he appreciates the support of the Board. He also said that President Bowles
has tentatively agreed to support a system-wide staff assembly.
There being no further business Mr. Worley moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Grasty
seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned at 12:30 p.m.