Room 510, H.F. Robinson Building June 7, 2001
The Board of Trustees of Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ met in regular session on June 7, 2001 in Room 510, H.F. Robinson Building. The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. by Chairman Key.
ATTENDANCE The following members of the Board were present: Ms. Key, Mr. Walker, Mrs. Burda, Mr. Crocker, Mr. Bissette, Mr. Apodaca, Mr. Beddingfield, Mr. Lyons, Mr. Story, Mr. Phillips, and Mrs. Hyde.
The following members of the Board were absent: Mr. Wiggins, Mr. Jones.
Others present included: Chancellor Bardo; Vice Chancellors Caruso and Eldridge; Dr. Dowell, Mr. Reed, and Ms. Lynch, Assistants to the Chancellor; Dr. Casey Hurley, Chair of the Faculty Senate; Dr. Fred Hinson, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs; Mr. Kucharski, Legal Counsel; Mr. Compher, Athletic Director; Mr. Rowell, Director of Public Information; Mr. Orr, Chair of the Staff Forum; Dr. Kehrberg, Director of University Planning; Dr. Prochaska, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs; Ms. Leatherwood, President of the Alumni Association; Mr. David Chesley; Mr. Jonathan Rowe; Mr. Andy Comrie; Dr. A.J. Grube; and Ms. Welch, Assistant Secretary to the Board.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Apodaca moved that the minutes of the March 8, 2001 regular meeting and the May 18, 2001 telephone meeting of the Executive Committee be approved as mailed. Mr. Crocker seconded the motion, and it was approved.
SWEARING-IN OF NEW BOARD MEMBER Ms. Welch administered the oath of office to Mr. Jesse Lyons, new SGA President.
CLOSED SESSION Open Meeting Act Mr. Crocker moved that the Board go into closed session to consider the qualifications, competence, performance, condition of appointment of a public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee; to establish or instruct the staff or agent concerning the negotiation of the price and terms of a contract concerning the acquisition of real property; and to prevent the premature disclosure of an honorary award or scholarship. Mr. Walker seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. Dr. Bardo asked Dr. Hinson to stay for part of the closed session.
RETURN TO OPEN SESSION Mr. Crocker moved that the Board return to open session. Mr. Story seconded, and it was approved unanimously.
REPORT OF THE ACADEMIC AFFAIRS AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Mr. Crocker moved that the actions as discussed in the closed session--ten recommendations for administrative appointments, thirty-two recommendations for faculty appointments, four recommendations for staff appointments, one recommendation for professor emeritus status, and two recommendations for leave of absence--be approved. Mr. Story seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.
REPORT OF THE ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Mr. Walker asked Dr. Bardo to explain the 501-c3 corporation that is proposed for approval. Dr. Bardo stated that the purpose of this corporation would be to facilitate research and that it would include the development of facilities where research may be conducted. He explained that since no State funds are required to implement this project, the need does not exist to go through the State's processes. He did state, however, that it would be necessary to obtain prior approval through the Office of State Construction and the State Department of Insurance in order to ensure the facility meets State guidelines and to ensure the finished product will be received favorably. This corporation will allow Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵto create a new foundation rather than utilize assets of our existing Development Foundation. Mr. Walker moved that the Board approve the formation of a 501-c3 nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation in accordance with the North Carolina Nonprofit Corporation Act. Mr. Beddingfield seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.
Mr. Walker asked Dr. Bardo to give an update on ongoing projects. (PROJECT LIST ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS)
Mrs. Burda left at 10:30 a.m.
REPORT OF THE ALUMNI, HONORS, AND EXTERNAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Mr. Bissette reported that the committee has been working for some time on reviewing and revising the naming policy. Mr. Bissette moved that the Board approve the Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵand the Development Foundation of WCU, Inc. Naming Policy for University Facilities, Academic Units, and Endowed Professorships. Mr. Story seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. (NAMING POLICY ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS).
REPORT OF THE STUDENT AND ATHLETIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Ms. Key thanked Mr. Rowe for all he has done for the past two year. Mr. Rowe introduced Mr. Lyons, the new SGA president. Mr. Lyons stated that he was looking forward to the coming year. He also introduced David Chesley, the new chief of staff for SGA.
Mr. Apodaca recognized Mr. Compher. Mr. Compher introduced Dr. Grube, the new Faculty Athletic Representative. He mentioned the women's track team conference championship. Danny Williamson was named Coach of the Year. He further stated that student athletes achieved a 3.1 GPA for spring semester. He said that there are 500 new members of the Catamount Club. The athletic strategic plan is moving forward.
Mr. Compher reported on the interim NCAA report that has just been completed. He thanked Mr. Cantler and Dr. Winters. This interim report is due in the middle of the ten-year certification cycle. Our gender equity and minority plans are included in the document. Mr. Story moved that the Board accept the NCAA interim report as presented. Mrs. Hyde seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.
Mr. Apodaca recognized Dr. Caruso. He stated that he was excited about the UC-II expansion. He updated the Board on the child care center, fraternities and sororities, and student leadership positions.
Dr. Caruso did a quick overview of the Greek Village concept which Dr. Carter and he had presented in a workshop for Board members on June 6. Discussion of the concept followed. Mr. Walker moved that the Board approve that staff continue to study the feasibility of the Greek Village concept at Western. Mr. Beddingfield seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. (GREEK VILLAGE CONCEPT ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS).
REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Ms. Key welcomed Ms. Laura Leatherwood, the new president of the Alumni Association. Ms. Leatherwood gave a brief report on the activities of the Alumni Association. The Association has a new goal of strengthening the Western Clubs. They also want to establish a scholarship given by the Association.
COMMENTS FROM CHAIRMAN KEY Ms. Key stated that the Loyalty Fund is very important. She stated that it was very important that this Board give 100% to this fund. She stated that she has given $1,000 and challenged the remainder of the Board to give the same, or at least to achieve 100% participation. She stated what a wonderful experience being on this Board has been. Her eight years on the Board have been wonderful and a true adventure.
PROGRESS REPORT ON ENROLLMENT AND RETENTION AND COMMENTS FROM CHANCELLOR BARDO Dr. Bardo stated that he could not have asked for a better partner these past two years. He thanked Ms. Key for everything she has done.
Dr. Bardo stated that the SACS team studying our doctoral program had just visited campus. They stated that we must better integrate the role of research into our mission.
The first round of undergraduate program review has been completed. We will eliminate undergraduate programs in physics, child and family studies, health administration and economics. We also will suspend our program in geography and French. Discussion of this action followed.
Dr. Bardo explained that the liberal studies program is moving along. Dr. Bardo will bring to the Board a proposal for a local tuition increase for helping freshman retention. Discussion of local tuition followed.
Dr. Bardo stated that the University will focus on external issues and fund raising next year. We will be conducting a search for a Chief Information Officer, which will be a replacement for Computer Center Director Bob Anders. The computer center will be restructured.
Dr. Bardo explained that he is in the process of reorganizing several important areas of the University. He stated that he is asking for endorsement by the Board of this reorganization. He discussed the history of the Mountain Resource Center. He explained that we are changing the name of the Mountain Resource Center to the Center for Regional Development. The Center will report to Academic Affairs instead of Advancement and External Affairs. He stated that he is also asking for endorsement of a Center for Service Learning. This center will report in Student Affairs. It will help integrate service learning into our curriculum in ways to benefit the region and the student. He further stated that we are moving a portion of the functions performed by the Mountain Resource Center and creating an Institute for Tourism Research. Mr. Crocker moved that the Board endorse these centers for their positive impact on the academic program. Mrs. Hyde seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.
Dr. Bardo discussed enrollment. We are now competing with the middle tier of institutions. Indications are that our retention rate is better. The Honors College SAT is at 1220. We have five National Merit scholars confirmed.
REPORT FROM THE CHAIR OF THE FACULTY SENATE Dr. Hurley reported that our retention work has focused on academic issues. The report will be completed soon. Some very difficult issues are being confronted, such as "Who is supposed to address these issues?" The faculty governance structure is being looked at. The goal is to try to balance autonomy with university-wide standards. He stated that the salary equity task force is working on these issues.
REPORT FROM THE CHAIR OF THE STAFF FORUM Mr. Orr stated that the Staff Forum is working on salary equity issues again. He mentioned recent legislation presented in the Senate concerning increased autonomy on campuses regarding SPA employees. Mr. Orr stated that his term as chair is ending. Town hall meetings and community conversations have been very successful. Mr. Orr will be serving as chair of the University Advisory Council next year.
ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman Key adjourned the meeting at 12:15 p.m.