Room 510, H.F. Robinson Building June 7, 2002
The Board of Trustees of Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ met in regular session on June 7, 2002, in Room 510, H.F. Robinson Building. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Chairman Crocker.
The following members of the Board were present: Mrs. Burda, Mr. Crocker, Mr. Carlisle,
Mr. Walker, Mrs. Hyde, Mr. Apodaca, Mr. Bissette, Mr. Davis, and Mr. Beddingfield.
The following members of the Board were absent: Mr. Plexico, Mr. Story, Mr. Phillips, and Mr. Jones.
Others present included: Chancellor Bardo; Vice Chancellors Collings, Wooten, Caruso, Metcalf; Dr. Dowell, Ms. Lynch, Dr. Carter, Assistants to the Chancellor; Dr. Hurley, Chair of the Faculty; Mr. Compher, Director of Athletics; Dr. Franke, Chief Information Officer; Mr. Studenc, Associate Director of Public Information; Mr. Kucharski, Legal Counsel; Dr. Ritchie, Chair of the Staff Forum; Dr. Kehrberg, Director of University Planning; Ms. Leatherwood, President of the Alumni Association; Mr. Orr, Chair of the University Advisory Council; and Ms. Welch, Assistant Secretary to the Board of Trustees.
Mr. Lex Davis, new president of the Student Government Association, was sworn in by
Ms. Welch.
Mr. Apodaca moved that the minutes of the March 22, 2002 regular meeting of the Board
of Trustees be approved as mailed. Mrs. Burda seconded the motion, and it was approved.
Mr. Walker moved that the Board go into closed session to consider the qualifications,
competence, performance, condition of appointment of a public officer or employee
or prospective public officer or employee and to establish or instruct the staff or
agent concerning the negotiation of the price and terms of a contract concerning the
acquisition of real property. Mr. Carlisle seconded the motion, and it was approved
unanimously. Dr. Bardo asked that Dr. Collings and Mr. Wooten stay for the closed
Mrs. Hyde moved that the Board return to open session. Mrs. Burda seconded the motion,
and it was approved.
Mr. Crocker moved that the actions as discussed in closed session--five recommendations
for administrative appointments, twenty-nine recommendations for faculty appointments,
five recommendations for staff appointments, four recommendations for professor emeritus
status, three recommendations for adjunct faculty, one recommendation for leave of
absence--be approved. Mr. Walker seconded the motion, and it was approved.
Mr. Crocker asked Dr. Collings to explain the resolution concerning EPA Policies.
Dr. Collings stated that personnel policies mandated from General Administration have,
in the past, been brought to the Board for approval. The resolution for consideration
gives blanket approval by the Board to any future policies already mandated by General
Administration. The resolution is as follows:
WHEREAS, on February 13, 1981, the Board of Governors adopted employment policies entitled "Employees Exempt from the State Personnel Act" (EPA Policies); and
WHEREAS, the Board of Governors has amended the EPA Policies several times; and
WHEREAS, the EPA Policies are currently contained in Section 300.2.1 of the Policy Manual of the University of North Carolina; and
WHEREAS, the EPA Policies require the Board of Trustees to adopt for Western Carolina University (WCU) personnel policies that are consistent with all provisions of the EPA Policies including any amendments thereto; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has adopted personnel policies and amendments as required; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees desires to adopt future Board of Governors' amendments to the EPA Policies as efficiently as possible.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, all future amendments to the EPA Policies adopted by the Board of Governors are hereby automatically adopted by Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ without the need of any further action by the Board of Trustees. The effective date of any amendments to WCU's policies shall be the date required by the Board of Governors' amendments to its EPA Policies. The Chancellor shall report any amendments of the EPA Policies to the Board of Trustees at its next regular meeting.
Mr. Beddingfield moved that the Board approve the aforementioned resolution. Mrs. Burda seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.
Mr. Walker asked Mr. Wooten to explain one information item. Mr. Wooten stated that
the University Librarian has recommended to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
that the "community borrowers" fee for a library card be increased from $5.00 per
year to $10.00 per year. This fee was last changed in 1990. The current fee barely
covers the cost of the actual card and does not support the cost of servicing community
borrowers. This new fee to the 400 community borrowers will provide funds to service
this user group. The Chancellor has approved this fee request. The Committee supports
this action and provides this as an information item, since this fee does not have
to be approved by the Board. This fee will be implemented right away. Mr. Crocker
asked that this fee increase be communicated to the community.
Mr. Walker asked Mr. Wooten to explain the Greek Village proposal. Mr. Wooten stated that over the past twelve months, personnel from Administration and Finance and Student Affairs Divisions have been investigating the possibility of constructing a Greek village on campus to provide housing opportunities for University recognized fraternities and sororities. University personnel and students have visited a similar project at Southeastern Louisiana University and Student Affairs has engaged the fraternities and sororities in extensive discussions and meetings on this subject. This also included a housing summit attended by national, regional and local members of governing bodies and housing corporations. The result of this process is the non-binding commitment from 17 fraternities and sororities for space containing 225 beds. Presently Western has 22 recognized fraternities and sororities with a total membership of 610. The membership of the 17 interested fraternities and sororities is 451.
Mr. Walker moved that the University begin discussions with the Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ Research and Development Foundation for the development and construction of a Greek village containing at least 225 beds to be available for occupancy in fall 2004. The facility would be constructed at the end of Norton Road on the northern perimeter of the campus as identified in the campus master plan. Mrs. Burda seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.
Mr. Bissette reported that, at the recent Foundation Board meeting, the Alumni Board,
the Catamount Club Board, and the Foundation Board met with a fund-raising consultant.
He stated that the advancement office is suffering from budget cuts with several vacant
positions frozen. The Committee will ask this Board in the fall to elect a slate of
Foundation Board members. Any suggestions for members should be forwarded. The focus
for new members should be to raise money. Job descriptions for new Foundation Board
members will be prepared.
Mr. Bissette recognized Mr. Metcalf. He stated that the Arts Fest has over $110,000 in sponsorships in cash and in kind. He further stated that fund raising is up about 25.5% compared to the end of last year. The Foundation has and is holding 131 endowed scholarships.
Mr. Apodaca recognized Dr. Caruso. He introduced Mr. Lex Davis, a junior history major
from Lumberton. He is the new president of the Student Government Association.
Mr. Davis stated that the SGA is working on developing its infrastructure this summer. The Association of Student Governments is having a rally in Raleigh to promote keeping tuition down.
Mr. Apodaca recognized Dr. Caruso. He stated that the Director of Housing search is ongoing. Strategic planning for the division is ongoing. He will share the progress in the fall.
Mr. Apodaca recognized Mr. Compher. He explained two projects that are going on, the baseball lights construction and the sports medicine facility construction. The grandstand and fieldhouse projects have been delayed due to cost overruns. Hopefully, construction of the fieldhouse will begin this fall and the stands in January 2003. Mr. Compher updated the Board on progress concerning the results of the Report of the Athletic Task Force.(REPORT ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS). The department had a good year overall on the competitive front. Western finished 24 places higher overall. There is much optimism in the department right now. Mr. Walker asked about the licensing agreements for merchandise. Mr. Compher explained the agreements.
Mr. Crocker discussed with the Board the meeting dates for the upcoming year. Discussion
was held about the current meeting schedule. There was a general consensus that the
meeting schedule stay as it is now. He further explained that it is time for the biennial
review of the Chancellor. He has given all of the trustees an assessment form that
should be returned to him. He has to present the final assessment report to President
Broad. He asked that every trustee who can come to the Arts Fest next weekend.
Dr. Bardo stated that the budget situation is grim. All funds were frozen then released
slowly so that outstanding debts were not able to be paid June has been a little better
than that, but things will remain tight. The meeting with the Senate on Tuesday with
all of the education sectors was great. He stated that he felt like we actually had
an impact. They then met with the governor. Dr. Bardo stated that further cuts will
probably cut real people. If we go to 8%, it will undo everything we have done in
the past seven years. He stated that he plans to raise the issue with the Board of
Governors and the legislature to deal with re-opening fee questions. We may have set
fees differently if we had known the extent of the budget deficit problems.
Dr. Bardo stated that there is good news. Congressman Taylor continues to work with us. We are taking the next step in our partnership with UNC-Charlotte. We will be signing on Monday a three-way relationship with UNC-C and Clemson, known as the Carolina Micro Optics Triangle.
Dr. Bardo stated that the engineering proposal has been slowed down by budget issues.
Dr. Bardo stated that the jazz festival will be wonderful. UNC Public Television will be broadcasting the Manhattan Transfer live on Saturday night.
Dr. Bardo stated that we are making progress with enrollment. Our out-of-state applications are up 13%. Tuition deposits are up 9%. The freshman class will be between 1250-1280. The average SAT will be above 1010. We have the possibility of breaking 7,000 students.
Dr. Bardo stated that we have a number of legislative priorities to use in talks with legislators. Mr. Metcalf provided a list.(LIST ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS) One priority particularly important for us concerns waiving out-of-state tuition for certain students. Dr. Bardo explained that the campus-initiated tuition is under threat. We have not yet allocated the money. The legislature may take it back into the general funds.
Dr. Hurley stated that the Senate has been involved in several things this spring.
The Senate recommends going along with a recommendation to stop suspending students
after the first semester. The Senate supported establishing a cycle of undergraduate
program review. The Senate voted to support the local tuition surcharge. The Senate
is recommending going to three years for phased retirement. They are still engaged
in the re-structuring of the Senate. Dr. Hurley stated that Dr. Newt Smith will be
the next chair of the Faculty Senate. This is Dr. Hurley's last meeting. He said that
he had enjoyed working with the Board. Mr. Crocker thanked him for all of his work.
Ms. Leatherwood stated that she has been re-elected for another year. She explained
that the Alumni Board is down to a manageable number of 37. She reported on Western
Clubs in various areas: the Charleston club is up and running; the Virginia/D.C. club
is still in organizing mode; the Murphy had its first meeting; the Triangle Club had
its first meeting. Western will be the test group for "Web for Alumni" on our web
page; it will be up this fall.
Dr. Ritchie reported that the Forum has been relatively calm. Elections were held,
and Keith Stiles will be the new chair. Mr. Wooten spoke on construction renovation
at a Town Hall meeting. A group of forums from the other universities met in at Boone.
The Forum has been active on the staff mentoring project. This is Dr. Ritchie's last
meeting. Mr. Crocker thanked him for all of his work.
Mr. Orr gave a year-end report from the University Advisory Council. This is the second
year of the Council. It was formed to promote dialogue about situations impacting
multiple constituencies on campus. This year was about building relationships. Western's
governance structure is unique; others do not have the communication and collaboration
that we have. Governance at Western is working. Restructuring in the Faculty Senate
is the next big step. This is Mr. Orr's last meeting. The next chair of the UAC will
be Nancy Dillard. Mr. Crocker thanked Mr. Orr for his leadership.
There being no further business, Chairman Crocker adjourned the meeting at 12:15 p.m.