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March 7, 2001


Room 510, H.F. Robinson Building March 7, 2001

The Board of Trustees of Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ met in regular session on March 8, 2001, in Room 510, H.F. Robinson Building. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Chairman Key.


The following members of the Board were present: Ms. Key, Mr. Walker, Mrs. Burda, Mr. Crocker, Mr. Bissette, Mr. Apodaca, Mr. Beddingfield, Mr. Jones, Mr. Rowe, Mr. Story, Mr. Wiggins, and Mrs. Hyde.

The following members of the Board were absent: Mr. Phillips.

Others present included: Chancellor Bardo; Vice Chancellors Collings, Caruso, Wooten, and Eldridge; Dr. Dowell, Mr. Reed, and Ms. Lynch, Assistants to the Chancellor; Dr. Eleanor Prochaska, representing Faculty Senate; Mr. Kucharski, Legal Counsel; Mr. Compher, Athletic Director; Mr. Rowell, Director of Public Information; Mr. Orr, Chair of the Staff Forum; Dr. Kehrberg, Director of University Planning; Dr. Prochaska, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs; Dr. Haggard, Chair of the University Advisory Council; Mr. Reid, President of the Alumni Association; Ms. Dawn Pasley, Ms. Brittany Harrison, Mr. David Whittaker, Ms. Sara White and Mr. David Chesley; and Ms. Welch, Assistant Secretary to the Board.


Mr. Bissette moved that the minutes of the December 7, 2000 regular meeting, the January 16, 2001 telephone meeting of the Executive Committee, and the February 6, 2001 telephone meeting of the Executive Committee be approved as mailed. Mr. Walker seconded the motion, and it was approved.


Mr. Crocker moved that the Board go into closed session to consider the qualifications, competence, performance, condition of appointment of a public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee. Mr. Apodaca seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. Dr. Bardo asked Dr. Collings to stay for the closed session.


Mr. Crocker moved that the Board return to open session. Mr. Jones seconded, and it was approved unanimously.


Mr. Crocker moved that the actions as discussed in the closed session--three recommendations for administrative appointments, two recommendations for faculty appointments, three recommendations for staff appointments, one recommendation for staff title change, one recommendation for professor emeritus status, three recommendations for adjunct faculty status, fifteen recommendations for first year reappointments, fifty-one recommendations for three-five year reappointments, thirteen recommendations for promotion, and fifteen recommendations for tenure--be approved. Mr. Jones seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. Mr. Beddingfield abstained from voting on the 3-5 year reappointments.

Mr. Crocker further stated that there were four pending actions.


Mr. Walker asked Mr. Wooten to discuss four projects that the Committee is recommending for approval. Mr. Wooten explained that the Hospitality Management Center would be located behind the west stands of Whitmire Stadium. The building would contain approximately 25,000 gross square feet of finished space and would house both the hospitality management and tourism programs. Funding for this project will be provided from a federal grant through the Small Business Administration. Advance planning through construction drawings will cost approximately $325,000 and the total project is estimated to be $8,000,000. Mr. Walker moved that the Board authorize the advance planning for a Hospitality Management Center through construction drawings. Mrs. Burda seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Mr. Wooten explained that the project authorization for the Campus Master Plan needs to be amended to engage Woolpert LLC to prepare an estimate of the infrastructure elements that can be accomplished from the bond projects made available for this purpose. This project will focus on the main entrance to campus, the relocations of roads to begin implementation of a pedestrian campus, and the development of pedestrian corridor links. The cost of this project is $26,100, and it will be funded from bond proceeds designated for this purpose. Mr. Walker moved that the Board recommend amending the project authorization for the Campus Master Plan to engage Woolpert LLC to prepare an estimate of the infrastructure elements that can be accomplished from the bond projects made available for this purpose. Mr. Jones seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Mr. Wooten explained that the 1996 policy on advance partial payments of tuition needs to be amended to eliminate the requirement for these payments by new students entering the University in spring semesters and to permit the waiver of this fee for full financial aid need-based students. Eligibility for this waiver will be based upon the financial aid process. Mr. Walker moved that the Board amend the original 1996 policy on advance partial payments of tuition to eliminate the requirement for these payments by new students entering the University in spring semesters and to permit the waiver of this fee for full financial aid need-based students. Mr. Beddingfield seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Mr. Wooten explained that the current University food service policy needs to be amended to allow students to carry forward from fall semester to spring semester their entire unspent balance of declining balance food dollars. Current policy limits the amount of unused declining balance dollars that can be carried over from fall semester to spring semester to $50.00. At the end of spring semester, all unspent balances will revert to the University. Mr. Walker moved that the Board amend the current University food service policy to allow students to carry forward from fall semester to spring semester their entire unspent balance of declining balance food dollars. Mr. Beddingfield seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Mr. Wooten further reported that the State of North Carolina audit report was clean. (AUDIT REPORT ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIAL).


Mr. Bissette reported that the Trustees' Award is given from time to time. It is not given every year. The criteria for the award was developed in 1988. He further explained that the Committee has proposed some changes in the criteria(PROPOSED CHANGES IN MINUTES MATERIAL). Mr. Bissette moved that the Board approve that the criteria for the Trustees' Award be amended as suggested. Mr. Wiggins seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Mr. Bissette further explained that the Committee has a nomination for the Trustees' Award. Mr. Bissette made a nomination for the Trustees' Award. Mr. Walker seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Mr. Bissette explained that the Committee will bring to the next meeting a proposed facilities naming policy to replace the existing policy. They have surveyed several institutions to develop a new policy proposal.

Mr. Bissette also stated that the Committee reviewed the proposed five-year plan for the development program.


Mr. Apodaca asked Dr. Caruso to explain the 24-hour visitation policy proposal. Dr. Caruso stated that the Committee would like to propose the recommendation of a 24-hour visitation pilot program in Scott Hall, on weekends only, for the fall semester. He stated that the pilot program would be subject to an evaluation in November. He will report to the Board in December on the progress of the pilot program. If all is well, the full program will proceed in the spring. The Housing Department will oversee the pilot. (VISITATION POLICY ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIAL). Discussion of the proposed policy followed. Mr. Apodaca thanked the staff and student groups for the work they have done on this policy. Mr. Apodaca moved that the Board accept this pilot program as written. Mr. Rowe seconded the motion, and it was approved with a vote of eleven for and one against.

Dr. Caruso discussed the recent student deaths and injuries. Erin Hawke died of unknown causes. The autopsy has not been completed so we are not yet certain of the cause of death. Tara Lackey died in a car accident. She is the daughter of Mike Lackey, owner of the Sylva Burger King franchise. Andrew Carter fell outside of a fraternity house. He is in critical but stable condition. Dr. Bardo thanked the Student Affairs staff for their coherent, caring, and professional response to these tragedies. Their approach with the families has been immediate and caring.

Mr. Apodaca recognized Mr. Compher. Mr. Compher stated that the Athletic Department will soon begin the long strategic planning process. Mr. Apodaca will represent the Board during this process. There will be a two-day workshop and retreat.

Mr. Rowe presented a resolution for support by the Board to have a full-voting student on the Board of Governors. Mr. Rowe explained the reasons for the resolution. Mr. Rowe moved that the Board express support for a resolution on a voting membership for a student on the Board of Governors. Mr. Wiggins seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. (RESOLUTION ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIAL).

Mr. Rowe mentioned the student lobby day effort on behalf of higher education issues. There were almost 700 students; Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵhad the second largest group in the state. The SGA elections will be April 2.

Mr. Walker asked about the fraternity situation. Sigma Nu has been suspended pending the completion of an investigation.


Dr. Bardo presented a resolution honoring Dr. C. Joseph Carter, per the request of the Board. Mr. Story moved that the resolution be accepted and placed upon the minutes. Mr. Walker seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.




WHEREAS, Charles Joseph Carter, with great distinction, served Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ as Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs for twenty-three years; and,

WHEREAS, Dr. Carter retired from full-time service on December 31, 2000; and,

WHEREAS, in recognition of his outstanding service to Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ and to his profession at state, regional, and national levels, Dr. Carter has received the highest accolades and honors conferred by his peers; and,

WHEREAS, the honors accorded Dr. Carter have brought honor and distinction to Western Carolina University; and,

WHEREAS, trustees of the University have, since Dr. Carter's appointment in 1977, realized the benefits of his financial skills, wise counsel, and scholarly intellect; and,

WHEREAS, this Board of Trustees, for itself, and on behalf of former trustees, wishes to express the esteem in which Dr. Carter is held, himself being a most worthy example of deserving and preserving the trust of others; and

WHEREAS, the strong bond between Dr. Carter and the University he has so brilliantly served deserves formal expression,


Charles Joseph Carter deserves to be, and hereby is, recognized and commended for his stellar record of service to the University.

Charles Joseph Carter receive the unreserved appreciation of this Board and the University community that it represents.

This Resolution be presented to Dr. Charles Joseph Carter and a copy spread upon the minutes.

ADOPTED, this the eighth day of March 2001.


Ms. Key asked Mr. Kucharski to explain the proposed conflict of interest policy(Tab H). Mr. Kucharski stated that the proposed policy was drafted by the Board of Governors Governance Committee. This committee is considering recommending the policy to the full Board of Governors. This policy would apply to all the constituent Boards of Trustees. Mr. Kucharski will forward any comments from the Board to Ms. Leslie Winner. This form is designed to make sure that the public has confidence that board business is always above board. At the same time, they do not want to scare anyone away from serving on Boards of Trustees or the Board of Governors. The policy does not affect what you can own, where you can be employed, or where you can sit as a Board member or director.

The new proposed policy does affect how Boards and the University may interact depending on where you are employed and where you own things. It does affect whether an attorney can represent someone who is at odds with the University. The policy applies to Board members and senior level employees who have substantial interests in business. If a member has substantial interests, there are forms and procedures to be followed.

This Board of Trustees would appoint a standing committee to hear conflict of interest issues. Discussion of these issues and questions to be forwarded to Ms. Winner followed.


Ms. Key asked the Board to put October 10 & 11 on their calendars for the trusteeship conference. This conference will most likely be in the Triangle this year. She also stated that current trustees can attend the GA new trustee orientation in Chapel Hill on April 24 and 25.


Dr. Bardo stated that applications are up almost 6%. He also stated that deposits are up about 26 from last year. The fall SAT is 1034 for admitted students. He estimates a class of 1230-1270, an SAT in excess of 1010, and an average GPA of B+. The Honors College has half of its class in with an SAT of 1251. He stated that our admissions materials have won several awards.

Dr. Bardo explained that we are facing budget problems in North Carolina. We have already had a reversion. We expect cuts in the continuation budget for next year. He stated that our philosophy is that the University is its people, and you protect the people in bad budget times. The cuts have been serious. We will not hold budget hearings this year since there is no money to distribute, no end of year funds.

Dr. Bardo stated that we are moving forward on the athletics facilities. They will issue bonds in July. Designs for these facilities are beginning.

Western is one of the few universities in the system that did not propose a local tuition, for many reasons. Dr. Bardo said that this violated the basic premise that costs should be reflected in some improvement. At some point, however, he will be asking for a local tuition. He explained some of the projects that could possibly result from this local tuition. Discussion of the uses of local tuition followed. Dr. Bardo is thinking about a tuition increase to assist in affecting the quality of the freshman year. There most likely will be a review of the local tuition policy.

Dr. Bardo stated that we are studying creating a Greek row on campus. We will see how we can move forward on that.

Dr. Bardo stated that the visit by Alan Dershowitz was wonderful. The Chancellor's Speakers' Series for the fall will bring Lech Walesa and Jamie Clarke. The UC-II Groundbreaking will be April 25. The Jazz Festival will be June 15-16.

Dr. Bardo reported that we have received word that the Smith estate is giving an endowed professorship in Speech Pathology. This makes our total of endowed professorship nine-- six in hand, two in probate, one in trust. We are working on eighteen national merit candidates

Discussion followed about the bond issue and how to pay for the bonds without increasing taxes:


Dr. Eleanor Prochaska represented Dr. Hurley. She stated that the Senate is working on re-structuring the faculty governance system. The Senate needed to re-structure itself to become a more purely faculty body. The Senate had meetings to get input from faculty about what are the domains of faculty governance. They are looking at what its structure should be and what its processes should be.

Dr. Prochaska further reported that the Task Force on Academic Issues Related to Retention is looking at retention from an academic perspective. This group is engaged in these issues.

The program review group is waiting on the final report from the Strategic Planning Committee and then they will deal with the sensitive issues that will need to be responded to in a collegial manner.

The final issue Dr. Prochaska discussed was the implementation of the liberal studies program. She stated that the oversight committee has looked at a large number of course proposals. They have started workshops for people who will be advising. They will be offering workshops for the people who will be teaching in the seminars.


Mr. Reid thanked everyone for their support for the license plate campaign. He explained that Laura Leatherwood is the President-Elect of the Alumni Association. He stated that he is happy with the progress of the Western clubs. The holiday luncheon at the Grove Park Inn will be December 1, 2001. There have been breakfast meetings in Raleigh, Greensboro, and Charlotte to stimulate interest. The Gaston-Lincoln Western Club does great things. One of the events they sponsor is a bon voyage party for incoming freshman and families each year. Interest is building in the Hendersonville area to start a Western club.

Mr. Reid stated that the alumni web site is getting better. He knows that Laura Leatherwood will do a tremendous job and carry the momentum even further.


Mr. Orr reported that the Staff Forum will sponsor a Town hall conversation with Mr. Wooten in March. In April, the Forum will host Ron Penny, Vice President for Human Resources at General Administration. Also in April they will sponsor representatives from the State health insurance plan in a Town Hall meeting. UNC-Asheville, the State Employees' Association, and C.J. Harris Hospital will be invited to this meeting.

Mr. Orr explained that the Forum recently completed a town hall conversation on student retention. He said that student participation in these conversations has been great. Staff forum elections are taking place right now.


There being no further business, Chairman Key adjourned the meeting at 12:40 p.m.