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September 5, 2003


Room 510, H.F. Robinson Building September 5, 2003

The Board of Trustees of Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ met in regular session on September 5, 2003 in Room 510, H.F. Robinson Building. The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Chancellor Bardo.

The following members of the Board were present: Mrs. Burda, Mr. Walker, Mrs. Hyde, Mrs. MacNeill, Ms. List, Mr. Carlisle, Mr. Plexico, Mr. Worley, Mrs. Wyche, Mr. Burgin, and Mr. Warren.

The following members of the Board were absent: Mr. Phillips and Mr. Kiser.

Others present included: Chancellor Bardo; Vice Chancellors Caruso, Wooten, and Metcalf; Ms. Lynch, and Dr. Grube, Assistants to the Chancellor; Dr. Hinson, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs; Dr. Smith, Chair of the Faculty; Mr. Compher, Director of Athletics; Dr. Franke, CIO; Mr. Kucharski, Legal Counsel; Ms. Tvedt, Associate Vice Chancellor for Public Relations; Mr. Benson, Chair of the Staff Forum; Mr. Miller, Associate Vice Chancellor for Development; Mr. Studenc, Associate Director of Public Information; and Ms. Welch, Assistant Secretary to the Board of Trustees.

Our official enrollment is 7,560. Our freshman class is 1495, up 22%. Our average SAT is 1023, up 11 points. Graduate enrollment is up 7%. We are in an exciting position.

Mr. Robert Burgin, Mr. Charles Worley, Mr. Steve Warren, and Mrs. Rosemary Wyche, newly appointed members of the Board of Trustees, were sworn in by Judge Danny Davis.

Dr. Bardo called for nominations for Chairman of the Board. Mrs. Burda nominated Mr. Walker; Mrs. MacNeill seconded the nomination. Mr. Burgin moved that the nominations be closed; Mr. Worley seconded the motion. The motion to close the. nominations was approved unanimously. Mr. Phil Walker was unanimously elected Chairman of the Board.

Mr. Walker called for nominations for Vice Chairman of the Board. Mr. Carlisle nominated Mrs. Hyde; Mr. Burgin seconded the nomination. Mr. Worley moved that the nominations be closed; Mrs. Burda seconded the motion. The motion to close the nominations was approved unanimously. Mrs. Jeanette Hyde was unanimously elected Vice Chairman of the Board.

Mr. Walker called for nominations for Secretary of the Board. Mrs. Hyde nominated Mrs. Burda; Mr. Worley seconded the nomination. Mr. Carlisle moved that the nominations be closed; Mr. Burgin seconded the motion. The motion to close the nominations was approved unanimously. Mrs. Genevieve Burda was unanimously elected Secretary of the Board.

Mrs. Hyde moved that the minutes of the June 20, 2003 regular meeting be approved as mailed. Mr. Carlisle seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Mr. Walker nominated Mrs. MacNeill to a three-year term on the Endowment Board of Trustees. Mrs. Burda seconded the nomination, and it was approved unanimously.

Mrs. Hyde moved that the Board go into closed session to consider the qualifications, competence, performance, condition of appointment of a public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee and to establish or instruct the staff or agent concerning the negotiation of the price and terms of a contract concerning the acquisition of real property. Mrs. MacNeill seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. Dr. Bardo asked that Dr. Hinson and Mr. Wooten stay for the closed session.

Mrs. Hyde moved that the Board return to open session. Mr. Plexico seconded the motion, and it was approved.

Mrs. Burda asked Mr. Wooten to explain the items for action. At earlier meetings, the Board of Trustees has approved capital improvement projects for the construction of a student recreation center and a softball field and stadium. These projects have now been endorsed by the Board of Governors and approved by the North Carolina General Assembly. The Committee recommends approval of the resolution approving the issuance of special obligation bonds to finance the construction of these projects. Mrs. Burda moved that the Board adopt the resolution approving the issuance of special obligation bonds. Mr. Carlisle seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. (RESOLUTION ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS).

Mr. Wooten further explained that last year; the Board of Trustees approved a partnership between the Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ Research and Development Corporation for the development and construction of a Greek Village. This complex will be built on campus and will provide approximately 250 beds for occupancy in fall 04. The Research and Development Corporation now proposes to enter into a lease with the University, thus allowing it to be included in the University housing system and to be managed and maintained by the University. This lease will serve as a credit enhance to the R&D Corporation thereby allowing them to obtain bond insurance and an AAA rating. This lease, if approved, will be forwarded to the Board of Governors for approval and final lease will be negotiated by the Office of State Property and approved by the Council of State. Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ would agree to use the base rentals from this project to pay the cost of the lease and in the event these revenues are not sufficient then other net housing revenues would be used to satisfy the lease. The Committee recommends approval of the resolution authorizing agreements related to the construction of private housing facilities on the campus of Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ. In approving this resolution, we authorize (1) a lease and deed of trust; (2) authorize the use of financial information about Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵin the official statements relating to the project financing; (3) grant authority to the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor of Administration and Finance to execute all documents related to lease and project financing; and finally (4) agree to delegate to the executive committee of the Board of Trustees to authorize any further action that may be required to complete this transaction. Discussion was held about the history of the Greek Village project and the plans for this project. Mrs. Burda moved that the Board authorize the agreements relating to construction of the Greek Village. Mr. Worley seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. (GREEK VILLAGE DOCUMENTS ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS).

Mrs. Burda asked Dr. Franke to discuss the IT Management Flexibility Plan. Discussion of IT issues followed. Mrs. Burda moved that the Board endorse and approve the IT Management Flexibility Plan. Mr. Burgin seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. (IT MANAGEMENT FLEXIBILITY PLAN ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS).

Mrs. Burda asked Mr. Wooten to explain the stream conservation item. Mr. Wooten stated that in July 2003, Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ was approached by a private developer about partnering with the University in a stream restoration project for the Cullowhee Creek. In making this offer to the University, the private developer would satisfy certain mitigation requirements to allow permitting for their private development in southern Jackson County. The proposal as presented would have the developer invest $500,000 in a stream restoration project on the campus of Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ and once permits were issued for their development they would provide an additional $500,000 unrestricted gift to the University. A part of the stream restoration project is the requirement that the property where the stream lies be placed in a conservation easement that would protect the stream against further disruption. This easement would also remove this stream from future development on campus. The Committee recommends that the University pursue this offer from Terrabrook IV Acquisition Corporation and enter into a conservation easement if a satisfactory stream restoration plan is presented and approved by the Chancellor. Mrs. Burda moved that the Board approve the conservation easement for the Cullowhee Creek stream restoration project. Mrs. Hyde seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Mr. Wooten stated that the NCAA audit required report of athletic programs is done annually. (AUDITS ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS). He stated that there was also in the notebook a list of capital projects.

Mrs. Hyde stated that the Committee had a great meeting. They talked about new approaches to public relations, including integrated marketing. These approaches combine traditional methods and contemporary methods of public relations. Fundraising is up 6%. The Chancellor’s Regional Roundtables are going well. This will be the 29th year of Mountain Heritage Day. More than 30,000 people are expected to attend.

Mrs. Burda asked Mr. Compher to speak. He stated that the ten-year cycle for certification by the NCAA is this year. Dr. Bardo has appointed A.J. Grube as chair of the certification committee. Dr. Grube briefed the Board on an endorsement letter that needs to go to the NCAA. Mrs. Burda moved that the Board approve the letter as drafted to be sent to the NCAA. Mr. Burgin seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. (LETTER ON FILE IN TAB F-1).

Mr. Compher further discussed the Athletic Department goals for the year and the Student Athlete manual.

Mrs. Burda asked Ms. List to report. She stated that the SGA just finished election of senators. The Association of Student Governments is coming to campus. SGA will have a fundraiser to purchase a new call box for safety. SGA is revamping how they deal with finances. They are requiring clubs and organizations to have a representative at each meeting and attendance will be taken. Attendance will affect how much money each organization will get. This will emphasize accountability for organizations.

Mrs. Burda asked Dr. Caruso to report. He stated that Ms. List is off to a great start. Nancy Porter is the new director of the Kneedler Center. Due to budget cuts, it will be necessary to eliminate infant care in Kneedler Center. There is 100 % occupancy in the residence halls with a few people in temporary quarters. These folks will probably be moving them into permanent quarters as possible. Service learning is going well. Western has been selected to be a part of the Wake Forest University School of Medicine Study on college student alcohol abuse.

Mr. Walker asked Mr. Kucharski to explain the proposed amendments to the alcohol policy. Mr. Kucharski explained that the amendments are very simple. (SEE TAB G FOR AMENDMENTS). Mr. Worley moved that the amendments to the alcohol policy be adopted as drafted. Mrs. MacNeill seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Mr. Walker explained that the Disclosure of Substantial Interest form is due on October 1. This is a required form. The UNC Conference on Trusteeship will be October 8 and 9. Mr. Walker encouraged everyone to attend this meeting. Dr. Bardo will be doing a presentation on economic development. He stated that committee assignments will be made in a few weeks. He encouraged everyone to take advantage of the Chancellor’s abilities to talk to groups and individuals that he needs to meet.

Dr. Bardo explained that there have been no raises for three years. We are now looking at our faculty salary budget. We are pulling money out of circulation to try to make some impact on faculty salary raises. A faculty salary study committee chaired by Dr. Smith is looking at salaries by market and salary compaction. This is a difficult situation. The study of salaries will be completed this semester. We will bring a proposal for local tuition to bring salaries up to this year’s average. Administrative salaries are in the same position and are maybe even worse. SPA salaries are state-controlled so we cannot do anything with those salaries.

Dr. Bardo further stated that we will forward to President Broad a construction request for every building on campus that should be fixed. That way, if money comes we are available to get it.

Dr. Bardo also mentioned that we will need the Board’s help on getting state policies fixed that are hurting us. We will also bring off-campus fees for approval. Discussion of this concept followed.

Dr. Smith stated that this year promises to be one of the most exciting years in memory. The significant growth in numbers and quality is very important to the faculty. The intellectual environment is much different now. Faculty morale is up. All of the construction is exciting but inconvenient. He brought up the faculty salary issues. His committee is working on preparing the way for starting the adjustment process. He stated that the benefits package is horrible. Engagement is a big issue with the faculty. He stated that the restructuring of faculty governance has been a long process and is still not over.

Mr. Benson stated that the Staff Forum has expanded to six committees. There is much involvement and enthusiasm in committees. The Forum is trying to improve staff morale, with such things as putting benches for staff to use around campus and installing playground equipment at the picnic grounds. The Forum is working on updating its by-laws. They will be using eballots for elections to avoid the expense of sending out hard copy ballots. They have established a staff scholarship committee to work on a possible scholarship for staff family members.

Mr. Walker stated that Mr. Powell, President of the Alumni Association, was not present because he has a knee injury.

Mr. Walker thanked everyone for what they bring to the table and stated that he was honored to be a part of this Board.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:30 p.m.