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December 9, 2011

Room 510, H.F. Robinson Building
December 9, 2011

The Board of Trustees of ĢƵ met in regular session on December 9, 2011 in Room 510 of the H.F. Robinson Building. The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Chair MacNeill.

The following members of the Board were present: Mrs. MacNeill, Mrs. Williams, Mr. Broadwell, Mrs. Coward, Mr. Metcalf, Mr. Townsend, Mrs. Kaemmerling, Mr. Little, Mr. Forsyth, Mrs. Battle, and Mr. Eaves.

The following member of the Board was absent: Ms. Saunooke.

Others present: Chancellor Belcher; Dr. Lofquist, Interim Provost; Mrs. Lynch, Chief of Staff; Vice Chancellors Metcalf, Miller, and Edwards; Mr. Fowler, CIO; Ms. Lochner, General Counsel; Mr. Cantler, Interim Athletic Director; Mr. Lavigne, Staff Senate Chair; Ms. Allen, Alumni Association President; Dr. McNelis, Faculty Senate Chair; Mr. Studenc, Senior Director of News Services; Mrs. Wong, Human Resources Director; Mrs. Ashe, Administrative Assistant; Ms. Woody, Administrative Assistant; Ms. Ellison, Smoky Mountain News; and Ms. Welch, Assistant Secretary to the Board.

Mrs. MacNeill read the following: “As Chair of the Board of Trustees, it is my responsibility to remind all members of the Board of their duty under the State Government Ethics Act to avoid conflicts of interest and appearances of conflict of interest as required by this Act. Each member has received the agenda and related information for this Board of Trustees’ meeting. If any Board member knows of any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matter coming before the Board of Trustees at this meeting, the conflict or appearance of conflict should be identified at this time.”

There were no conflicts disclosed.

Mrs. MacNeill reported that we have received our second Governor’s appointee, Brenda Wellmon. She will be joining us at the next meeting. She mentioned that it was Ms. Allen’s last meeting as the Alumni Association President.

Mrs. Williams stated that the minutes of the October 21, 2011 special telephone meeting need to reflect that the ethics statement was read by Chair MacNeill. Mrs. Battle moved that the minutes of the September 1, 2011 regular meeting, the minutes of the October 21, 2011 special telephone meeting, as corrected, and the minutes of the November 4, 2011 retreat meeting be approved. Mrs. Kaemmerling seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Mrs. Williams moved that the Board go into closed session to prevent the premature disclosure of an honorary award or scholarship; to consult with our attorney to consider and give instructions concerning an existing lawsuit titled The Estate of Ja’Quayvin Smalls v. Smith et. al., and Don Jensen v. ĢƵet. al.; and to consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions of initial appointment, of a public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee. Mr. Broadwell seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Dr. Belcher asked Ms. Lochner to stay for the closed session.

Mr. Little moved that the Board return to open session. Mr. Forsyth seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Mrs. Williams thanked everyone for their participation in the work of the committees, especially the staff members who support this committee. She stated that Ms. Wong reported on numerous appointments which required General Administration’s approval.

Mrs. Williams reported that Human Resources has been conducting a Fair Labor Standards Act compliance review and organizational placement of student employment. It is currently located in several areas on campus. Mrs. Williams stated that now that we have payroll in house, Human Resources is very involved and is having to take care of compliance issues with student workers (I-9 compliance, job descriptions). Human Resources is conducting a review and is in the process of developing a formal student employment policy, whether exempt or subject to FSLA, to be sure all student employment is in compliance. She also stated that we currently have one complaint that has been filed with the Department of Labor by a student. Human Resources has completed an internal investigation and will resolve this complaint before the end of the calendar year. In addition, changes have been made in that particular area to keep this from occurring again.

Mrs. Williams explained that Ms. Wong presented a final report on the mandatory safety training, the current sexual harassment training, and the future rollout of an updated MASE program. She also explained that through summer and fall semesters 1,457 employees have attended the two hour safety training.

Mrs. Williams mentioned the upcoming campus wide salary analysis – Human Resources will conduct this study by utilizing CUPA data and determining gap to market for both SPA, EPA non-faculty, and faculty. She also mentioned that ĢƵconsistently ranks about 13 out of 16 institutions in terms of pay, in particular with staff pay.

Mrs. Williams commented on the tenure, promotion and reappointment process. She stated that we are in our first year of conducting an abbreviated review of years 1, 3 and 5 and a more extensive review of years 2 and 4. Mrs. Williams also stated that we have found it takes at least a year to make improvements so this pattern of review makes better sense for faculty.

Mrs. Williams reported that the committee had a wonderful discussion about quality. How do we measure quality? The committee reviewed the list of quality measures from external agencies such as General Administration and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools that look at institutions as a whole. SACS examines things such as faculty credentials. Mrs. Williams stated that faculty must have at least one degree above the level they are teaching (exceptions can be made but must be justified and it is not easily achieved). She added that disciplinary accrediting bodies like NCATE (education), ABET (engineering) provide standards to assess specific academic programs.

Mrs. Williams explained that, as an institution, Western has decided if a program does not have an accrediting agency, we will mimic that process internally –by bringing external individuals in from quality programs to review the self-study followed by a report completed on strengths and recommendations. All parties then meet to develop a strategic plan to address the recommendations. Mrs. Williams mentioned that most institutions conduct this sort of review for academic programs, but not for support programs. However, ĢƵhas implemented an Administrative Program Review for support structures that is working the same way as those for academic programs.

Mrs. Williams reported that the following appointments had been made: Administrative Appointments – 4; Athletic Appointments – 4; Faculty Appointments - College of Business – 1; College of Education and Allied Professions – 1; College of Fine and Performing Arts – 1; and College of Health and Human Sciences – 1.

Mr. Townsend stated that he appreciated the broad look at what quality entails in terms of our certifications and accreditations. It is good to always look in the mirror.

Mr. Little thanked the members of the committee for their hard work. Mr. Little moved on behalf of the committee to adopt the ISO Standards Resolution. It was approved unanimously. (RESOLUTION ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS IN TAB D-3)

Mr. Little moved on behalf of the committee to approve Dale Sims, Dick Lankford and Margie Motsinger as Foundation Board Members. It was approved unanimously. (INFORMATION ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS IN TAB D-4)

Mr. Little stated that the Committee received an update on the Tailgating task Force and the recommendations that the Task Force will make to the Chancellor. Some of the recommendations may require changes to the university alcohol policy, which will need Board approval.

Mr. Little asked Mr. Eaves to report on behalf of the Student Government Association. Mr. Eaves was proud to report to the board that as the fall 2011 semester ends, SGA worked hard to gain more exposure with the student body. This was a major success with such initiatives as: The Power of Purple Challenge, an initiative to get students excited for all Catamount sports. Through the challenge, free t-shirts were given out to students at ALL ĢƵv. App State home games. This resulted in a great atmosphere for a win in Catamount Soccer and Volleyball in front of lots of enthusiastic students. He also challenged the Catamount family to raise $31,000 in giving for the month of October. That number was exceeded with over $45,000 in giving for the month of October.

Mr. Eaves stated that another initiative was The Global Poverty Project, introduced in a presentation by Hugh Evans in September. At that presentation, students, faculty, staff and community members filled the Bardo Arts Center for two presentations and about 300 students were turned away because the center was completely full. Mr. Eaves joined Mrs. Susan Belcher, Provost Lofquist and others in “Living Below the Line” on $1.50 per day for food for 5 days.

Mr. Eaves stated that the tuition and fees process has been on the forefront of concerns for SGA and the students the entire semester. Through the Tuition and Fees Committee, students were able to have their input in the proposal to the Chancellor by asking the important questions needed to better understand the fees. Numerous student forums were held to receive student input on the tuition and fees proposal. The final forum was a “No Administrators Allowed” forum with a student-to-student discussion about a wide variety of subjects, including tuition and fees. To help students voice their concerns about budget cuts, Vice-President Alecia Page has led an initiative named “Cuts Hurt,” an initiative to give students an avenue in which to express their personal reactions to the cuts by recording videos or writing statements. The initiative that began here at ĢƵhas now been adopted by all schools in the UNC school system. The UNC Association of Student Governments will compile the videos and statements and present them to General Administration and the Board of Governors.

Mr. Eaves mentioned that the Senate has passed resolutions in favor of adopting a weighted A+, an resolution in favor of introducing a ceremony to recognize graduates of the University’s U.P. Program, and passed a new constitution. Mr. Eaves explained that he will give a State of the University address. After the tuition and fees proposal is adopted, he will help educate the students about the proposal. SGA elections will be in March. He thanked Dr. Miller and Mr. Edwards for their work on the tuition and fees process and the Board for the discussion.

Mr. Little stated that the Get-Acquainted Tour is almost complete. He also stated that General Administration has requested that all institutions send in their UNC policy agenda items by the end of December. The Board is encouraged to communicate their ideas to Chancellor Belcher.

Mr. Broadwell reported on the revision of the Audit Charter. He stated that the Internal Audit charter has been revised to include the language “University data and information systems are properly managed and secured”, as part of the mission and scope, in determining whether the University’s network of risk management, internal control and governance processes, as designed and represented by management, are adequate and functioning. Additionally, the following responsibilities have been added to the internal audit department: (1) Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the organization’s risk management processes and (2) Assessing information security and information technology controls in all appropriate projects. Mr. Broadwell moved on behalf of the committee to approve the revised Internal Audit Charter. It was approved unanimously. (AUDIT CHARTER ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS IN TAB E-2)

Mr. Broadwell reported that the Finance and Audit Committee was presented a tuition and fee proposal that included a 6.5% increase in base tuition along with 15% of a “catch-up” amount. The proposal would result in a $390.00 tuition increase to a NC undergraduate student. For clarity, “catch up” is defined by General Administration as tuition or fee rates that differ significantly from their public peer institutions. Additionally, General Administration recommends that “catch-up” be implemented over a multi -year period to lessen the financial impact on students. Tuition and fee rates shall remain in the bottom quarter of an institution’s public peers. The University had identified $1,300.00 as the “catch up” amount and had proposed to implement this over a five year period on a graduated scale of 15% first year, 20% second year, 25% third year, 25% fourth year, and 15% the fifth year. After discussion, the committee recommended that the “catch-up” amount be increased to $1,360.00 and be implemented by the same proposed graduated scale. This recommendation would result in a tuition increase of $399.00 to a NC undergraduate student. This represents a $9.00 increase in tuition over the original proposal. The committee did not recommend any additional changes to the original schedule of tuition and fees as presented.

Mr. Broadwell moved on behalf of the committee to approve the revised tuition and fee schedule that incorporates the new “catch-up” amount of $1,360.00.

Mrs. Kaemmerling stated that she would still like to ask that the catch-up plan be shortened to four years. She stated that she appreciated the effort of the student body in coming up with the plan. She stated that she felt that the job of the Board is the long-range health of the institution. The Board often has to make hard decisions. Mr. Townsend stated that the Board is responding to what students are saying and that he feels like this discussion tells the students that the Board hears what they say. This has been a good dialogue. Mrs. Coward stated that we have an opportunity to say to General Administration that this is the time we should take advantage of the catch-up provision. Mr. Eaves spoke in favor of the motion as presented with the five-year catch-up plan. How will this affect retention? It is important that students know that their voice matters.

Mrs. MacNeill stated that a motion has been presented. The motion was approved with two opposed. Mrs. MacNeill mentioned that this has been a great experience. Chancellor Belcher stated that there is no place on earth that debate should go on more than within a University. He added that he is glad to have leaders who are willing to, in a civil, professional manner, disagree with one other. Chancellor Belcher explained that he is gratified by associating with people who can do this kind of decision-making. Mrs. MacNeill commented that this is the finest board she has been associated with. Mr. Broadwell stated that, from a committee standpoint, he really appreciated the additional conversation today.

Mr. Broadwell updated the Board on the two major capital projects under construction. The Health and Human Sciences building is tentatively scheduled to be completed in February with occupancy and use by fall semester 2012. The contractor is experiencing some problems with sub-contractors in the HVAC and plumbing areas, but has pledged to complete the building on schedule. The Harrill Hall renovation is continuing, is currently 37% complete, and is on schedule. The HFR Administration Building retro-commissioning, an energy savings project, is in the final stages. Additionally, the campus signage project is underway and will continue into the summer.

Mr. Broadwell reported on the update from the Internal Auditor. The Internal Auditor has completed follow-up audits on export controls, the purchasing card, personal identifiable information, and the C-Bord/Cat Card system. Additionally, she has completed three investigative audits, the first being an audit in the emergency loan department. Mr. Broadwell added that the second audit was related to improper recording of hours worked resulting in a payment of overtime to an employee, and the third audit was a review of leave taken by coaches during summer camps.

Mrs. MacNeill thanked everyone for the condolences in her recent loss. Mrs. MacNeill mentioned that the Endowment Board will be convening after the meeting today. She mentioned that she would like to have the opportunity to discuss the Foundation Board in depth. She would like to see closer relationship between the two Boards.

Dr. Belcher mentioned that there was a student death last Saturday and that the WCU flag is lowered to half-staff today, in remembrance of Collin Anderson Jones.

Dr. Belcher stated that the Get-Acquainted Tour is completed and has been a grand experience. This initiative is not over. It is not enough to go to these areas one time, and the Advancement Staff is working on the next phase of this. He explained that depth will be added to places to which they return. Dr. Belcher further explained that he is also doing a get-acquainted tour on the campus of all academic department heads and directors, etc.

Dr. Belcher reported that strategic planning is continuing. The Steering Committee is preparing a draft of the strategic directions of the University. Sub-committees will be formed around each of these themes. There are excellent people working on the committee.

Dr. Belcher updated the Board on enrollment growth projections. He explained that we have a process that we go through every year and that he is pushing for enrollment growth. Dr. Belcher mentioned that we have an obligation to work to educate the students of North Carolina. He is pledging to do what we can at Western, even with limited resources. We cannot focus only on entering freshmen but also on transfer students, graduate and distance programs, and increased retention.

Chancellor Belcher stated that Western was awarded a $1.7 million Talent Search grant to help under-served high schools that help students prepare for success in high school and in getting into college. This program has a track record of making a difference.

He reported that our new volleyball coach, Karen Glover, took our volleyball team to the Southern Conference Championship for the first time in six years. She was named Southern Conference Coach of the Year.

He is proud of our students in the “Cuts Hurt“ project. There was such an interest in the Global Poverty Project that they had to turn people away. This effort was initiated by our students. We also have faculty who are incorporating programs like this into their curriculum. This is thinking about the big issues and seeing what we can do to make a difference in the world.

Dr. Belcher mentioned Ron Rash, our Parris Distinguished Professor of Appalachian Cultural Studies, who received the North Carolina Award. He thanked Betty Jo Allen for her service to Western. She has been a remarkable friend, president and ambassador for the Alumni Association.

Mr. Lavigne stated that the Staff Senate has made by-law changes to reflect the way the organization is currently operating. Mr. Lavigne mentioned that he was elected to serve on the UNC Staff Assembly Executive Committee. He added that this group serves all university staff in the state and provides input directly to President Ross. Mr. Lavigne explained that they have worked with the Faculty Senate on a joint collegiality and professionalism statement, which was voted on and approved as written.

Mr. Lavigne stated that they worked with Ms. Wong on Employee Appreciation Day and collected a total of 273 pounds of food for Community Table. They also collected money for the Staff Senate scholarship that is awarded to the son/daughter, grandson/granddaughter, or niece/nephew of an SPA or EPA non-faculty employee.

Mr. Lavigne announced that their PR committee worked to come up with a tagline/slogan for the Staff Senate, embodying what they stand for. The slogan is “Your voice, your vision, our community!” This appeared on the first edition of the recently published staff e-newsletter.

Mr. Lavigne mentioned that they are working on an employee survey based on a morale survey that was done at UNC-Greensboro. Western’s survey will not be framed as a morale survey but more of an online “Suggestion Box” for ideas to improve life at our university. This will be another joint effort that will include both Staff and Faculty Senates. Mr. Lavigne reported that the Staff Senate has agreed to do their service project with Full Spectrum Farms, which works with autistic children. Dr. McNelis will talk to the Faculty Senate to see if they want to join with the Staff Senate on this project.

Dr. McNelis stated that she has been looking back on the Fall 2011 semester to reflect on the work of the Faculty Senate thus far. Two themes stand out: collaboration and deliberation.

Dr. McNelis commented on collaboration. She stated that the Faculty Senate, and the university community in general, has been dedicated to a truly shared governance. Students, staff, faculty, administration, alumni, and community members are working collaboratively on so many efforts: strategic planning, the ĢƵPoverty Project, the Chancellor’s Installation, and the Provost and Athletic Director searches, just to name a few. Dr. McNelis explained that, at the start of the semester, a joint task force of faculty, staff, and administration in Academic Affairs developed and presented to the Faculty Senate a policy outlining the principles and processes for any reorganization efforts within Academic Affairs. This passed the Faculty Senate. Dr. McNelis reported that the leadership of the Faculty and Staff Senates and the Student Government have worked together to develop a shared statement on University Community Responsibilities and Shared Governance as well as the creation of a joint University Budget and Financial Planning Advisory Committee.

Dr. McNelis then commented on deliberation. She stated that the number of issues brought before the Faculty Senate in Fall 2011 has been smaller than those addressed by the Senate last fall, but the issues have been significantly weightier and provoked faculty engagement. She also stated that the University Standards for Teaching Effectiveness and the Evaluation of Teaching have been revised. The Collegial Review Council brought forward resolutions clarifying the criteria for early tenure and promotion as well as a hotly debated articulation of the concept of collegiality for inclusion in standards of collegial review. Dr. McNelis added that a resolution regarding university-wide initiatives, procedures, and routine requests impacting faculty workload also generated lively discussion and debate in the Faculty Senate as well as in colleges and departments.

Dr. McNelis stated that we are moving forward as a community, building partnerships between students, staff, faculty, administration, and our community that will enable ĢƵ to better carry out its mission. Dr. McNelis mentioned that a portion of the tuition and fees increase could be used for faculty salary increases; but, not for staff salary increases. It would divide the faculty and staff and affect morale. The Faculty Senate agrees that one group should not receive salary increases at the expense of another. She thanked Chancellor Belcher for facilitating a sense of collaboration. People are getting more involved. She welcomed Chancellor and Mrs. Belcher to our community. They have been truly meaningful.

Ms. Allen stated that the Get-Acquainted Tour was a collaborative effort between Alumni Affairs, Development and the University Advancement offices. She also stated that many events were underwritten by alumni and other partners. Ms. Allen mentioned that the Alumni Board general election will be in February. Ms. Allen explained that the Alumni calendars are on sale now. She announced that Jack Hudson will be the incoming president of the Alumni Association. She thanked the Board for allowing her to be a part of the Trustee meetings. Ms. Allen added that the Board does amazing things for WCU.

There being no further business, Mr. Forsyth made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mrs. Battle seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.