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Academic Policy and Review Council

Membership 2024-2025

April Messer, Chair

Members: Jaclyn Bandell, April Messer, Nuwan Perera, Scott Rader, Charmion Rush, Vicki Szabo, Annie Wilson, Mesfin Woldeyohan (senators), Ali Norvell (UCC Representative), Steve Ha (Grad Council Representative), TBD (PEC Representative), JoBeth Shafran (LSC Representative),  TBD (Hunter Library), Associate Provost for Academic Affairs (ex-officio), Registrar (ex-officio), and Faculty Senate Chair (ex-officio)


Academic policy and institutional governance fall under the jurisdiction of the APRC. Areas of responsibility include:

  • altering admission, graduation, instructional, or retention standard
  • modifying academic policies including grading criteria, etc
  • reviewing academic programs (i.e. inactivation, reactivation, and termination)

Membership of the APRC shall include:

  • Senators, preferably at least one from each College
  • one faculty representative from the University Curriculum Committee chosen annually by that body
  • one faculty representative from the Graduate Council chosen annually by that body
  • one faculty representative from the Professional Education Council chosen annually by that body
  • one faculty representative from the Liberal Studies Committee chosen annually by that body.

Once the Council membership is established, if there is no representation from a particular College, the Dean of the affected College shall be requested to provide a member. If a Dean does not meet this expectation within 10 working days of the request, such vacancy will be filled by the Senate Leadership. The Chair of the APRC must be a Senator and will be appointed by Senate Leadership. The Chair will serve a one-year term and shall be eligible for additional terms.

The Chair of the APRC will receive written and/or verbal reports about changes to the curriculum from the University Curriculum Committee, Liberal Studies Committee, Professional Education Council, and Graduate Council each month. This information will be conveyed to the Faculty Senate at each meeting for information. Curriculum items may become action items at Faculty Senate if so moved.