Formerly University Policy 101 - Installation and Use of Video Cameras for Non-Academic
Approved by Executive Council: May 12, 2008
Posted: May 12, 2009
Revised & Posted: October 30, 2017
Revised: February 25, 2019
Policy Topic: Business Administration & Auxiliary Services
Administering Office: Administration and Finance
It is the intent of this policy is to set requirements for the purchase and installation of video cameras for non-academic purposes; blue-light phones; panic buttons; and other such public safety technology. Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵis committed to implementing and maintaining a security plan that incorporates the use of these technologies to enhance community safety through crime and crisis prevention, detection, and reporting activities.
1. Non-Academic Video Cameras
Video cameras installed, affixed or located, permanently or temporarily, for the purpose of monitoring or observing activity over time. Non-Academic Video Cameras may be installed during either the course of capital construction or as an independent project. This definition does not include legitimate uses of video cameras for instructional or research purposes. This definition does not apply to the legitimate use of non-affixed, portable video cameras used for newsgathering, creative, or promotional purposes.
2. Emergency Notification (Blue Light) Phones
Emergency notification phones are located throughout campus. Their purpose is to allow for direct emergency dialing to the University Emergency Communications Center (ECC). These devices may have landline, cellular, or radio notification capabilities. This includes Emergency Notification Phones that are installed during either the course of capital construction or as an independent project.
3. Panic Buttons / Silent Alarms
Buttons used for automatic notification of emergency personnel (police, EMS, or fire) when used. This includes panic buttons that are installed during either the course of capital construction or as an independent project.
4. Emerging Technologies
Any technological communications and/or video device not listed above that could be installed for the purposes of campus safety and security. The only exceptions to this are devices, alarms, panels, hydrants, and pull stations related to fire detection and suppression.
5. Campus Camera System
The network of Non-Academic Video Cameras and digital video recorders, to include all associated components that are used to continuously monitor non-academic areas on and around campus. The campus camera system does not include any academic video cameras or recording equipment. Additionally, the camera systems are not installed in nor used for viewing of private areas.
6. Two-Way Radios
Two-way radios are used by University departments to communicate business-related information amongst staff members. These entities are both public safety as well as non-public safety departments. These two-way radios used, in some circumstances to communicate with non-University agencies in cases where mutual aid may be used. Radio traffic on these devices is regulated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
A. Video Cameras for Non-Academic Use
1. Video Cameras for General Safety and Security
Non-Academic Video Cameras, with or without video recording capability, may be used overtly on campus to enhance safety and security. Non-Academic Video Cameras shall not be monitored continuously in real time and are not intended to serve as a reliable way to request or attract police assistance.
University Departments that have purchased Non-Academic Video Cameras may be granted access to view cameras that they have purchased and had installed. University Police and University Emergency Services are the only authorized personnel permitted to record or copy images or video from the campus camera systems.
2. Video Cameras for Targeted Criminal Investigative Purposes
University Police may use video cameras, overtly or covertly, on a short-term basis for law enforcement purposes including, but not limited to, evidence gathering during a criminal investigation. Such use must comply with the law and any standards or procedures adopted by the University Police. Other than paragraph IV.D. below. The remainder of this policy is not applicable to cameras used for investigative purposes.
3. Video Cameras for Marketing, Training, or Public Observation
Video cameras (including web cams) may also be used overtly for viewing and/or recording images in public spaces for university purposes, including marketing and recruitment, employee training, athletic coaching, or public observation. Images of activities in public spaces may be distributed electronically without notice to participants.
B. Emergency Notification (Blue Light) Phones
Emergency Notification (Blue Light) Phones shall be used in fixed locations including, but not limited to, parking lots, adjacent to sidewalks, and near buildings. These emergency notification phones are to be used by students, staff, faculty, and visitors that need emergency assistance from police, fire, or Emergency Medical Service personnel. These emergency notification phones are for crisis communications only, and once activated dial directly to the Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵEmergency Communications Center.
C. Panic Buttons
Panic Buttons shall be installed, upon approval by the Department of Emergency Services and the University Police Department (as outlined in paragraph IV.C), in locations where financial transactions occur; and in locations where sensitive personnel and student issues may be handled; any other location as determined by University Police and the University Department of Emergency Services. Panic buttons shall be considered a last resort of communications, and only used when alternative means of communications will not work or are not justifiable.
D. Emerging Technologies
New Public Safety technologies are developed on a consistent basis. Before the implementation of any technology relating to public safety at Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ, the Department of Emergency Services and the University Police Department, as outlined in paragraph IV.C, must review the technology to determine consistency with campus standards and viability to overall campus safety and security.
E. Two-Way Radios
These devices include single and multi-channel two-way radios, along with any associate accessories to include shoulder microphones, batteries, chargers, and earpieces. This is to ensure consistency with the Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵradio communications systems. Any radio purchase by a Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵdepartment shall be approved through the Department of Emergency Services and University Police (as outlined in paragraph IV.C) to ensure consistency with campus standards. Additionally, the Department of Emergency Services will authorize and facilitate the addition of channels on each radio per campus standards.
A. General
It is the responsibility of all administrators and department heads, including University Police, to make recommendations about the level of security required on campus. Decisions to install public safety technologies listed under paragraphs III.A - D. above will be made through consultation and deliberation as described below.
B. Role of Requesting Office/Department
An office/department wanting to install any public safety technology, as listed in paragraphs III.A-D, is required to consult with the Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵDepartment of Emergency Services first. The following information must be provided by the requestor:
All equipment must be consistent with standards set forth by Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ.
The authorized user is responsible for all costs associated with the camera including the purchase, operation, maintenance/repair, installation and removal costs.
Upon approval by the Department of Emergency Services, the Department responsible for purchase will develop a Purchase Order in order to procure the approved equipment. No equipment listed under this policy shall be purchased through a P-Card or other means. This includes accessories associated with the equipment described in this policy.
C. Review of Public Safety Technology Requests
The Department of Emergency Services and the University Police Department will jointly review and approve any requests for new or replacement public safety technology as outlined in paragraph III.A-D above. The Department of Emergency Services and the University Police Chief will ensure that the requests, at minimum, conform to the information requested in paragraph IV.B and the following additional information:
Upon approval, the Department of Emergency Services will coordinate with the requesting department, Information Technologies, and Facilities Management to ensure there are no conflicts with proposed purchase and installation.
D. Role of the University Emergency Services and Police Department
E. Role of Information Technology (IT)
F. Role of Facilities Management
Facilities Management shall be consulted before any public safety technology is installed. Any public safety device that is attached to a building will be approved by Facilities Management. Authorized users are responsible for the cost, if any, of installation and removal of any public safety device by Facilities Management.
G. Camera Video Retention Guidelines for Units other than University Police
Unauthorized use of Non-Academic Video Cameras may subject an employee or student to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. Unauthorized use will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis in light of the surrounding circumstance.
The Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance is responsible for the review of this operating policy every two (2) years or as needed.