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University Policy 16

Responsibility for University Publication

Formerly Executive Memorandum 77-33
Initially approved September 1, 1977
Revised: October 2, 2006

Policy Topic: Advancement and Public Relations
Administering Office: Advancement and External Affairs

Because of increasing austerity in state budgets, a growing demand for fiscal accountability by public institutions, the need for complying with an enlarging body of state and federal regulations, and the desire to continue the improvement of the quality and appearance of our printed materials, it has become necessary to centralize the responsibility for production of University publications.

Effective immediately, the Office of Public Information will be responsible for the production of all University publications. For purposes of this policy, "University publications" shall mean any printed material paid for by University-administered funds, whether, state, federal, or private. This policy shall not, however, apply to publications produced by students and funded by student fees.

In implementing this policy, the Office of Public Information shall:

  1. provide concept, design, and production services for University publications, in consultation with the appropriate administrator, faculty or staff member, and assist them in the preparation of content.
  2. maintain a permanent repository for all University publications.
  3. ensure University compliance with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations, including those laws governing the distribution of state publications.
  4. provide procedures to be followed in creating new publications or reprinting existing ones.
  5. ensure compliance with the SACS guidelines in advertisements, publications, and promotional literature developed by the University for the purposes of student recruitment, general advertising, and representation of accreditation status.

Vice Chancellors will continue to be responsible for the content of publications within their areas.