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University Policy 17

Alterations and Renovation of Facilities

Formerly Executive Memorandum 78-38
Initially Approved: March 1, 1978
Revised: March 22, 2004

Policy Topic: University Facilities and State Owned Property
Administering Office: Facilities Management

Alteration and renovation of University facilities must be planned with proper attention to the following:

  1. Architectural and engineering requirements
  2. Material and labor requirements
  3. Utilization of space
  4. Availability of funds
  5. University-wide priorities

To help ensure that such planning takes place, the following policies and procedures shall be observed:

  1. Alterations or renovations will be performed or contracted only through the University's Facilities Management Department.
  2. All requests must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate building coordinator, department head, dean, and vice chancellor before submission to Facilities Management.
  3. Alterations or renovations, which will change either the physical configuration or present utilization of space, must be reviewed and approved by the Director of University Planning before submission to Facilities Management.
  4. Alterations which will require changes to the voice, video, or data networks must be coordinated with the Chief Information Officer before submission to Facilities Management.
  5. When scheduling conflicts require that priorities be assigned among alteration and renovation projects, the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance will consult with the parties affected and recommend to the Chancellor a schedule for accomplishing the various projects.
  6. Provisions for meeting the budget requirements of alteration and renovation projects must be made by the requesting department prior to submission of a work request to Facilities Management. Budget responsibility for maintenance and repair work rests with Facilities Management.


  1. Alteration includes, but is not limited to, all minor construction; changes in facilities configuration; fabrication, modification, removal, or installation of hardware and equipment; signs; and erection, relocation, or removal of partitions, doors, and windows.
  2. Renovation applies to that work which is required to restore, upgrade, or otherwise improve the general condition of facilities.
  3. Maintenance and Repair includes all work necessary for the general upkeep of existing facilities, facility components, grounds, and utility systems.