Formerly Executive Memorandum 75-9
Initially approved August 8, 1975
Revised June 1, 1999
Policy Topic: Governance and Administration
Administering office: Chancellor's Office
All society and association memberships being paid from institutional funds should be reviewed on a regular basis to determine those to be continued. Authorization for payment of society and association memberships is as follows:
Institutional funds will be approved for payment of memberships for individuals only in those cases where it is advantageous to the institution that the individual be a member of the organization. Approval for such memberships will be granted by the appropriate Vice Chancellor only after recommendations have been received from the Department Heads and Deans.
Memberships which are of importance to a department and to be paid from departmental funds may have payment authorized by the Dean of the School on the basis of the recommendation from the Department Head. Such memberships will be paid from departmental funds.
Memberships applicable to schools or divisions will be authorized for payment by the appropriate Vice Chancellor following recommendations from the Dean or Division Head and will be paid from funds allocated to the college.
Payment of dues for such memberships will be authorized by the Chancellor following recommendations from the appropriate Vice Chancellor and will be paid from centrally-administered funds.