Formerly Executive Memorandum 79-46
Initially approved June 15, 1979
Technical Changes March 13, 2017
Under revision
Policy Topic: Academic Affairs; Personnel
Administering office: Academic Affairs
When administrators and other EHRA personnel on twelve-month appointments who hold professorial rank (Rank at the level of Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor) in a teaching department return to the department as full-time teaching members of the departmental faculty, the following policies and procedures shall apply:
1. The appointment base shall be changed from twelve to nine months, and the effect of the change on annual leave/terminal leave pay and sick leave shall be governed by the appropriate University policy.
2. The individual who already has permanent tenure shall continue to hold tenure. If the individual is not tenured, the policies and procedures then currently governing the award of tenure shall be applied. The applicable probationary period is determined from the date of the initial probationary appointment in the department.
3. Any special terms or conditions pertinent to reappointment, tenure, and promotion, consistent with the Tenure Policies and Regulations of Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ, which are to apply to the continued appointment of the individual in the department, shall be stipulated and agreed to in writing at the time of return.
4. In determining the appropriate nine-month salary in the year of return, the factors considered shall include the individual's qualifications in relation to the qualifications and salaries of other members of the departmental faculty. If the individual formerly held a nine-month appointment in the department, the salary established upon the individual's return shall be at least equal to the salary the individual could be reasonably assumed to be earning if a change to administrative status had never occurred.
5. If a vacancy exists or develops in the department during the period when an administrator's return is anticipated, that position shall be considered for the returning administrator. If no vacancy exists, it shall be the responsibility of the Chancellor to provide funds and a position in order to accommodate the need.
When a department head or other nine-month EHRA appointee with administrative duties returns to full-time teaching, the administrative supplement will be subtracted from the salary. The remaining base salary shall be the beginning regular teaching salary, and subsequent adjustment to it shall be based upon the same considerations and guidelines regarding merit, equity, or other salary increases that apply to all the regular teaching faculty of the department.
An effort shall be made to arrange for changes in status to occur at appropriate times in the academic year and on a schedule to allow for necessary planning. Within the time available, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs will consult with the dean and department head and determine the steps to be taken to facilitate the return of the administrator to full-time teaching.