Formerly Executive Memorandum 81-54
Initially approved July 15, 1981
Revised: April 23, 2001
Revised: February 11, 2013
Revised: December 19, 2016
Revised: January 23, 2024
Policy Topic: Personnel
Administering Office: Office of Human Resources and Payroll
It is the policy of ĢƵ (the “University”) to comply with the North Carolina Office of State Human Resources policy on reduction-in-force (“RIF”). This policy assures equitable treatment of SHRA employees when a RIF becomes necessary. A RIF might become necessary because of a shortage or loss of funds; shortage or loss of work; abolishment of a position, or other material changes in position duties or organization. A RIF decision should be reached only after other applicable measures have been explored, including, but not limited to such actions as:
This policy provides University-specific guidance in adherence to the Office of State Human Resources Reduction in Force Policy, assuring employees that potential reductions are considered on a fair and systemic basis. This policy applies only to SHRA permanent employees (full-time and part-time) who have completed their probationary period. Other SHRA employees may be separated without following the layoff procedures of this policy.
The following types of SHRA employees may be separated without following the procedures found within this policy:
Time-limited permanent employees; Although this policy does not apply to EHRA and student appointments, Work Unit managers should consider all staffing resources when determining positions to retain.
“EHRA” means employees who are exempt from the State Human Resources Act.
“Division Head” means each of the Chancellor, Provost, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Vice Chancellor for Development and Alumni Engagement, Chief of Staff, Chief Information Officer, General Counsel or Athletic Director.
“Priority re-employment" is status entitling RIF employees to priority consideration for State positions when being considered alongside candidates with substantially equal qualifications.
“RIF” means reduction-in-force.
“SHRA” means employees who are subject to the State Human Resources Act.
“Work Unit” is a formally established and recognized unit, section, department, college or division of the University in which employees perform a closely related set of functions or duties. A Work Unit manager may define individual research projects headed by a principal investigator as a separate work unit for the purposes of this policy. Any such assertion is subject to appropriate justification that demonstrates the unique nature of the research project and the skills of its assigned staff members as contrasted with other research projects supervised by either the same or differing principal investigators within the same college or department.
A. Decisional Factors/Criteria
A RIF decision requires a thorough evaluation of the need for specific positions and the relative efficiency of affected employees so that the University can provide the highest level of service possible with a smaller work force. The decision to separate an employee or group of employees pursuant to this policy rests with the management overseeing the affected Work Unit(s), based on the following factors, in order of importance:
The Work Unit management is accountable for documenting the basis for its decision in a manner that clearly demonstrates reasonable and consistent application of these factors. The Office of Human Resources will provide consultation to Work Unit management regarding the effective application and interpretation of state policies and guidelines.
B. Review and Approval of RIF Requests
The Work Unit management must complete a SHRA RIF Request Form (available in Section
VI below) to their Division Head ultimately responsible for the Work Unit. The Division
Head then submits a copy of the SHRA RIF Request Form to the Office of Human Resources.
The SHRA RIF Request Form must indicate:
The Office of Human Resources must provide the department with written approval of the RIF request before any action can be taken. SHRA permanent employees must receive written notice of RIF at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to their effective separation date. Therefore, Work Unit management is expected to submit the SHRA RIF Request Form to the Office of Human Resources at least six (6) weeks prior to the anticipated separation date of any employee to be separated due to the RIF, in order to provide adequate time both for review and the required notification to the employee(s).
C. Benefits Provided to Affected Employees
Employees selected for RIF are entitled to:
(1) one (1) year of employer contributions to the employee’s (self-only) health insurance,
if eligibility requirements are met; and
(2) payout of vacation and bonus leave and other applicable paid time-off, upon the
date of separation.
In addition, affected employees may be eligible for RIF benefits, including:
(1) up to four (4) months of severance pay based on total state service
(2) up to four (4) months of severance pay based on age
(3) priority re-employment consideration for State positions for 12 months.
Work Unit management should consider the total budgetary cost of separating an employee
through RIF when determining an appropriate separation date for affected employee(s).
If the employee is eligible to receive severance pay, severance payments will be direct-deposited.
D. Notification of Affected Employees
After the SHRA RIF Request Form has been approved by the Office of Human Resources,
and at least 30 days before the effective date of the RIF, the Work Unit manager must
provide the following information, in writing, to the employee(s) being separated
due to the RIF:
E. Reduction of Hours (FTE) for Positions
To avoid a RIF, Work Unit management may consider reducing the regularly scheduled
hours for position(s). If so, employees must be given the option of RIF in lieu of
reduction in hours. In these situations, any reduction in hours for positions must
be included in the Work Unit’s SHRA RIF Request Form. This RIF Policy does not apply
to routine changes in hours related to contracts and grants management or to an employee
request for a voluntary permanent or temporary reduction in hours.
F. Abolishment of Position
Once the RIF employee has separated or been reassigned, work unit management must
complete the layoff process by abolishing the approved position.
G. Appeals
Refer to the University SHRA Grievance Policy (Policy #78) for information regarding
applicable appeal rights for RIF actions.
This policy shall be reviewed and revised as necessary in the event that the North Carolina Office of State Human Resources revises its reduction-in-force policies.