Formerly Executive Memorandum 81-57
Initially approved August 10, 1981
Policy Topic: Academic Affairs; Student Activities and Services
Administering Office: Financial Aid
The State matching share of college work-study funds will be allocated to the Chancellor and to the Vice Chancellors for distribution to the individual departments and budgeted in a manner similar to other funds. These funds will be distributed on the basis of demonstrated need in individual departments. This procedure will allow departments to have and keep a current record of the amount of money spent on college work-study and the amount remaining to be spent. It will also avoid the possibility of the department over-supplying itself with work-study students. since the department will actually be paying the 20 percent State match portion of the college workstudy salary from its allocation.
After the State matching monies for college work-study have been distributed among departments, the remaining need for local match to meet the allocation of the federal work-study amount will be set aside in auxiliary budgets. This will insure that the college work-study match monies are not over-spent and that an appropriate proportion of the college work-study students are assigned to Auxiliaries.
The Office of Financial Aid will issue instructions to supervisors reflecting the operating procedures outlined here and clarifying the expectations of supervisors and student workers involved in the work-study program.