Formerly Executive Memorandum 75-11
Initially approved September 9, 1975
Revised January 8, 2001
Revised March 26, 2001
Revised June 5, 2006
Policy Topic: University Facilities and State Owned Property
Administering Office: Physical Plant
It is the policy of Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ to practice energy conservation by supporting the University’s Strategic Energy Plan.
Accordingly, the University will employ energy management and control systems in all campus buildings. Heating thermostats will be set to maintain no more than 70 degrees Fahrenheit and cooling thermostats will be set to maintain no less than 76 degrees Fahrenheit, during the summer.
All new campus construction and renovation projects will incorporate the most energy efficient equipment and new technology as possible. Preventive and corrective maintenance will emphasize improved operating efficiency in existing equipment.
It is the responsibility of Building Coordinators to promote energy conservation among building occupants, to monitor their buildings regularly, and to submit work requests for needed repairs to the Office of Facilities Management. Each Building Coordinator should contact the Energy Manager, at the Office of Facilities Management, to develop an energy plan which would incorporate the best building practices for their respective building(s).
The primary responsibility to limit energy usage on a daily basis, and correct or report wasteful conditions, lies with each Department Head. Department Heads are encouraged to contact the Energy Manager at the Office of Facilities Management to schedule an Energy Audit to look for wasteful conditions, in their respective areas.
All Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵemployees and students can and are encouraged to conserve by turning off all unneeded lights, close all doors and windows when heating or air-conditioning systems are running; turn off fans, coffee pots, and other small electric appliances when not in use, promptly report all systems or equipment malfunctions.
Note: The North Carolina Department of Administration has banned the use of Portable electric space heaters in State Buildings.
All personnel are responsible for employing the proper energy and fuel conservation procedures to perform their jobs. Buildings and equipment necessary to perform required work should be monitored and maintained, to eliminate wasteful energy practices.
If there are questions as to the best energy saving practice to follow, please contact the Energy Manager at the office of Facilities Management.