Formerly Executive Memorandum 75-17
Initially approved November 12, 1975
Under revision
Policy Topic: Academic Affairs
Administering Office: Academic Affairs
Adjunct appointments to the faculty may be made to individuals who provide ancillary services to the University's instructional program but who are not regular employees of Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ. Ordinarily, such individuals are employed and paid directly by another institution or agency with which Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ maintains an affiliation for purposes related to the instructional program of one or more departments.
Criteria recommended by the faculty of the appropriate department, as endorsed by the dean and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and approved by the Chancellor, shall be applied to determine the eligibility and selection of candidates for adjunct faculty appointments. Candidates will be recommended by the departmental faculty to the dean and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Academic qualifications shall be an important criterion but not to the exclusion of candidates whose qualifications are based upon service to the community and experience in and contributions to their professions.
Persons receiving adjunct appointments may serve the instructional program in a variety of ways, i.e., part-time teaching, special lectures, clinical and field guidance and supervision of students, participation in departmental affairs by means of membership on faculty committees, liaison with the agencies and communities they represent, consultation, and other special services.
Any instructional designation used at Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ, preceded by the word "Adjunct," may be used in making adjunct appointments. Each appointment shall be continuing, without the formality of annual renewal, for the duration of the appointee's association with the university. It will be the responsibility of the dean of each school to determine annually the status of these appointments after consultation with the department heads and to report to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Adjunct members of the faculty, although not eligible for tenure at Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ or for the fringe benefits available to university employees, will be accorded faculty library privileges, the use of the same recreational and parking facilities as faculty, and will be listed as adjunct members of the faculty in the appropriate university publications.