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University Policy 62

Contract Review and Execution

Formerly Executive Memorandum 96-120
Initially approved: November 1, 1976
Revised: April 1, 1987
Revised: October, 1996
Revised: June 17, 2002
Revised: March 30, 2005
Revised: August 24, 2009
Revised: October 1, 2010

Policy Topic: Governance and Administration
Administering Office: Legal Counsel


Pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes and The Code of the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina, the execution of all contracts and agreements on behalf of the University is the responsibility of the Chancellor. Contracts and agreements must be signed by the Chancellor unless he/she delegates and permits the further delegation of such authority as provided in Section III below.

For purposes of this policy, a contract means an agreement between two or more persons that creates an obligation to do or not to do a particular thing. A contract may be titled as an agreement, a memorandum of understanding, a memorandum of agreement, a promise to pay, or may use other terminology.


Prior to presentation to the Office of the Chancellor for execution, the responsible Division manager (i.e., Provost, Vice Chancellor, Chief Information Officer, and Athletic Director) and the University Legal Counsel will review all contracts and agreements. Their approval will be noted by their stamps on the contract or agreement.

The responsible Division manager will review the program and financial commitments and ensure that the contract does not violate university policies or state and federal fiscal policies, paying specific attention to purchasing regulations.

After approval by the Division manager, prior to execution, all contracts and agreements must be reviewed and approved as to legal form and validity by the University Legal Counsel, unless

University Legal Counsel review is not required because standard forms of contracts or agreements have been developed for use, as provided in Section III below. NOTE: University Legal Counsel shall review all proposed statewide and agency term contracts for supplies, materials, printing, equipment, and contractual services that exceed one million dollars ($1,000.000) to ensure that the proposed contracts are in proper legal form, contain all clauses required by law, are legally enforceable, and accomplish the intended purposes of the proposed contract. (NCGS §114-8.3(b) as effective October 1, 2010).

In order to become a University "Standard" Agreement, a form must be reviewed and approved by University Legal Counsel. Only agreements that have been reviewed and approved as Standard Agreements may be processed as an exception to the general policy.

If any Standard Agreement in any category is modified during negotiations, the modified agreement must be signed by the Chancellor after review by University Legal Counsel in accordance with the general policy.

The Standard Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵIndependent Contractor Agreement will be produced by the Office of Administration and Finance.

Prior to presenting a contract to the Division manager for approval, persons wishing to enter into contract negotiations must have the cooperation and approval of any unit which may be directly or indirectly implicated in performance of the contract (e.g., Information Technology, Finance, Facilities Management, Telecommunications, etc.).

The party initiating the contract for the University is responsible for reading the contract entirely and determining that: the contract language accurately reflects the current state of negotiations; the contract meets programmatic and University mission requirements; the contract is in the best interests of the University; he/she can ensure compliance with the obligations it places on the University; and the contract is sufficiently clear and consistent.

Any employee who executes a contract or agreement without authority under this policy may be personally responsible for performance of the contract or agreement's terms, including any payments due thereunder, and may be subject to University disciplinary action.

The original contract or agreement containing the original signatures of the parties is to be maintained in the originating office, department or Division. Each originating office, department or Division will keep records of all contracts and agreements executed, which are subject to audit by the Office of the Internal Auditor.

Effective immediately, all delegations of authority to execute contracts previously granted are hereby revoked.


Exceptions to the general policy described above are as follows:

Academic Affiliation Agreements
Standard Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵAgreements NO Dean
Non-Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵAgreements YES
Advertising Agreements negotiated by
Public Information NO Vice Chancellor for Advancement and External Affairs or written designee
Analysis and Testing Agreement
Standard Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵAgreement/Engineering NO Dean, Kimmel School
Standard Southern Conference Scheduling Contracts NO Athletic Director or written designee
Non-Southern Conference Scheduling Contracts – contract amount less than $10,000 NO
Non-Southern Conference Scheduling Contracts – contract amount $10,000 and greater YES
Administration and Finance
Contracts with external auditors YES Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
Capital improvement design agreement (standard state form) NO
Capital improvement construction contracts (standard state form) NO
Engineering services contract YES
Testing services contract YES
Change orders applicable to capital improvement construction contracts NO
Equipment rental contracts YES
Entertainment-Related Contracts (Performers, Bands, Speakers, etc.)
Ramsey Center – contract amount $10,000 and greater YES Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
Ramsey Center – contract amount less than $10,000 NO
LMP, LCE, University Center – contract amount $10,000 and greater YES Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
LMP, LCE, University Center – contract amount less than $10,000 NO
FPAC – contract amount $10,000 and greater YES Provost
FPAC – contract amount less than $10,000 NO
Mountain Heritage Day (Standard Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵIndependent Contractor Agreement) NO Vice Chancellor for Advancement and External Affairs or written designee
Facilities Use Agreements
Standard Ramsey Center Agreements NO Director, Ramsey Center
Standard Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵAgreements for other Campus Facilities NO Director of Residential Living *
Standard contracts for student housing NO Director of Residential Living
Standard Robertson apartment leases NO
Standard faculty/staff housing leases NO
Licensing Agreement for Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵMarks
Standard Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵAgreements NO Vice Chancellor for Advancement and External Affairs or written designee
Non-Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵAgreements YES
Equipment maintenance/service contracts NO Director of Purchasing
Lease-purchase contracts YES
Installment payment contracts YES
Vending company contracts YES
General Purchases NO
Computer Related Matters
Purchase of equipment connected directly or indirectly to the campus network and related maintenance and service agreements NO Chief Information Officer (CIO)
Software Licenses and related maintenance and service agreements; software service subscriptions and enrollments YES
Hardware or software consulting agreements YES
Technology Transfer Matters
Standard Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵNon-disclosure agreement (NDA) NO Director of Technology Transfer
Materials Transfer Agreements YES
Web Course Development – Educational Outreach
Standard Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵLetter Agreement and General Terms NO Dean, Educational Outreach
Contracts Processed by Graduate School & Research
Standard Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵContracts NO Dean, Graduate School and Research
Non-Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵContracts YES
Employment Contracts
Standard Faculty Employment Contracts NO Provost
Standard Faculty Employment Contracts – fixed term with terms of one year or less NO Dean
Standard Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵIndependent Contractor Agreement
Contract amount less than $10,000 NO Responsible Dean, Chief of Staff and Division manager
Contract amount $10,000 and greater NO Responsible Division manager, Chief of Staff
Miscellaneous Contracts
Standard New Century Scholar Contracts NO Director of Admissions



* University Policy #82 will be amended to conform with this controlling provision.