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University Policy 75

Removal of University Assets from the Campus

Initially approved January 8, 2001
Revised March 8, 2010

Policy Topic: Business Administration and Auxiliary Services
Administering Office: Controller

Accountability for property purchased by (or for) a department, college, or other unit of the University is the responsibility of the administrative head of that unit.

As a general rule, removal of University equipment, furnishings, and similar property from campus is not permitted. Specific exceptions may be made when all of the following conditions are met:

· Relocation is temporary

· The purpose of relocation is for the conduct of University business by a University employee. Lending University property for personal or organizational use by private parties is expressly prohibited

· Property, while relocated, will be adequately protected from loss and damage

· Head of the administrative unit to which the property is assigned must approve the relocation

· Absence of the property, while relocated, will not hinder normal, on-campus operations

When the above conditions are met, the responsible administrator will create a record that identifies the items(s), its ĢƵinventory number, the on-campus location from which removed, the off-campus location to which taken, the period of absence, and the University business purpose served. The document must bear the signatures of the borrowing party and the approving administrator. The approving administrator then assumes responsibility for custody of the record thus created and for monitoring compliance with its terms; the user assumes responsibility for the property removed. A copy of the record is to be placed with the copy of the Fixed Assets inventory on file within the department. The original record is to be sent to the Fixed Asset Accountant (Controller’s Office). A form for this purpose, titled “Permission to Remove University Assets from Campus”, is available by clicking on the following link. (Permission to Remove University Assets from Campus Form)

The above-stated provisions are not applicable to the following categories of University property:

· Outdoor equipment offered for rent by the University Center

· Portable equipment that is specifically acquired for field use

Removal of University property from the campus contrary to the provisions of this policy may result in prosecution for misappropriation of State property and/or larceny.