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University Policy 87

Secondary Employment Policy for SHRA Employees

Posted: August 26, 2004
Approved: Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ: August 16, 2004
Revised: NC Office of State Personnel: June 8, 2004
Technical Changes March 13, 2017
Revised: NC Office of State Personnel: December 3, 2020
Revised: January 23, 2024

Policy Topic: Personnel
Administering Office: Human Resources


The University understands that some of its SHRA employees engage in secondary employment. It is the goal of the University to implement the State’s Policy while, at the same time, respecting the needs and desires of its employees.

Secondary employment means any activity involving the production or sale of goods, the provision of services, the performance of intellectual or create work for pay in either an employer/employee relationship or in a self-employment capacity such as an independent contractor.  

Under the State’s Policy, the employment responsibilities to Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ are primary for any employee working full-time; any other employment in which that person chooses to engage is secondary. An employee is required to have approval from the appropriate division head before engaging in any secondary employment. The purpose of the approval procedure is to determine, as required by the State’s Policy, that the secondary employment does not have an adverse effect on the primary employment and does not create a conflict of interest. These provisions for secondary employment apply only to non-State sources of income and do not include a second job or assignment paid from State funds; those conditions are covered by the policy on Dual Employment.

This policy applies only to employees who are subject to the State Human Resources Act (SHRA). University Policy #54, Conflicts of Interest and Commitment, applies to employees who are exempt from the State Human Resources Act (EHRA).


It is the responsibility of the employee:

  • to complete and submit a Secondary Employment Form (available from the Office of Human Resources) for all employment that is paid from non-state sources of income, and
  • to update the form annually, as well as to document changes as they occur.


It is the responsibility of the University to review and process the Secondary Employment Form.

  1. Secondary employment may not be permitted under State Policy when it would:
    • create either directly or indirectly a conflict of interest with the primary employment.
    • impair in any way the employee’s ability to perform all expected duties, to make decisions and carry out in an objective fashion the responsibilities of the employee’s position.
  2. If the secondary employment has any impact on or may create any possibility of conflict with University or State operations, the University must submit the Secondary Employment Form to the State Human Resources Director in conjunction with the State Board of Ethics for approval.
  3. If secondary employment is approved, there shall be periodic review during the time of secondary employment for any adverse effects or conflicts. Approval of secondary employment may be withdrawn at any time if adverse effects or conflicts appear.
  4. The university shall notify all new employees of the provisions of the Secondary Employment Policy at the time of job offer. 
  5. The university shall send out a notification to all employees annually of the provisions and requirements of the Secondary Employment Policy. 

Link: Secondary Employment Form


Office of State Human Resources Policies: