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Partnership with Landmark Learning

Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ (WCU) partners with Landmark Learning to award academic degree credit for an approved course.

Credit hours will be awarded on the basis of 15 hours of in-class time per credit hour or other measure conforming to the requirements of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and the UNC Board of Governors.

Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵCourse Equivalents

Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵPRM Course Landmark Learning Course Notes
PRM 356 Outdoor First Aid
(4 credits) *
PRM 426- Water-based Outdoor (4 credits) *
PRM 486- Field Experience
(4 credits) *
Landmark Semester includes the following courses:

NOLS 105: Wilderness Upgrade for Medical Professionals**
Level 2 Canoe Instructor and Level 4 Swift Water Rescue and Wilderness Lifeguard**
Leave No Trace (LNT) Master Educator
*Student will be enrolled in 3 PRM courses for the Landmark Semester package of courses.
**Must complete all Landmark Semester Courses to earn 12 hours. No partial credit will be given.
PRM 486 Field Experience
(3 credits)
Basic First Aid and CPR Instructor  
UG Level:
PRM 486 Field Experience
(3 credits)
Grad Level:
EOE 680 Independent Study
(3 credits)
Leave No Trace (LNT) Master Educator  
PRM 486 Field Experience
(2 Credits)
Swift water Rescue  
PRM 486 Field Experience
(2 Credits)
Wilderness Lifeguard  
PRM 486 Field Experience
(3 credits)
Grad Level: EOE 680 Independent Study (3 credits)
Introduction to River Conaoeing Instructor  
PRM 486 Field Experience
(4 credits)
Leave No Trace (LNT) Master Educator  
UG Level:
PRM 352 Beginner/Intermediate Whitewater Kayaking (3 credits)
PRM 353 Beginner/Intermediate Whitewater Canoeing (3 credits)
PRM 486 Field Experience (3 credits)
Grad Level:
EOE 680 Independent Study
(3 credits)
Level 4 Canoe or Kayak Instructor If Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵstudent, PRM advisor will determine which course to provide as an equivalent.
UG Level:
PRM 356 Outdoor First Aid
(4 Credits)
Grad Level:
EOE 680 Independent Study
(3 credits)
NCOEMS 101: Hybrid EMT Intensive
Emergency Medical Technician Intensive (EMT)
UG Level:
PRM 486 Field Experience (3 credits)
Grad Level:
EOE 680 Independent Study
(3 credits)
Wilderness Upgrade for Medical Professionals (WUMP)  
UG Level:
PRM 357 Wilderness First Responder (4 Credits)
Grad Level:
EOE 680 Independent Study
(3 credits)
NOLS 103: Wilderness First Responder (WFR)  
PRM 252 Wilderness First Aid
(2 Credits)
NOLS 102: Wilderness First Aid  
PRM 356 Outdoor First Aid
(4 credits)
NOLS WEMT Hybrid (NCOEMS 101 + NOLS 105)  


Information for current Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵStudents:

Fall and Spring semester only:
You may receive academic credit as part of your regular course load by permission of Dr. Bobilya. Please contact Dr. Bobilya directly at ajbobilya@wcu.edu.
Your academic credits are eligible for financial aid during fall and spring semesters by approval of Dr. Bobilya.

Summer and Winter breaks:
Contact Landmark Learning for course availability to register and pay for the course directly through Landmark Learning and Educational Outreach.
Registration must be completed and payment received prior to the first day of class.

Non-Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵstudents who wish to receive academic credit should follow the procedure below.

  1. Complete a and pay a $65 application fee. This is a one-time fee and will not be required of a student who has recently been admitted to WCU. Please be sure to complete the entire application. Incomplete applications may cause delays. This fee is non-refundable.
    Students must meet the Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵadmission criteria as determined by the Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵOffice of Admissions.
  2. Pay a fee equal to the amount of credit desired. Should the student not be eligible for admission to WCU, the course cost will be refunded.
    Pending the admission to WCU, the student will be registered for the Landmark Learning course selected.
  3. Should the student desire a transcript be sent at the end of the course (after grades are posted), complete the transcript request. A signature is required. Scan the transcript request and email it to learn@wcu.edu with "Landmark Course" in the subject line.

If you have questions about this process, email Educational Outreach at learn@wcu.edu.