The TEAS® is an assessment product of Academic Testing, Inc (ATI). The Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵSchool of Nursing Undergraduate Pre-licensure program uses applicant performance on the ATI, in addition to the ACT Residual and current collegiate grade point average, to rank applicants to the program.
Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵadministers the TEAS version 7. This is also the only version currently accepted by our Nursing Department.
The test center administration fee at Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵis $40.00. This test center administration fee DOES NOT include the cost of the exam itself. Currently, the exam cost is $70.00 (plus tax) from ATI, but is subject to change without notice. This makes the total student cost for a regularly scheduled exam a minimum of $110.00. Students will pay the $40 test center fee when they register online and should be
prepared to pay for the exam by credit card when they arrive on test day. Only credit card payments are accepted. Results of TEAS test are available as soon as the exam is complete if there are
no testing irregularities to report. ATI test fees are subject to change.
How Often Can the Test be Taken?
The TEAS cannot be taken more than once every 30 days. Students should check with
their program for testing requirements.
Day of the Exam
• You must arrive on time. Late arrivals will not be admitted to the testing room.
• Photo ID is required for admission to the exam. Driver’s license is preferred.
• Use of calculators or other devices is not permitted. All personal items must be
placed on the floor. Proctors may require that you place personal items in a designated
area in the exam room.
• If you have an established account with ATI then you will need your username and
password to log in. If you do not have an established account then you will create
one at the beginning of the session.
• You will begin the exam session by making the online payment of $70.00 to ATI. (Credit or debit card only.)
What is the TEAS?
The ATI TEAS, or Test of Essential Academic Skills, is a standardized test designed specifically to assess a student's preparedness for entering the health science fields. Questions are designed to test the basic academic skills you will need to perform successfully in the areas of: Reading, Math, Science, and English and Language Usage.
Why do I (the student) have to take the TEAS?
The ATI TEAS has been statistically proven to be a valid predictor of early nursing school success. Your score on the TEAS is one measure of academic preparedness that helps the University of Texas at Arlington consider your acceptance into our nursing program(s).
What does the TEAS exam consist of?
The ATI TEAS test is comprised of 170 questions that are formatted as both multiple-choice
items with 4 answer options and alternate-type items. This includes 150 scored questions
and 20 unscored pretest questions. Students have 209 minutes to complete the exam. ATI TEAS, version 7, the number of questions in each content section and subsection
are as follows:
Reading – 45 questions (55 minutes)
Math – 38 questions (57 minutes)
Science – 50 questions (60 minutes)
English & Language Usage – 37 questions (37 minutes)
How should I prepare for the TEAS exam?
ATI, the official provider of prep for the exam, recommends that you allow yourself
at least six weeks to prepare for the exam.
There are a variety of prep resources available to help you study for the test – all
aligned to the ATI TEAS, Version 7 and packed with thousands of practice questions based on the content and format of the actual