When a student is found responsible for a violation of the Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵCode of Student Conduct, one or more of the following sanctions may be imposed.
Factors that affect the severity of the sanction may include the present demeanor
of the student, past conduct record of the student, the nature of the incident, the
severity of any damage, injury, or harm resulting from the incident, and whether the
incident was motivated by bias based on actual or perceived race, color, religion,
sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, disability,
genetic information, political affiliation, or veteran status.
Sanctions Associated with Minor Violations
Sanctions associated with minor violations include, but are not limited to:
- Community Restitution - a sanction imposed to provide a work-related experience for Students to help others
in a positive fashion. Respondents who do not meet their community restitution deadlines
will be assessed a financial EOA.
- Educational Outreach Assessment (EOA) - a sanction that provides a tangible learning opportunity for Respondents. Through
this sanction, the Respondent becomes an active contributor to the education of self
and peers. An EOA may be financial, non-financial, or become financial if a Respondent
does not complete a non-financial sanction.
- Educational Sanctions - participating in a specific activity, course, event, or program, receiving specific
instruction, completing a research/reflective assignment, etc. The Respondent is responsible
for related expenses.
- Parental Notification - parents receive a notification by mail when students are found responsible for
violations of the Code related to alcohol and/or controlled substances, as outlined
in University Policy 72 - Family Educational Rights and Privacy.
- Probation - written notice of a violation of specified regulations and a restriction by which
a Respondent is permitted to remain in the University under prescribed conditions.
Probation is for a designated period of time and includes the possibility of the imposition
of more severe disciplinary sanctions if the student is found to be in violation of
the Code during the probationary period.
- Restitution - compensation for personnel resources, loss, damage, and/or injury. Restitution
may take the form of appropriate monetary or material replacement and may be imposed
by the Dean of Students, Director of Student Community Ethics, or designee.
- Restrictions - denial of specified privileges for a designated period of time including, but not
limited to, attendance at events, access to facilities, participation in non- academic
activities, and interpersonal contact restrictions.
- Residence Hall Suspension - separation of the Respondent from the residence halls for a definite period of
time after which the Respondent is eligible to return. Conditions for readmission
may be specified.
- Residence Hall Expulsion - permanent separation of the Respondent from the residence halls.
Sanctions Associated with Serious Violations
Sanctions associated with serious violations include:
- University Suspension - separation of the Respondent from the University for a definite period of time,
after which the Respondent is eligible to apply for readmission. Conditions for readmission
may be specified. The sanction of University Suspension is recorded in the University
of North Carolina Suspension and Expulsion
- University Expulsion - permanent separation of the Respondent from the University and any University of
North Carolina System constituent institution. The sanction of University Expulsion
is recorded in the University of North Carolina Suspension and Expulsion
Incomplete Sanction Assessment
Sanctions are designed to educate students about future behavior that may pose a threat
to oneself or negatively impact our campus community. If a student fails to complete
their sanctions by the deadline given, the Dean of Students or designee may add additional
sanctions to a students' conduct case due to failing to comply with a University official,
pursuant to Article V, Section 5.07 of the Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵCode of Student Conduct. Depending upon the nature of the case the following additional sanctions may apply:
- Ineligible to request Student Affairs emergency relief funds
- Incomplete Sanction Assessment charged to your student account
*Additional information pertaining to sanctioning can be found in Article X of the
Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵCode of Student Conduct.
Reviewed January 10, 2025.