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Immunization Information

All students are required to submit immunizations under North Carolina Law unless you are:

  • only enrolled in courses off campus
  • only enrolled in weekend courses
  • only enrolled in courses which start at 5 pm or later
  • enrolled in no more than four traditional day credit hours on-campus

You may use the Immunization Record Form on page three (3) of this document to record your immunization history. Please enter as much of your immunization information as possible. This form will require a signature or clinic stamp from your physician or health department.  Required for international students or non-US Citizens is the Tuberculosis Screening Questionnaire that should be submitted with your immunization record. The tuberculosis Screening Questionnaire is available on


You may submit other acceptable records as proof of your immunizations. Those records may be obtained from any of the following:

  • North Carolina High School Records – These may contain some, but not all of your immunization information.
    • High school transcripts from other states are not considered acceptable documentation per NC Branch of Immunization Requirements. 
  • Previous College or University – Your immunization records do not transfer automatically.  You must request a copy.
  • Personal Shot Records – Must be verified by a doctor’s signature or by a clinic or health department stamp.
  • Military Records or WHO (World Health Organization) Documents – These records may not contain all of the required immunizations.
  • NCIR records are an acceptable proof of immunization.

Your records must include:
Name, Date of Birth, Student ID Number (92#), Name and address of the physician or clinic that administered the immunizations, Month,Day & Year of immunization.

North Carolina Required Immunizations

Hepatitis B Requriement

  • Three (3) shot series must be completed.
  • Students born before July 1, 1994 are not subject to this requirement.

              Note that HIB is not the same as HEPB/HB
MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)Requirement* Live Virus**

  • 2 MMR vaccines 28 days apart beginning on or after the 1st birthday
  • 2 measles, 2 mumps and 1 rubella single dose OR
  • Documentation of (+) titer
  • Students born before 1957 are not subject to this requirement except in case of outbreak
  • These immunizations may include a combination of the following:
  • Titers are accepted with documentation by serological testing to have a protective antibody titer.

*Measles and Mumps vaccines are not required if any of the follow occur: an individual who has been documented by serological testing to have a protective antibody titer against measles and mumps and submits the lab report; An individual born prior to 1957; or Enrolled in college or university for the first time before July 1, 1994. An individual entering college or university prior to July 1, 2008 is not required to receive a second dose of measles or mumps vaccine. Rubella is not required if any of the follow occur: 50 years of age or older; Enrolled in college or university before February 1, 1989 and after their 30th birthday; An individual who has been documented by serological testing to have a protective antibody titer against rubella and submits the lab report along with ordering provider results interpretation. **Live Viruses must be given on the same day or 28 days apart, for example, MMR and varicella.

Polio Requirement

  • Three (3) doses are required
  • Students who have attained their 18th birthday are not subject to this requirement.

Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (DTP childhood series) and Tdap (Tetanus-Diphtheria-pertussis)

  • All students entering college on or after July 1, 2008 must have had three (3) doses of tetanus/diphtheria toxoid
  • One dose must be a Tdap
  • One dose recommended within the last 10 year

Varicella Requirement - Live Viruses**

  • One dose (two doses preferred) or proof of laboratory confirmation of varicella disease immunity. Varicella vaccine or proof of immunity is not required if an individual was born before April 1, 2001.
    **Live Viruses must be given on the same day or 28 days apart, for example, MMR and varicella

Meningococcal conjugate (MenACWY)

  • Two doses
  • One dose is required for individuals entering the seventh grade or by 12 years of age, whichever comes first, on or after July 1, 2015.
  • A booster dose is required by 17 years of age or by entering the 12th grade. However:
    1. The first dose does not apply to individuals who entered seventh grade before July 1, 2015.
    2. The booster dose does not apply to individuals who entered the 12th grade before August 1, 2020.
    3. If the first does is administered on or after the 16th birthday, a booster does is not required. 
    4. An individual born before January 1, 2003, shall not be required to receive a meningococcal conjugate vaccine

Tuberculosis Screening Requirement

  • Required of international students or non-US Citizens. 
  • Students from high-risk countries (as determined by CDC) may require a Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) or PPD, may require a Tuberculin Skin Test or PPD or a QuantiFERON blood test. 

**Live Viruses must be given on the same day or 28 days apart, for example, MMR and varicella.


North Carolina Recommended Immunizations

Hepatitis A

Human Papillomavirus HPV

    • Three (3) shot series must completed
    • Specify Gardasil, Gardasil-9, or Cervarix.


Learn why the American College Health Association recommends these additional Vaccines:



  1. Log-In to Health Services’ online patient portal at . 
  2. Complete the data entry as instructed on the portal.
  3. Upload all applicable immunization documentation forms for verification and compliance by health services staff.
  4. International students or non-US Citizens should see the required TB Screeing Questionnaire available in the forms section of the portal. 

Important Note:  You must have complete immunization information before registering for your class schedule.