As per the , all students are expected to attend and participate in all meetings of the courses in which they are enrolled. Any absence is incurred at the students’ own risk. Each instructor will establish the attendance requirements, make-up procedures, and guidelines for absences in each course and the effect that irregular attendance, lack of participation, and inadequate preparation will have upon a student’s grade. Attendance requirements and their relationships to grades shall reflect the norms of the department and college and should not conflict with university policy. The instructor will distribute written attendance policies to students at the beginning of each term as part of the course syllabus. An instructor may establish special and more demanding attendance requirements for students who are performing less than satisfactorily. Each student is responsible for complying with the announced procedures for making up missed work.
Students may periodically find themselves missing classes due to unforeseen circumstances. The student documented absence notification process is designed to serve as a resource and central point of contact for students who, in a crisis situation, need to have their instructors notified of their absence. It will not excuse a student from a class absence. This process will not notify instructors when an absence is for less than four consecutive days, or if absence is for a non-crisis situation. (minor illness, regular doctor's visit, dentist appointments, prearranged trips, court, etc.).
Students are responsible for communicating directly with their instructor (s) when they have been, or anticipate being, absent from class. When possible, students should communicate with their instructors prior to their absence. Students are responsible for contacting each instructor to arrange for completion of required work, including missed assignments and exams.
Student Crisis Absence Request
(Absences caused by student's serious illness, hospitalization, death or serious illness
of close family member, or a crisis situation which threaten the student's academic
When a student misses class due to a crisis situation, and when the absence from classes
is to be for an extended period of four consecutive class days or more, students may contact the Office of Student Affairs to request notification be sent
to their instructors. The Office of Student Affairs requires documentation on any
crisis request. If the student is physically or emotionally unable to contact the
office, a family member or health care provider, with the student's permission, may
make the notification request on the student’s behalf. Once documentation has been
obtained regarding a student's extended absence, the Associate Vice Chancellor for
Student Affairs-Health & Wellness will review the documentation for the absence request,
and/if the documentation supports the request, the student's instructors will be notified.
Notification of absences does not excuse students from classes and/or course requirements.
In all cases, instructors' absence policies prevail. Students are responsible for
following up with their individual instructors as soon as they can to discuss possible
arrangements for completing academic course requirements and assignments missed during
the absence.
*Students may also request an on campus, or off campus, employer be notified by sharing supervisor contact information.
Abuse of this absence notification courtesy will not be tolerated.