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Drew Virtue

Andrew Virtue

Associate Professor

College of Arts and Sciences


Contact Information

Email: advirtue@wcu.edu
Phone: 828.227.3936
Office: 311 Coulter Building
Pronouns: he/him/his


Dr. Drew Virtue is an associate professor in the English Studies department at Western Carolina University who teaches professional writing. He holds a BA in English from Illinois State University, an MA in English from the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, and a PhD in Rhetoric, Scientific, and Technical Communication at the University of Minnesota. His current research examines the intersections of rhetoric, pedagogy, and digital/web literacies with a special focus on how technologies impact our daily lives. He is also pursuing research based on the use of digital compositions and their connection to advocacy for national parks, an interest based on his love of the outdoors in Western North Carolina.


  • Ph D, University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, Rhetoric, Scientific, and Technical Communication
  • BA, Illinois State University, English
  • MA, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, English