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Candy Noltensmeyer

Candy Noltensmeyer

Associate Professor

College of Arts and Sciences


Contact Information

Email: cjnoltensmeyer@wcu.edu
Phone: 828.227.2281
Office: 250 Stillwell Building


Dr. Candy Noltensmeyer grew up playing in fields and riding horses on a farm in Southeast Kansas. In 2013 the Smoky Mountains called and she readily answered by moving her family across the country to see what mountain life was all about. She enjoys hiking, playing in the rivers, and reading everything she can. Candy takes an avid interest in her students' lives and guiding their dreams towards success.


  • Ph D, University of Missouri-Columbia
  • ABD, University of Missouri-Columbia
  • MA, Pittsburg State University
  • BA, Pittsburg State University

Teaching Interests

Dr. Noltensmeyer teaches a variety of courses in human communication focusing on Interpersonal Concepts, Small Group Communication, Theory, Research, Family Communication, and Sex & Sexuality.

Research Interests

Dr. Noltensmeyer has two distinct areas of research: the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL), and relational aspects of stigma and sexuality. One major project focused on the experiences burn survivors and their relational partners have with stigma and sexuality. Other major projects have focused on the pedagogy of teaching about bias and discrimination and useful formative feedback. <a href="https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=q0xk4K8AAAAJ&hl=en">https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=q0xk4K8AAAAJ&hl=en</a>