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Sharon Dole

Sharon Dole

College of Education and Allied Professions

School of Teaching and Learning

Contact Information

Email: dole@wcu.edu
Phone: 828.227.3282
Office: 203C2 Killian Building


Sharon Dole is a professor of special education in the School of Teaching and Learning. She coordinates the AIG licensure and MAEd program in Gifted, Creative, and Innovative Education.


  • Ph D, University of Georgia, Learning Disabilities and Gifted Education
  • EDS, Georgia Southern University, Special Education with a concentration in Learning Disabilities
  • MA, Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Latin American Studies
  • BA, Barry University, History

Teaching Interests

Education courses in gifted and creative education, diversity, learning disabilities, differentiation of instruction, at-risk adolescents

Research Interests

Creativity, online community building and collaboration, online course design, affective curriculum for gifted learners, risk and resilience, twice exceptional students, problem-based and project-based learning, teaching compassion.