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Rosylnn Powell

Rosylnn Powell

Assistant Professor of Practice

College of Education and Allied Professions

Human Services

Contact Information

Email: powellr@wcu.edu
Phone: 828.227.3971
Office: 122-J Reid Gymnasium Building
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers


Roslynn Powell, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Practice in the Parks and Recreation Management Program. Her classrooms focus on challenging and empowering students to think critically about the leisure field and its transformative power to shift our society. At WCU, she teaches courses focusing on equity and social justice, program planning, organization management, and adventure tourism and global citizenship.


  • Ph D, North Carolina State University at Raleigh
  • MS, University of Wisconsin Stevens Point
  • BS, Frostburg State University

Teaching Interests

<u>Course Taught at WCU</u><br>PRM 275- Diversity and Inclusion in PRM<br>PRM 322- International Adventure Tourism and Global Citizenship<br>PRM 361- Program Planning and Evaluation in PRM<br>PRM 461- Management and Administration of PRM Services<br>SJ 275- Diversity and Inclusion

Research Interests

Dr. Powell's research interests include heritage tourism, social justice in leisure spaces, Black cultural connections to the outdoors, and leisure and social media. Her work uses qualitative methodologies to uplift the voices and experiences of those overlooked in leisure scholarship.