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Thomas C. Johnson

Thomas Johnson

Adjunct Faculty

College of Arts and Sciences

Criminology and Criminal Justice

Contact Information

Email: tjohnson@wcu.edu
Phone: 828.227.2563
Office: 405C Belk Building
Personal Website:


Dr. Thomas C. Johnson is an associate professor in the Emergency and Disaster Management Program in the Criminology and Criminal Justice Department. Dr. Johnson has been teaching full-time in this program since 2010. Before becoming a full-time faculty member, Dr. Johnson worked in the law enforcement profession for 35 years including 15 years as a chief of police. Dr. Johnson also worked for 20 years as an adjunct professor at various higher education institutions teaching psychology and criminal justice courses. Dr. Johnson holds an Associate of Science Degree in Law Enforcement from Pensacola (FL) Junior College, a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice from Troy (AL) State University, a Master of Arts Degree in Psychology from the University of West Florida, and Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Instructional Systems, Leadership, and Workforce Development from Mississippi State University. Dr. Johnson has completed graduate studies in criminal justice at Fayetteville State University and emergency management at Eastern Kentucky University and University of North Carolina – Pembroke.


  • Ph D, Mississippi State University, Instructional Systems, Leadership, and Workforce Development
  • MA, University of West Florida, Psychology
  • BS, Troy State University FL, Criminal Justice

Teaching Interests

Dr. Johnson currently teaches residential and distance education emergency management courses.

Research Interests

Dr. Johnson's research interests include emergency management technology, special populations in disasters, and professional law enforcement standards.