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Welcome Back, Faculty

Dear Faculty members,
We are excited to welcome you back to the library! To our new faculty members, we welcome you and will take great care to support you in your journey at Western Carolina University. We have made some temporary changes to our services and spaces this semester in order to comply with health and safety guidelines. The building is open to WCU, Faculty, Staff and students (CatCard required for entry), and we continue to provide many of our services remotely.

Building Related

  • Cat Card Only Entry: The building is open to users with an active/valid CatCard: students, faculty and staff.
  • The library will be open for the following hours:
    Fall 2020 Hours
    Sunday 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm
    Monday- Thursday 7:30 am to 9:00 pm
    Friday 7:30 am to 7:00 pm
    Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
  • All group and individual study rooms are closed.
  • No food or drink in the library.
  • Furniture and technology equipment have been appropriately spaced, following the CDC’s 6-foot rule.
  • Hand sanitizer is available at all service desks.
  • Masks are required while in the building and are available at the Circulation Desk for those who forgot to bring one. The library is one of several mask distribution sites on campus.
  • Plexiglass barriers have been installed at all service desks, as well as, “Please Stand Here” floor stickers for promoting social distancing.
  • Elevator limits are posted.

The Scholar Studio space is operating with modifications; high touch and enclosed spaces have been closed to protect student safety.

Our Virtual Reality Room is closed. Our Systems Librarian is available to discuss other virtual reality options.

Access Services

  • Our circulation department is fully functional and providing book pickup service to Friends of the Library members.
  • Our interlibrary loan service is fully functional; however, delivery times may be slower due to COVID19 impacts on USPS, UPS and FedEx. Service is also dependent upon the limitations of other institutions current loan practices.

Reference and Instruction

  • Our research and instruction librarians will continue to provide research support, consultations, and instruction online, except when in-person assistance is necessary.
  • Several librarians remain on-site to assistance students Monday through Friday.
  • Chat services are available from 8 am to Midnight. Email us at askalibrn@wcu.edu
  • Online collections, databases, eBooks and streaming film services remains fully functional and available 24/7 to faculty and students.

As we all adapt to this new normal, we, at Hunter Library are wishing you a safe and successful semester. For questions about our services, please contact us at 828-227-7485 or Toll-free: 866-928-5424. You may also check our home page for the most current information.

In good health, wishing you a very successful semester,
Farzaneh Razzaghi, Ph.D.
Dean of Hunter Library