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Borrowing Privileges

Cost: Free

Card Used: Valid University ID

Cost: $35/annually

Card Used: Become a . Friends may check out books and music CDs and DVDs from the general collection. ABC Express and Interlibrary Loan services are not included. Friends also receive other benefits such as invitations to special programs.

Cost: Free

Card Used: SUTEP teachers receive a free borrowers card.  Must present school identification card with picture, or other proof of current employment and valid picture identification card.

Cost: Free

Card Used: Must be  in home library patron system 

Cost: Free

Card Used: Must present a current SCC photo ID or log in to your  to verify affiliation

Checking Out Items

All Hunter Library materials are to be brought to the Circulation Desk to be checked out. Reserve items, materials ordered via ABC Express service, and Interlibrary Loan materials may also be picked up and checked out at the Circulation Desk.

Biltmore Park and distance students may have materials shipped to their locations. More information.

Check our circulating hardware page to see what hardware we have available for checkout.

A valid Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵID Card or Borrower's Card must be presented for ALL materials to be checked out, including reserve items.

A student may check out materials for a faculty member by applying for a proxy card. The faculty member assumes full responsibility for the return of the materials or payment if the materials are lost or damaged.

Loan Periods and Fines

Faculty and Staff

  • Loan Period: 180 days
  • Fine: No fine

Graduate Students/Honors Students

  • Loan Period: 125 days
  • Fine: No fine

Undergraduate Students (Except Honors)

  • Loan Period: 30 days (when there are less than 30 days remaining in the semester, due date will be the last day of the semester)
  • Fine: No fine

Friends of the Library, SUTEP teachers, SCC students

  • Loan Period: 30 days
  • Fine: No fine

Faculty and Staff

  • Loan Period: 7 days
  • Fine: No fine

Graduate Students/Honors Students

  • Loan Period: 7 days
  • Fine: No fine

Undergraduate Students (Except Honors)

  • Loan Period: 7 days (when there are less than 30 days remaining in the semester, due date will be the last day of the semester)
  • Fine: No fine


Faculty and Staff

  • Loan Period: 30 days
  • Fine: No fine

Graduate Students/Honors Students

  • Loan Period: 30 days
  • Fine: No fine

Undergraduate Students (Except Honors)

  • Loan Period: 30 days
  • Fine: No fine


Faculty and Staff

  • Loan Period: 30 days
  • Fine: No fine

Graduate Students/Honors Students

  • Loan Period: 30 days
  • Fine: No fine

Undergraduate Students (Except Honors)

  • Loan Period: 30 days
  • Fine: No fine

Friends of the Library, SUTEP teachers, SCC students

  • Loan Period: 30 days
  • Fine: No fine


Faculty and Staff

  • Loan Period: 1 week
  • Fine: No Fines

Graduate Students/Honors Students

  • Loan Period: 1 week
  • Fine: No fine

Undergraduate Students (Except Honors)

  • Loan Period: 1 week
  • Fine: No fine

Friends of the Library, SUTEP teachers, SCC students

  • Loan Period: 1 week
  • Fine: No fine


Faculty and Staff

  • Loan Period: 1 week
  • Fine: $0.50 per day, per item
  • Maximum Fine: $20.00 maximum per item

Graduate Students/Honors Students

  • Loan Period: 1 week
  • Fine: $0.50 per day, per item
  • Maximum Fine: $20.00 maximum per item

Undergraduate Students (Except Honors)

  • Loan Period: 1 week
  • Fine: $0.50 per day, per item
  • Maximum Fine: $20.00 maximum per item

Faculty and Staff

  • Loan Period: 4 hours, library use only
  • Fine: $0.50 per hour
  • Maximum Fine: $50.00 maximum per item

Graduate Students/Honors Students

  • Loan Period: 4 hours, library use only
  • Fine: $0.50 per hour
  • Maximum Fine: $50.00 maximum per item

Undergraduate Students (Except Honors)

  • Loan Period: 4 hours, library use only
  • Fine: $0.50 per hour
  • Maximum Fine: $50.00 maximum per item

Faculty and Staff

  • Loan Period: 1 week
  • Fine: 10.00 per day, per item
  • Maximum Fine: $600.00 maximum per item

Graduate Students/Honors Students

  • Loan Period: 1 week
  • Fine: 10.00 per day, per item
  • Maximum Fine: $600.00 maximum per item

Undergraduate Students (Except Honors)

  • Loan Period: 1 week
  • Fine: 10.00 per day, per item
  • Maximum Fine: $600.00 maximum per item

Faculty and Staff

  • Loan Period: 48 hours
  • Fine: $0.50 per day, per item
  • Maximum Fine: $50.00 maximum per item

Graduate Students/Honors Students

  • Loan Period: 48 hours
  • Fine: $0.50 per day, per item
  • Maximum Fine: $50.00 maximum per item

Undergraduate Students (Except Honors)

  • Loan Period: 48 hours
  • Fine: $0.50 per day, per item
  • Maximum Fine: $50.00 maximum per item

Faculty and Staff

  • Loan Period: 4 hours
  • Fine: $0.50 per day, per item
  • Maximum Fine: $50.00 maximum per item

Graduate Students/Honors Students

  • Loan Period: 4 hours
  • Fine: $0.50 per day, per item
  • Maximum Fine: $50.00 maximum per item

Undergraduate Students (Except Honors)

  • Loan Period: 4 hours
  • Fine: $0.50 per day, per item
  • Maximum Fine: $50.00 maximum per item

Faculty and Staff

  • Loan Period: 2 hours to 1 week (loan period is determined by faculty member who places the material on reserve)

  • Fine: $0.50 per hour, per item


    Maximum Fine: $50.00 maximum per item


Graduate Students/Honors Students

  • Loan Period: 2 hours to 1 week (loan period is determined by faculty member who places the material on reserve)

  • Fine: $0.50 per hour, per item

  • Maximum Fine: $50.00 maximum per item


Undergraduate Students (Except Honors)

  • Loan Period: 2 hours to 1 week (loan period is determined by faculty member who places the material on reserve)

  • Fine: $0.50 per hour, per item

  • Maximum Fine: $50.00 maximum per item

Faculty and Staff

  • Loan Period: 4 hours, must be used in the building
  • Fine: $0.50 per day, per item
  • Maximum Fine: $50.00 maximum per item


Graduate Students/Honors Students

  • Loan Period: 4 hours, must be used in the building
  • Fine: $0.50 per day, per item
  • Maximum Fine: $50.00 maximum per item


Undergraduate Students (Except Honors)

  • Loan Period: 4 hours, must be used in the building
  • Fine: $0.50 per day, per item
  • Maximum Fine: $50.00 maximum per item

It is the responsibility of the borrower to note the due date of an item and to return it on time. To view the list of materials checked out to you and their due dates, log in to .

Courtesy notices (3 days before due date), overdue notices and statements of charges are emailed to your Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ email address only with the subject line "Circulation Notices". Please read these notices - unpaid accounts are sent to the Student Accounts Office on a regular basis and must be paid there.

All fines and fees for overdue materials for student, staff and faculty are payable in-person at the Student Accounts Office at 119 Killian Annex or online. There may be a delay of one to three business days before library charges are posted to your OneStop account.


Most materials can be or by calling (828) 227-7485

Most materials may be renewed twice, unless another patron has put a hold on that material. Leisure Reading Collection books and media materials may be renewed only once.

Items must be renewed or returned to the library by their due date. Renewals may be done online through the library web page. Renewals are declined if the item has been requested by another patron.


Any Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵstudents, faculty or staff member may recall material that is currently checked out. ALL materials, checked out by ANY patron are subject to recall.

You may request a recall at the Circulation Desk. We will notify the current patron that this item has been recalled and it may have an earlier due date. Once the item has been returned, we will send you an email notice, letting you know that the item is on the hold shelf at the Circulation Desk. Recalled items will be kept on the hold shelf for seven days before being returned to the shelves.

If you receive a recall notice, please return the item promptly to the Circulation Desk by the due date. Recalled items cannot be renewed, and a charge of $1.00 per day will be applied to overdue recalled items

Unreturned/Damaged Items

Books and media items not returned within 60 days after their due date will be considered lost and a bill will be issued. 

The charge for a lost item consists of a $50 replacement charge and a $25 processing fee. 

If you pay for a lost item, and return it within six months of the due date, you may be eligible for a refund of the replacement cost; however, the $25 processing fee is non-refundable.  If the library has already purchased a replacement copy, the replacement cost is not refundable. In this case, the lost item is the property of the patron.

Damaged materials will be billed according to the amount and type of damage.  If a damaged book or media item cannot be repaired, a $50 replacement charge and a $25 processing fee will be billed.  Damaged or lost circulating hardware will be billed the actual replacement cost of the item plus a $25 processing fee.


Please see the library's privacy policy.


All reserve items are kept at the Circulation Desk, and loan periods range from two hours to one week. You must present your Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵID Card to check out.

Course Reserves

Study Rooms

Hunter Library has study rooms of various sizes that may be reserved by individuals and groups. Visit the Group Study Rooms page for details and conditions, and to place reservations online. You may also use the QR codes on the meeting room doors to place a room reservation.

Hunter Library's study rooms are available on a first-come first-served basis when not reserved. If you are using a room without a reservation, you must yield it promptly to individuals or groups who do have reservations.

Hunter Library Room 48 may be reserved only by Graduate or Honors College students. Graduate and Honors College students with reservations will need to check in at the Circulation Desk on the main floor to access the room.

Faculty and Graduate Student closed study rooms are also available for semester-long assignment. More information is available at the Circulation Desk.

Printing, Photocopying and Other Services

    • Lost and Found - Ask at the Circulation Desk. Found items will be handled per the library's Lost and Found policy.
    • Charging locker - Use the Hunter Library charging locker near the restrooms on the main floor to securely charge your phone, tablet or other mobile device without having to sit nearby - Ask at the Circulation Desk.
    • Flash Drives - Available for one week checkout for University faculty, staff & students only. Overdue fine is $0.50 per day.
    • Document scanner - Hunter Library offers two high-speed scanners in the Scholar Studio and one overhead book scanner near the Circulation Desk that may be used to scan images of documents and send them via email or a Google Docs account, flash drive, or a handheld wireless device.


  • Printing services are available at the top of the stairs on the main floor or in the Technology Commons on the ground floor of Hunter Library.
  • Printers use WCU’s campus-wide pay-for-print system called PAW Print. Printing costs vary depending on the printer and location. Payment must be made using your CatCard ("CatCash"). You can charge your CatCard with funds using the Add Value machine in the Technology Commons. You can also , although there may be a delay before the transfer becomes effective.
  • If you have questions or problems with the photocopiers or printers, please ask for help at the Technology Commons Desk.
  • Please see our personal device instructions or printing FAQ for more assistance.


  • Photocopy service is available in the Technology Commons on the ground floor of Hunter Library.
  • Payment must be made using your CatCard ("CatCash"). You can charge your CatCard with funds using the Add Value machine in the Technology Commons. You can also add funds to your CatCard online, although there may be a delay before the transfer becomes effective. You can ask for assistance with this at the Technology Commons Desk.
  • The library's document scanners may also be used to image documents and email or save them electronically at no charge.
  • Please see our scanning and copying instructions for more assistance.

Microfilm and Microfiche Readers:

  • Microfilm and Microfiche Readers are available in the Reference area on the main floor of Hunter Library. The cost of printing is $0.16 per page with CatCard.
  • On select readers you can scan film or fiche materials and then email the scan. Ask for assistance with this at the Circulation or Reference Desks.
  • If you have questions or problems with the film or fiche readers, please ask for help at the Circulation or Reference Desks.

Scholar Studio Services